Weekly predictions for all zodiac signs from September 8 to September 14, 2024

Weekly predictions for all zodiac signs from September 8 to September 14, 2024

Keep your eye on Thursday, Aries. Organizing your thoughts can be difficult that day, as Mercury, who rules routines, forms a square against intellectual Jupiter. You know the trick to staying focused: a solid to-do list. You’ll need it. That same day the Moon, who rules domestic affairs, begins a new cycle in Virgo, giving you the urge to rearrange your home. You may also focus on your career, as the Sun forms a trine with career-minded Saturn in your sixth house of health and service. Try to find a happy medium between taking care of your body as well as your ambitions during this transit.
Are you feeling stuck, Taurus? On Tuesday, you may find yourself thinking a career change is the solution, as routine-ruling Venus forms a square against status-minded Uranus in retrograde. Reflect on why you want to change things up, and use this transit to consider new opportunities. Be cautious about getting involved in any major financial decisions on Thursday, when money-loving Mercury forms a square against abundant Jupiter. This transit could tempt you to be overly optimistic; try not to take risks with your cash as these planets clash. On Thursday, when the Sun forms a trine with adventurous Saturn in your 5th house of creativity and pleasure, you may be inspired to travel. Think outside the box and enjoy the feeling of wanderlust while you (safely) explore new territory.
Find happiness at home, Gemini. On Monday, the sun retrograde forms a trine with routine-minded Pluto in your fourth house of home and family. You might create some positive new rituals for your week as you enjoy cleaning and caring for your space. Try not to take on more than you can handle on Thursday when ruler Mercury forms a square against passionate Jupiter. It can be easy to fuel unreasonable expectations of others or make lofty promises when these planets clash. Instead, use this optimistic transit to lift your spirits and focus on the future. If you’re ready to take charge of your finances, you have a chance to start anew on Thursday, as the money-conscious moon begins a new cycle in Virgo. Make a list of things you want to accomplish and focus on your priorities.
Cancer, break out of your Cancerian shell. You’ll feel extra chatty on Monday, when the sun retrogrades in your third house of communication to form a trine with pleasure-seeking Pluto. Use this favorable transit to sharpen your sense of humor, and enjoy connecting with friends and loved ones. If you’ve been thinking about how you want to work on yourself, you have a chance to start anew on Thursday: The ruler moon begins a new cycle in organized Virgo, opening up new opportunities for personal growth. Take this as a chance to enjoy quiet time. You may feel more open with your partner or closest friends on Thursday, as the sun retrogrades in your third house to form a trine with affection-ruler Saturn. Use this transit to have honest conversations and share your appreciation for each other.
Leo, what do you do when you see potential? You get the opportunity to make some beautiful changes to your space on Monday, when the ruling Sun retrograde in your second house of finances forms a trine with domestic Pluto. Use this transit to save some cash to make your dream come true. Choose your battles wisely on Tuesday, as career-ruling Venus forms a square against passionate Uranus in retrograde. You may notice that co-workers are more tense during this transit, so do your best to avoid conflict. One benefit: It’s easier to keep control of your budget on Thursday, as the ruling Sun retrograde in your second house forms a trine with settled Saturn. Make the most of this transit by reshuffling your budget; later, you’ll be better able to stick to the positive new habits you’ve just formed.
Virgo, stay calm. You may face some frustrating scenarios on Tuesday, when money-loving Venus forms a square against methodical Uranus in retrograde. Try to push away any negative feelings and take pride in the fact that you can help sort out any confusion—it’s your superpower. Your natural talent for organization is supported on Thursday when the Moon begins a new cycle in hardworking Virgo. Consider what you want to achieve with this powerful new Moon phase and begin your action plan. Get ready to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor on Thursday, when the Sun forms a trine with pleasure-seeking Saturn in your first house of self, first impressions, and appearance. Reach out to friends and enjoy this wonderful transit with your favorite people.
