Soul in the Sun (AIR) on how technology can be used for inner growth and connection.

Soul in the Sun (AIR) on how technology can be used for inner growth and connection.

Is there any interrelationship between technology and spirituality? What is the relationship between the two? How can a person walking on the path of spirituality benefit from the ever-progressing and constantly evolving technology? We can clearly say that there is no connection between technology and spirituality. In fact, there is no direct relationship between the two as they are two very different fields. In today’s era, technological advancement can be clearly seen in the growth and development of digital social media. Spirituality is a subject that works in the field of spirituality. Internal developmentA journey to go within and build a relationship with yourself and God. This may sound strange but in today’s world, spirituality and technology are very much intertwined.

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So, the question arises – how can there be any possible interrelationship between digital social media and spirituality? Can digital media be used as a tool to help one take an inner journey towards self-realization? Digital social media may not directly help one progress on one’s spiritual journey, but it can certainly aid one’s spiritual quest. With the immense growth in the knowledge base in the modern world, the digital world and social media have helped people overcome ignorance by providing easy access to knowledge. A major step in the journey of spiritual awakening is knowledge – becoming knowledgeable and knowing about the scriptures. Technological advancements have made scriptures, religious and spiritual texts and discourses easily available to seekers who are sincere to progress on the path of spirituality.
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These texts and scriptures are ancient and written in a language that was not taught to the common people. Hence, their access was limited then, but the development of technology has brought these ancient texts and scriptures within the reach of common people. With advanced digital tools, people are able to translate the texts, learn and understand what is written in them, benefit from spiritual sciences and ultimately awaken to the attainment of truth. In fact, the digital and e-learning method boomed during Covid, when the world was shut down and there was no means to learn anything physically. This was the time when most things, even religious and spiritual texts, became available in e-learning format. The concept of e-learning, digital learning and digital networking has opened new doors of progress towards the spiritual evolution of mankind. People are using these digital tools not directly for inner growth, but to remove their ignorance, separate truth from myth, realize the truth and thus connect with God, which is the ultimate goal of spirituality.

The development of technology in today’s life has also helped people a lot in asking questions. Earlier people used to consider religion and spirituality as the same, but now so many different perspectives have started coming up that people have started understanding that religion and spirituality are not the same. Religion is one of the first steps towards spirituality. Earlier people used to follow religion blindly and people were told that questioning it is blasphemy, but today internal growth is possible because of digital tools. People are able to question everything and connect with different people from the world who are on the path of spiritual awakening, that too in a matter of seconds.
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On the path of spiritual awakening, the role of a Master or Guru is irreplaceable. No person or anything can replace the wisdom and teachings of an enlightened Master or Guru. In earlier days, one had to go to a Gurukul to be under the guidance of a Guru. But today, with advanced technology, one can be in any part of the world and still receive the guidance of a Guru or spiritual advisor living several continents away through digital means. Today, I conduct sessions on Zoom every day at 8 pm, where more than 100 people from all over the world join, learning the truth about spirituality and life, death, birth, reincarnation, karma and liberation. Technological advancement cannot replace a Master, but the development of technology has resulted in the invention of video conferencing, which has helped seekers to connect with their Guru forever from any part of the world. This is definitely helping them move towards spiritual awakening or enlightenment.
Yoga is an important aspect of spirituality. It means to have a connection with ‘yuj’, or God. Today, through many digital applications, people are trying to meditate, practice yoga and even communicate with their Guru or spiritual master, by asking questions and overcoming ignorance. There are many question answer applications that give people the possibility to contemplate on many answers and then, discern and realize the truth.

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So, in this modern digital age, the digital boom has helped people in their inner journey in many ways. But the ground reality is that the inner journey is a personal journey of one’s inner growth and spiritual awakening. Digital development and technological advancements cannot do anything for it directly. But can we say that a person, who is using the digital explosion, can be able to reach the state of Self-realization quickly? Yes, absolutely. In short, one’s spiritual quest can be facilitated through the immediate availability of knowledge and better contact and access to the Guru. Advanced digital tools can also help in ‘Shravan, Manan and Nididhyasana’ – which means – ‘gaining knowledge, contemplating and discussing and then, realizing the truth.’
The growth and development in the digital sphere has created many tools and opportunities to help one walk the spiritual path and ultimately reach the destination called enlightenment or enlightenment. These tools and technology may not serve spirituality directly, but they are helpful in one’s spiritual journey, the inner journey towards self-realization, God-realization and building a divine connection. The advancement of technology is also bringing more and more people on the path of spirituality, embarking on a spiritual quest, overcoming ignorance, realizing the truth and ultimately reaching the state of enlightenment.
Contributor: AiR Spirit in the Sun, Happiness ambassador, author, spiritual mentor and philanthropist


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