Drew McIntyre Discusses His Thrilling Film Debut With Dave Bautista in ‘The Killer’s Game’ |

Drew McIntyre Discusses His Thrilling Film Debut With Dave Bautista in ‘The Killer’s Game’ |

WWE star drew mcintyre 2024 has been very busy for him. His year started with a World Heavyweight Title match against Seth Rollins on the first day of “WWE Raw”. Before the Royal Rumble, he defeated future world champion Damian Priest. On the second night of WrestleMania 40, McIntyre Defeated Rollins to capture the title, but lost it after Priest cashed in his Money in the Bank contract. McIntyre remained engaged in a feud throughout the year. cm Punkwhose interference played a role in McIntyre’s title loss at WrestleMania and also cost him his title chance against Priest at Clash at the Castle. Punk’s interference was also a factor in McIntyre’s failed Money in the Bank cash-in the same night he won the briefcase, though McIntyre got some revenge by defeating Punk summer Slam,
Despite his ongoing rivalry with Punk, McIntyre has also ventured into acting, making his film debut in *The Killer Game* alongside former WWE star Dave Bautista. In a recent interview, McIntyre discussed his film experience, his future in WWE, and his upcoming strap match against CM Punk at Bash in Berlin.

Drew McIntyre’s experience while creating The Killers Game

Why Batista Wanted to Fight Drew McIntyre – “The Killer’s Game” Red Carpet

Drew McIntyre said: “It was a lot of fun, a lot of fun. The thing I was excited about was that the character of Rory sounded like a lot of people I knew in Scotland but at the same time was something different, something that excited me and the fact that it was with Dave, a guy that I have a history with and that I grew up with when I first came to WWE, I knew I would have a certain level of comfort when I was there. And not only did I have Dave, Scott Adkins, who played my brother in the movie Angus, they were also there helping me relax. And once I really relaxed, which was basically when I saw the red light, that’s been my comfort zone my whole adult life. When I see that red light I relax, I transform into that part. And it was something that I could see myself doing in the future, let’s say, that I hadn’t seen myself doing before.”
Furthermore, when asked how he got the starring job, McIntyre said, “Dave, he called me himself, told me the story of the movie; I don’t want to spoil anything for anybody, but he plays a hitman. He doesn’t have a lot of happiness going on in his life; he finds happiness, things are going well, but then he kills himself and can’t get it back. So there’s a lot of people coming to kill him. So I was excited about it. It sounds like a lot of fun. And he said ‘JJ, the director has this idea for these Scottish brothers, the Mackenzie brothers, who would be a bit like, I don’t know, Bebop and Rocksteady. He has someone who’s going to play Angus, a younger brother, but he wanted someone who was physically imposing and looked like he could beat me up. Someone who was ideally Scottish, with a thick accent, who could make the accent even better; he’s incomprehensible at times because He’s got a thick accent, he drinks a lot, he fights a lot’ and Dave says ‘I know that guy, he exists. His name is Drew McIntyre, I’ll call him right now’ and he told me that and yeah, I’m glad he did. Yeah, it’s been a lot of fun. And now I’m talking about my first movie, looking at myself in front of the poster. It’s very surreal.”
Also read: “I heard the whole show got ripped in half”: WWE superstar reflects on frustration with last-minute script changes during Vince McMahon’s tenure

Drew McIntyre on becoming a full-time actor in Hollywood

How Dave Bautista got Drew McIntyre his first acting role

When asked about his feelings about the new film, Drew McIntyre described his experience with the film as “very exciting”, and expressed his excitement for the film. When he watched the preview at home, he became engrossed, thinking, “This is a movie I’d love to watch,” and then suddenly he remembered, “Oh shit, this is right, I’m in it.” He admitted that he felt some nervousness, wondering how people would react when they saw the older Rory Mackenzie on screen. Despite this, McIntyre was confident that he enjoyed the experience, and he hopes fans will also enjoy watching the film and seeing him in it.
When asked about his thoughts on becoming a full-time actor in Hollywood, Drew McIntyre revealed that he had not thought about acting at first, until it was frequently suggested to him during interviews. People would say things like, “We could see you in this role, you fit the look of the Marvel movies, or you look like you stepped out of Game of Thrones.” Initially, he was not interested, as his focus was solely on wrestling. However, with this new opportunity and encouragement from his wife – who has pushed him to seek creative outlets as he nears the end of his wrestling career – McIntyre is now ready to explore new ventures. He is receptive to any interesting opportunities that come his way, saying that if anyone has an idea, they should send it to him. He will either turn it down or potentially become a part of his next film.

Drew McIntyre on fight choreography and wrestling matches

When asked about his opinion of choreographed fights, Drew McIntyre said that working on film is quite different from wrestling. He explained that his wrestling style is very physical, involving hard punches and chops that would not be suitable for a film setting. Therefore, he had to adapt by learning about camera angles and how to make his punches look effective on film. Although the transition was seamless due to his WWE background, he found it exciting to try something new. The highlight for McIntyre was watching the film and seeing the final result. He was impressed by how quickly the scenes came together, with one of the stunt team leaders editing in real time to show him what the final product would look like. McIntyre was amazed at how the scenes turned out and the overall quality of the fight scenes, finding it incredible to see his work on screen.
Also read: Bad Blood 2024: CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre Hell in a Cell showdown confirmed


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