Pitru Paksha 2024: Spiritual significance of urad dal and rice in Shradh rituals

Pitru Paksha 2024: Spiritual significance of urad dal and rice in Shradh rituals

Shraadh or the fortnight of ancestors, is a very important period in the Hindu calendar, when families pay their full respects to their loved ones who have left this world. This year, Paternal side Starting from September 17 and ending on October 2, during these 15 days, the Hindu community offers prayers, food and water to their ancestors so that they can live happily in the afterlife. The most interesting part of the Shraddha ritual is preparing food for the departed souls. As a mark of respect, the ancestors’ favourite food is prepared during Shraddha. But, two ingredients are very important during this period – urad dal And Rice,
Spiritual significance
Urad dal and rice are not only an integral part of the Indian diet, but also have a deep symbolic meaning in the Shraddha ritual. According to Hindu scriptures, the food prepared for Pitru Paksha should be sattvic; hence it should be pure, simple and vegetarian. Sattvic foods include urad dal and rice; both signify purity and simplicity, making them ideal for rituals to offer peace to the departed souls.
Also read: 5 vegetarian dishes you can eat during Pitru Paksha (Shraddha)
In Hindu tradition, food plays an integral role in connecting the living to the deceased. The food offered during Shraddha is believed to satiate the souls of ancestors and free them from worldly bondages to ensure their journey towards salvation. Urad dal and rice are believed to symbolise the nourishment of the soul as these are easily digestible and nutritious. Their belief in spiritual significance also lies in their power to purify past karmas so that ancestors can be granted salvation.
It is also believed that feeding pindas made of rice, sesame and barley flour to ancestors satisfies hunger in the afterlife. Thus, the inclusion of urad dal and rice in these pindas serves two different purposes – nutrition for the body and spiritual fulfillment for the soul.

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Why were urad dal and rice chosen?

Our ancestors, who had an extremely profound understanding of nature and nutrition, chose urad dal along with rice because it creates an impeccable nutritional balance. Even today, modern nutritional science recognizes the health benefits in these ingredients. You may wonder why our ancestors chose urad dal and rice specifically instead of a variety of other grains, pulses or vegetables. The answer is the combined effect of tradition, practicality and spiritual significance. Since both urad dal and rice were basic foods in ancient India, they made a good base for the diet. Since they were easy to store and prepare, these items were readily edible, making them convenient choices for rituals that called for simplicity and purity.
Also read: You should never eat these foods during Pitru Paksha/Shraddha
Other grains and pulses do not have the spiritual connotation that urad dal and rice do. Finally, the combination of urad dal and rice in Shraddha rituals may also be associated with the symbolism of balance. Protein-rich urad dal represents energy and strength, and carbohydrate-rich rice represents a source of energy and nutrition. Together, they represent a balanced, complete meal that nourishes both the body and the soul.
The role of ancestral knowledge
While their great wisdom is visible in the selection of urad dal and rice for shraddha, it is much more than just nutritional or spiritual value. They speak of a deep understanding of the life-death cycle. According to the philosophy of Hinduism, food is the only medium through which we connect with the universe. The offering of urad dal and rice during Pitru Paksha is actually a form of respect towards the cycle of life, ensuring that our ancestors are well-fed while walking on their spiritual path. While offering those simple yet nutritious foods, a soul recognises that simplicity in life is important and that they should not be burdened by material attachments while in the next world.

Urad dal and rice have great importance in Shraddha. Pitru Paksha 2024 is approaching, thus proving itself for centuries. Chosen by ancestors for its nutritional, spiritual and symbolic values, this food symbolizes the profound wisdom inherent in Hindu Dharma traditions. We offer food like urad dal and rice to our ancestors not only as a mark of respect but also by satiating the soul and granting them peace in the afterlife. The simple yet profound offerings bring back the philosophy of ancient times of how food, family, and life and death were eternally connected.

Other materials used in Shraddha Karma

While urad dal and rice are of primary importance in many Indian households, there are some other food items that are used during Pitru Paksha which include black sesame seeds, milk products, sugar, whole grains and seasonal fruits etc.
(Thumbnail image courtesy: Canva)


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