Libra, welcome a change of perspective. You may reach a powerful new perspective on Monday, when the sun forms a retrograde trine with financial-minded Pluto in your 12th house of inner growth. Open your mind to new concepts of money, and consider your opportunities. Be kind to yourself on Thursday, when spiritual Mercury forms a square against communication-ruler Jupiter. These planetary clashes may make it difficult for you to express your ideas. Instead, use your energy to meditate and take time for yourself. Your status-ruler moon begins a new cycle in perfectionist Virgo on Thursday, helping you chart a new path for your career. Write down your skills and knowledge you want to gather to level up during this new moon.
Scorpio, celebrate being you. Your light will shine on Monday, when the status-minded Sun retrograde forms a trine with ruler Pluto in your 11th house of friendships and goals. People are drawn to your natural charisma and straightforward way of thinking, so enjoy it all while these celestial bodies complement each other. Try to be patient with loved ones on Tuesday, as affectionate Venus retrograde forms a square against domestic-ruler Uranus. When these planets oppose each other and choose the path of least resistance, it can be easy to stir up drama or have pointless fights. Are you working on starting a project? You may have a chance to move your work in the right direction on Thursday, when the career-ruler Sun forms a trine with cautious Saturn in your 11th house of friendships and goals.
Are you looking to give your work even deeper meaning, Sagittarius? You might find a happy medium on Monday, when the sun retrograde forms a trine with inner growth-ruler Pluto in your 10th house of career, structure, and public image. Get ready to transform your life and move toward a more spiritual path. Don’t let your head get too big on Thursday, when passion-ruler Mercury forms a square against ruler Jupiter. It can be easy to get ahead of yourself as these planets clash; to avoid this, focus on small tasks. Thursday is also a good day to advocate for your worth, as the sun forms a trine with money-minded Saturn in your 10th house of career, structure, and public image. Focus on what you bring, and make sure you’re treated with the respect you deserve. If you’re looking for a raise, research the proper steps you need to take to reach your financial goals.
Resist the urge to retreat, Capricorns. Summon your strength and grace on Tuesday, when career-ruling Venus forms a square against money-loving Uranus in retrograde. You may notice co-workers acting impulsively during this transit—do your best to be an example of professionalism. If you’re single, focus on the kind of love you want to attract on Thursday, as the Moon, which rules affection, begins a new cycle in Virgo. If you’re in a relationship, this is an excellent day to say extra words of kindness and encouragement to your partner. On Thursday, the Sun forms a trine with Saturn in your 9th house of exploration and adventure, expanding your mind. Consider how you can bring excitement back into your life, and find new inspiration. Question of the Day: What inspires you?
Are you ready to move in a different direction, Aquarius? On Monday you might be inspired to take a different step in your career, as the passionate Sun in retrograde forms a trine with position-ruler Pluto in your 8th house of transformation, mystery, and dramatic change. Take a moment to consider your talents and which of them you could use in a new profession. On Tuesday you might yearn for fresh air, as home-ruler Venus in retrograde forms a square against ruling Uranus. We’re feeling a little antsy during this transit, so clear your mind by going for a walk and taking a break from your usual routine. On Thursday when routine-ruler Moon begins a new cycle in detail-oriented Virgo, you’ll be ready to get organized. Take a moment to clean up your workspace and set an intention to take more time to enjoy the little things.
How do you imagine happiness, Pisces? You have the chance to make your fantasy a reality on Monday, when the Sun, who rules routine, forms a trine with powerful Pluto, retrograde. Accept that you have the means to create harmony in your life and take charge. Keep your expectations realistic on Thursday, when passionate Mercury forms a square against Jupiter, who rules career. While being optimistic is wonderful, when it comes to work matters you’d be well advised to stay grounded as these planets clash. Save your ambitions for future projects – write down your ideas on Thursday morning, when the Moon, who rules creativity, begins a new cycle in perfectionist Virgo. This transit will help you lay your foundation for future success.
(This article is written by Ashutosh Clairvoyant Healer, Astrologer and Numerologist)


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