The woman who left her much taller brother in economy class while she took first class wasn’t wrong: Reddit user

The woman who left her much taller brother in economy class while she took first class wasn’t wrong: Reddit user

A woman on Reddit who says she was isolated and ignored by her family after accepting a free first class upgrade during a vacation did nothing wrong, Reddit users call out her drama Said impressively.

Reddit user “Abbyissostupid” explained his dilemma in a post to Reddit’s “Am I the A–Hole” (AITA) subreddit on Friday, April 26, titled, “AITA to my 6’6” brother Not giving free first – upgrade class the airline gave me On our 12-hour flight?”

In the post, the woman said she is currently on a family trip to Hawaii to celebrate her father’s recent retirement, and she paid for the entire family to attend.

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“There are six of us but my brother and I live in the same part of the country,” she said – so they were both in the same part flight to hawaii,

“I think it would be relevant to say that I am 5’1″ and my brother is 6’6”, she wrote.

A frequent traveler for work, she said, “My father has a very good deal with the airline from which he bought our tickets.”

One woman said her family was angry with her because she had accepted a free upgrade to first class, while leaving her much taller brother in coach. (iStock)

As he and his brother were boarding the plane, a flight attendant approached them and told them that a spot in first class had become available.

“The flight attendant whispered that they didn’t have a first class passenger coming, and they needed the coach seat to accommodate a standby passenger,” ABIsSoStupid said.

“He said I had the highest status by far than anyone else on the plane, so they were willing to move me to first class for free.”

“I had a good flight.”

The woman happily accepted the upgrade and “would take it in a heartbeat,” he said.

“I told my brother I would meet him 12 hours later and he would let me know if he wanted any food or drinks and I picked up my stuff and left,” she said.

“Needless to say, I had a good flight.”

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However, her brother was quite upset that she didn’t give him an upgrade, as he is very tall and could have possibly used the extra legroom to be more comfortable.

After the plane landed, her brother refused to talk to her the entire trip to the hotel, she said — and then told her family she had been upgraded.

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The woman and her family were on a trip to Hawaii to celebrate her father’s retirement. Her father covered the entire trip, she said. (iStock)

“We had a nice hello with the rest of the family, but when I came out of the shower my mom took me aside and said what I did was ‘really bad,'” said ABISSOSTUPID.

Confused, the woman said she asked her mother what she was talking about — “and she said I should have given the seat to my brother.”

The Reddit writer continued, “I thought that would be the end of it, but all five of my siblings and my parents are mad at me and holidays are closed “It was a very rough start,” she said.

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The woman said that her siblings had also told their children to stay away from her as she was not a loyal member of the family.

“My sister said, ‘No, they only like to play with people who worry about their family – what were you thinking?'” ABISSOSTUPID wrote.

When the woman pointed out that her brother never asked for an upgrade, the sister responded that she shouldn’t have done so – and that she should have automatically given her brother the upgrade for his comfort.

airplane passenger

The woman’s quite tall brother spent the flight in coach, where he was apparently very uncomfortable during the journey. (iStock)

“I’ve been alone since brunch and not having much fun. Aita?” ABISSOSTUPID on Reddit asked about others.

In an update to the post after others commented, ABIsSoStupid added that his family Still angry at her, but on different levels – and she’s spending time with a friend who lives in Hawaii instead.

“So my vacation will be great no matter what,” said Abbyssostupid. “But reading your comments really gave me the confidence to not fuck up (or at least try). Thanks.”

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Fox News Digital contacted ABISSOSTUPID for further updates a relationship expert For advice on the topic.

On the AITA subreddit, people can reply to posts and indicate that the poster is “NTA” (“Not the A–hole”), “YTA” (“You’re the A–hole”), “NAH” (“There are no A–holes here”) or “ESH” (“Everyone sucks here”).

Users can “upvote” responses they consider useful and “downvote” those that are not.

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Reddit users largely assured the woman that she did nothing wrong by accepting an upgrade to first class for herself — and that her family was blowing things out of proportion. (iStock)

Most users said she was “NTA” for taking the upgrade — and the airline likely wouldn’t have allowed her to give it to her brother even if she’d wanted to, they said.

“Something happened to me on Air Canada years ago. Red eye from Vancouver to Toronto. Flew with adult daughter and tagged for upgrade,” Reddit user “BetAlternative8397” said in the top-upvoted comment.

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The user added, “I asked about letting him fly up front and was told the seat was only available to a status holder. I was tired of working for a week, so I took it.”

“There’s no reason why you should have declined it.”

The same person said, “Nobody shamed me for it” and added that ABISSOSTUPID’s brother was rude and jealous.

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“NTA, but you definitely have a family,” Reddit user “Fearless_Ad1685” said in another top comment.

Fearless_AD1685 added, “You got this offer because of your situation. If you had declined it, it wouldn’t have gone to your brother.”

“No reason why you should have turned it down to live in coach with your brother.”

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