Vulnerable Democratic senator promotes border wall in new ad, despite previously dismissing it: ‘Waste of money’

Vulnerable Democratic senator promotes border wall in new ad, despite previously dismissing it: ‘Waste of money’

Senator Bob Casey, D-PA, Casey is facing criticism from his Republican opponent for using images showing a border wall in a campaign ad, while his campaign is touting his efforts to secure the southern border despite his previous opposition to wall construction, which Casey has called a “waste of money.”

A Recent Ad Casey says he has “voted over and over again to secure the border” and “voted 25 times to secure the border.” During the ad, the border wall is seen on the screen in the background and it appears to be Trump-era wall construction.

This step is similar to the steps taken by . Harris Campaignwhich has featured images of the border wall in its ads, despite having halted most wall construction.

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This screenshot shows an ad from Senator Bob Casey’s campaign (Screenshot)

But the vulnerable Democratic senator has a history of mostly opposing the wall rather than supporting it. In 2019, he said that “building a wall is a waste of money” and that the U.S. should “invest in border infrastructure and security technology at ports of entry, where most illegal smuggling occurs.”

“President Trump doesn’t seem to get it. He’s not building a concrete or steel wall the width of the border — never, never, never,” Casey said on X.

“If President Trump is serious about stopping illegal drugs, he should stop talking about building an ineffective wall and start hiring more people and instituting 24-hour surveillance on vehicle checks,” Casey said in an interview that year.

Casey also voted against the Border Security Deal, which would have granted permanent status to young illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children in exchange for funding for a border wall.

The Biden administration halted border wall construction in early 2021 after coming into power. Casey’s votes indicate support for that move. He repeatedly Voted against measures This bill, introduced by Republicans, would prevent the cancellation of wall contracts. He has also voted against the House GOP border security bill, which includes funding for a border wall, and voted against an amendment to the 2022 bill. Replacing funding for a Chief Readiness Support Officer, along with $500 million for border wall construction.

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Bob Casey, Dave McCormick

Republican Senate candidate Dave McCormick (right) believes Pennsylvania voters are realizing the importance of the 2024 election. (Reuters/Associated Press)

Fox News Digital Previously reported Casey supported border fencing in 2006, but voted against several fence-related funding amendments in the years that followed.

This year, Casey has thrown his support behind a bipartisan border security measure that would increase funding at the border and limit the admission of refugees into the US. It has the support of the Biden administration, including Vice President Kamala Harris. The bill includes a limited amount of money for a border wall, but it is only a fraction of the billions of dollars sought by former President Trump.

Dave McCormick, a Republican challenging Casey for the Senate seat, accused him of lying about his record in ads.

“Bob Casey is once again lying to the Commonwealth. He is weak and desperate to hide his extreme record of opposing the wall, supporting open borders, and stopping the flood of fentanyl into the country,” McCormick said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “The people of Pennsylvania are fed up with liberal hypocrisy and are ready for a strong leader who will fight every day to complete the wall, secure the border, and protect our communities.”

The Casey campaign defended his record on the border, pointing to his support for the bipartisan immigration reform bill passed in 2013 by the “Gang of Eight,” which included building 700 miles of border fencing as well as providing a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants.

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Dave McCormick

McCormick accuses Casey of lying about his record. (Getty Images)

It also pointed to extensive border security votes Casey has made, including voting for an electronic verification system, emergency funding for security and Border Patrol hiring, a 2023 appropriations bill that includes $10.7 billion in border security funding, and a 2021 amendment to create a deficit-neutral reserve for immigration enforcement.

“Senator Casey has voted more than 25 times to secure our border, and has worked with Republicans to install physical barriers, hire more Border Patrol agents, and invest in border security technology to stop the illicit flow of fentanyl and keep Pennsylvanians safe,” said spokesperson Kate Smart.

The campaign also highlighted McCormick’s opposition to a bipartisan bill introduced this year. McCormick called that legislation a “surrender” and said it would reinforce high levels of illegal immigration.

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“David McCormick opposed the most stringent border security bill in modern history, supported by Border Patrol agents and written by members of his own party, because he was more interested in petty politics than keeping Pennsylvanians safe,” Smart said.

The ad isn’t the only wall-related controversy in the Senate race. Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, prominently featured the ad. Southern border wall In a recent Senate campaign ad, he said the wall proposed by former President Trump was “racist.”

Fox News’ Andrew Mark Miller contributed to this report.


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