Last Lunar Eclipse of 2024: What it means for your zodiac sign

Last Lunar Eclipse of 2024: What it means for your zodiac sign

get ready for another one Lunar eclipse this year’s 18 September2024. This partial lunar eclipse will have a global impact, although it will not be visible in India. The eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America and various oceans including the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic.

Eclipse details:

– Date: September 18, 2024 (Wednesday)
– Time: 06:12 AM to 10:17 AM (local time)
– Duration: 4 hours 4 minutes

There will be four notable eclipses in 2024:

– First lunar eclipse: March 25, 2024 (Holi)
– Second lunar eclipse: September 18, 2024
– First Solar eclipse: April 8, 2024
– Second solar eclipse: October 2, 2024
Interestingly, the first lunar and solar eclipse will occur on Monday, while the second lunar and solar eclipse will both occur on Wednesday. AstrologyAuspicious works and rituals are generally avoided during this time.

Astrological remedies for lunar eclipse:

1. Avoid starting new projects: It is advised to avoid starting any new venture or important work during the eclipse.
2. Stay calm and reflect: Use this time for introspection and reflection. This is a good time for self-improvement and sorting out personal issues.
3. Perform Puja: If possible perform a simple puja or meditation at home to gain peace and positive energy.
4. Donate and help others: Participate in charity activities as a gesture of goodwill or help the needy.
5. Maintain cleanliness: Keep your surroundings clean during the eclipse period and avoid eating heavy or impure food.
Comment: The eclipse will not be visible in India, but it is still a time to be mindful of its astrological significance. Eclipse energies are activated about a month before and a month after the eclipse, and are most powerful during the eclipse corridor. These extremely high frequencies trigger DNA upgrades, light body activations, intense karmic clearing, dissolution of 3D programming and conditioning. Although eclipses can bring chaotic energies and unexpected surprises, they also activate major opportunities to heal and clear old low-density energies, to wipe the energetic slate clean. Physical changes that occur during or after an eclipse are meant to trigger shifts and transformations, assisting in completing the old cycle and entering the new. The energies of this eclipse season are marking energy shifts through the lunar nodes changing signs, the beginning of an energetic cycle that will last until February 2027. This eclipse season is taking us deeper into our subconscious, spiritual insights, and transformations of our emotional bodies. There is an energy of endings of destiny, which wipes the energetic slate clean, followed by the beginning of new destinies, which activate our soul gifts and true soul connections. This is a time to honor the endings of destiny—the cycles, relationships and belief systems that are no longer aligned with our soul truth. Pay close attention to the spiritual insights flowing; they are guiding us toward our next expansion. Trust the divine timing of these changes, even if they feel intense or unfamiliar. Our emotional body is going through a deep recalibration, making space for the activation of our unique soul gifts. As we step into this new energy cycle, many will be drawn to true soul connections—those aligned relationships and opportunities that resonate with our soul essence. Saying mantras out loud, writing down intentions, or finding a way to express your thoughts and wishes to the universe can be quite helpful,” she says, adding that Aquarius rules our communities, so joining groups that embody your beliefs, such as attending meditation circles with friends, taking sound baths, or hosting a yoga retreat, can be especially helpful.

Possible meditation, mantra, or journal prompts:

My hopes and dreams are within my reach.
I deserve a life filled with true satisfaction.
I want to connect with a tribe that loves and supports me.
I connect with others and make the world a better place.
No one likes to feel stuck on a path that is no longer aligned with their soul. There is a difference between doing something because you like it and doing something because you have convinced yourself you must do it. If you feel like you are stuck on a path that doesn’t feel right, sit down and meditate on the question, “What is my soul’s path?” You’d be surprised what answers your mind is capable of coming up with.
Sometimes, we learn lessons while still young; because adulthood means so much more, we are unable to challenge our superiors. As a result, we absorb illogical and contradictory wisdom. What deep-rooted lessons come to your attention during this lunar cycle? How can you change them?
How do your fantasies about what your life will be like prevent you from taking advantage of this moment? You can get so lost in thinking about the next ten years that you can miss the ordinary love that surrounds you today. Are you ready to make today a completely ordinary memory? Who will you ask to join you?
Cancer, stick to your word. There are ideologies and methods of manipulation that you cannot even imagine. Why pick fights with others when you can stand firm yourself? The best way to let karma work is to step aside and let those who demand results make their own decisions.
When life gets too difficult, you can retreat into your subconscious. Call it your inner self, but sometimes life asks us to disconnect from driving and put ourselves on autopilot. If you are familiar with what is in front of your eyes, can you let a state of flow take over? Not every experience requires extensive thought; get in touch with your animal instincts.


Networking and friendship are two completely different concepts. You can network with your enemies; perhaps it’s best to maintain boundaries between business and friends. Now is an opportune time to make introductions to some new faces. However, this may not be the time to turn them into partners, besties, or babes. Trust the universe in this case. Life reveals why some dreams don’t need to come true.
Oh my goodness, Libra, sometimes it can be hard to justify prioritizing your career. Even if someone understands your dilemma and supports you, how do you cope with uncertainty? This full moon is a gentle reminder that big decisions shouldn’t be made all at once. You may have a hard time visualizing what you want your work life to be like, so spend some time with your imagination. What you envision can help you decide what’s best for you.
Where do your bad habits take you, Scorpio? I understand. It’s hard to adapt as an adult if you can’t find a place that feels right for you. The more specific your interests are, the less likely you are to find your people. As a result, you may find yourself socializing with people where you feel isolated. Perhaps the best thing you can do is to rely on your values ​​rather than succumb to loneliness.
Somehow your home is hindering you from enjoying your life. Don’t worry. Even though the problem is unlikely to resolve itself in one lunar cycle, you will soon see the situation change. Patience and a willingness to let go of material possessions will help you in the long run. Trust in the knowledge that when you state your needs, those who love you will come to pick you up if you fall.
It’s difficult to let go of aspects of ourselves that hinder our ability to give and receive love. During this lunar cycle, you will benefit from journaling about how your heart opens and closes throughout the day. What experiences do you find closed? What memories are you ready to revisit? You may need to focus on your past and consider how your potentially rigid expectations prevent you from opening your heart to receive love.
I read something strange this month: “The subconscious doesn’t exist.” When I read this, my brain exploded and the psychology student in me panicked a little. But let’s consider this idea. If there is no true subconscious, how did you develop it? If you can constantly live in your consciousness, what reason do you have to be unaware? This moon cycle is a great time to journal your mundane, meaningless, and unexpressed thoughts.
The world of work doesn’t need to occupy every part of your being, Pisces. Intellectualizing about the miseries of capitalism is a superficial way of expressing exhaustion and unfamiliarity. How do you teach yourself the language of play? This lunar cycle is a great time to contemplate the art of creativity. Once you’ve developed a method to your madness, perhaps you’ll find it easier to let yourself lose.
Author Ashutosh is a clairvoyant astrologer, numerologist and healer


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