9 Rare Spices And Milk Combination That Are Great For Health

9 Rare Spices And Milk Combination That Are Great For Health

For centuries, we have been told about the many benefits of drinking milk every day. But if you too do not like drinking plain milk, then here are some tasty and healthy milks that you must try. Combinations of milkWhich can be made with some simple ingredients given below.
Why add spices to milk?
Milk is naturally rich in nutrients such as milk fat, calcium, protein and much more! But adding some spices to milk can actually enhance both its taste and health benefits. Moreover, adding some spices and herbs to milk can also help improve metabolism, treat several diseases, improve sleep cycles and boost immunity. Adding some spices can also help in controlling weight effectively. Here are some common kitchen spices that can be included in the daily diet to help in effective weight management and better insulin regulation. Read on to know more about these spices and their effects:

A glass of warm milk is great for health, but adding spices and herbs to it can improve the health of the milk. Both cinnamon and ginger are rich in the goodness of antioxidants and minerals, which are good for dealing with seasonal allergies, colds, congestion, sore throat, poor digestion and are also great for the heart and help in weight loss. Moreover, gingerols and shogaols in ginger, which are basically bioactive compounds, have anti-inflammatory and healing effects on the body. Moreover, cinnamon as a spice has a warming effect on the body, helps speed up metabolism and has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also helps open up arteries and helps prevent heart diseases. This helps to enhance overall nutrition and makes it great for overall immunity and metabolism.

Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. Adding turmeric to milk can help reduce inflammation, improve joint health, and boost the immune system. Turmeric MilkAlso known as golden milk, this drink is especially popular for its soothing properties. To make this drink, simply add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk. Add honey to enhance the taste.
Cinnamon is known for its ability to control blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. It also has antimicrobial properties that can support gut health and enhance digestion. To make this mixture, add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to your milk. You can also add a cinnamon stick for a more intense flavor.

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Ginger is well-known for its digestive benefits and anti-nausea effects. It can help ease stomach discomfort, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Grate a small piece of fresh ginger or use 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger in your milk. Let it steep for a few minutes before drinking.
Cardamom is an aromatic spice that aids digestion and may help freshen breath. It also has antioxidant properties and may support heart health. To prepare this drink, crush a few cardamom pods or use 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom. Add it to hot milk for a delicious aromatic drink.

Cinnamon and ginger drink for winter

As much as we love to snuggle under the blankets with a hot cup of tea or coffee, the presence of caffeine in these much-loved winter drinks often disturbs the sleep cycle and affects digestion. But what a way to avoid cold and fever in the bone-chilling season. Well, it’s time to get back to basics and cure all these common health problems with a delicious and aromatic milk drink. This simple Ayurvedic remedy is made with a few spices, ginger and milk, easily available in the kitchen. Just have this winter drink and thank us later!

black pepper
Black pepper increases the absorption of curcumin from turmeric and contains piperine, which may help improve digestion and reduce inflammation. It may also stimulate metabolism. To start sipping this drink, add a pinch of freshly ground black pepper to your milk, especially if you added turmeric.
Nutmeg is known for its calming properties and may help promote better sleep. It also aids digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. Add a small amount (about 1/4 teaspoon) of ground nutmeg to warm milk. It pairs well with other spices like cinnamon and turmeric.
Cloves have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They may also help improve digestion and support oral health due to their antibacterial properties. Add 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves or a few whole cloves to your milk. Let it steep for a few minutes to infuse the flavor.
Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are great for digestive health and can help relieve bloating and gas. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Grind 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds and add it to warm milk. Let it soak for a few minutes before straining.
Saffron is a wonderful spice that has mood-enhancing properties. It may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and the antioxidants it contains support overall health. Soak a few strands of saffron in warm milk for about 10 minutes before drinking. This will not only enhance the flavor but will also give your milk a beautiful golden color.


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