Does India allow dual citizenship? Here’s what you should know | World News

Does India allow dual citizenship? Here’s what you should know | World News

dual citizenshipDual nationality, or dual nationality, is a legal status that allows a person to simultaneously hold citizenship of two countries. This status gives the person the rights and privileges of both countries, such as the ability to live, work, and travel freely in both countries and access to social services.
People who hold dual citizenship enjoy many benefits, including access to quality education, healthcare, and social security. Having dual citizenship also allows a person to hold multiple passports, making international travel more convenient. You can acquire dual citizenship in various ways, such as by birth, descent, marriage, or naturalization. However, dual citizenship also comes with obligations, such as paying taxes in both countries and obeying the laws of each. Different countries have their own rules regarding dual citizenship, so it is important to understand the rules of the respective countries.

Does India allow dual citizenship?

No, the Constitution of India prohibits individuals from holding both Indian citizenship and foreign citizenship at the same time. However, based on the recommendations of the High Level Committee on Indian Diaspora, the Indian Government introduced it. Overseas citizenship of India (OCI), often referred to as “dual citizenship”.
OCI Card It provides a practical option for those who wish to maintain close ties with India while holding citizenship of another country.

Is Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) the same as dual citizenship?

The Indian Constitution does not allow a person to hold Indian and foreign citizenship simultaneously. However, the Indian government offers Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI), often called a form of dual citizenship, although it does not confer full citizenship rights.

Eligibility Criteria for OCI in India

Before applying for dual citizenship with India, it is important to consider the specific eligibility criteria, which may vary depending on the foreign country. To be eligible for dual citizenship with India (OCI), the following factors apply:

  • Individuals who have been residing in India for more than 7 years.
  • Who are married to Indian citizens.
  • Individuals whose parents are Indian citizens, provided the applicant has resided in India for at least one year.
  • Individuals who have been registered as Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) for at least 5 years.

Documents Required for OCI in India

  • The following documents are required while applying for Dual Citizenship/OCI in India:
  • Current citizenship document.
  • A copy of the dedicated Indian Passport along with the original passport (must include drill stamp).
  • Proof of relationship (parent/grandparent) if OCI application is based on Indian origin.
  • Proof of residence.
  • Employment details (past to present).
  • PIO (Person of Indian Origin) cardholders must attach a copy of their PIO card.
  • Photos with a light background (not white).

Application Process for OCI Card

Before applying for dual citizenship, it is necessary to verify the citizenship laws of the country of residence. Check with the relevant embassy or authority about the procedure for applying for citizenship in a foreign country.
For Indian citizens, one can apply for OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) card online. Following are the steps for this:

  • Fill out the online application: Visit the official government website to fill out the OCI application form.
  • Submit the form and documents: Attach the required documents, including a passport-sized photo, a copy of your passport, and any other relevant proof (e.g., proof of Indian origin, proof of renunciation of Indian citizenship).
  • Pay the Fee: The fee varies depending on the age of the applicant and other factors.
  • Wait for processing: The application process can take several weeks or months.
  • Attend the Interview/Biometric Appointment: Attend the interview or biometric appointment, if required.
  • Get OCI Card: Once approved, you will receive your OCI card.

Under what conditions can Indian overseas acquire Indian citizenship?

The Constitution of India prohibits dual citizenship. However, the Government of India offers Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status for Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs). Although this is not equivalent to dual citizenship, it provides certain benefits to PIOs.
The conditions related to OCI status are as follows:

  • Residency Requirement: The applicant must have resided in India for a minimum period of 7 years.
  • Renunciation of Indian Citizenship: Upon acquiring citizenship of another country, individuals must renounce their Indian citizenship, as India does not permit dual citizenship.
  • Eligibility for OCI: You can apply for OCI status if you are a former Indian citizen, a descendant of an Indian citizen, or the spouse of an Indian citizen or an OCI cardholder.
  • Disqualification: Persons who have ever been citizens of Pakistan or Bangladesh, or their descendants, are not eligible for OCI status.

Top 10 countries offering OCI with India

The list of countries includes the top 10 countries that have adopted the policy of dual citizenship, giving Indian citizens an opportunity to retain their Indian heritage while enjoying the benefits of foreign citizenship through the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) card.


Canada allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to retain their Indian roots through the OCI card while enjoying Canadian citizenship.


Australia allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens with an OCI card to benefit from both Indian and Australian privileges.


Germany accepts dual citizenship subject to certain conditions, allowing Indian citizens to maintain their ties with India through the OCI card.


Sweden allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to remain Swedish citizens while also maintaining their Indian connection through an OCI card.

United Kingdom

The UK allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to retain their Indian identity with an OCI card while holding British nationality.


Norway accepts dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to preserve their Indian roots through the OCI card while holding Norwegian citizenship.


Ireland allows dual citizenship, giving Indian citizens the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of both Irish and Indian ties with an OCI card.

United States

The United States allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to retain their Indian heritage through an OCI card while also becoming US citizens.


Finland allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to maintain their Indian ties through the OCI card while holding Finnish citizenship.

new zealand

New Zealand allows dual citizenship, allowing Indian citizens to retain their Indian identity with an OCI card while also becoming New Zealand citizens.
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