Minimal physical activity due to work and commute causes heart attacks, says Dr Ramakant Panda

Minimal physical activity due to work and commute causes heart attacks, says Dr Ramakant Panda

On World Heart Day, everyone should take a pledge to take care of one of the most important organs of the body and adopt a disciplined lifestyle. This year’s theme world heart day “Use the heart for action” and we lack the right action and guidance to adopt the right approach for heart care.
India is witnessing a rise in heart diseases, and what is even more worrying is the rise in the disease among the youth. A few decades ago, heart disease It is mostly associated with old age, however, with the advancement in modernity and technology, the onset of this disease is becoming earlier. There are many incidents of young adults, fitness enthusiasts and healthy people suddenly collapsing.
“In India, many lifestyle habits have a negative impact on health. We simply do not have a culture of exercise; sedentary lifestyle It is common, many people opt for minimal physical activity due to work and travel. Unhealthy eating is prevalent, including high consumption of fried foods, frequent snacking, sugars and fats, which contribute to obesity and diabetes. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are significant concerns, which lead to various health complications. Additionally, poor stress management and inadequate sleep are prevalent, impacting mental and physical health. “Indians are also averse to regular health checkups, which can lead to early detection of potential health problems, aggravate existing problems, and reduce overall quality of life,” says Dr. Ramakant Panda, chairman and chief cardiac surgeon, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai. “Can help.”

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With a rich history of medical experience in the treatment and management of patients heart problemsDr. Panda recommends good diet and exercise to promote cardiovascular health“Regular physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, improves circulation, and lowers blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease. It also helps manage weight, improve mood, and increase energy levels. Also helps. A heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, semi-cooked and raw foods, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats can reduce cholesterol and inflammation, keeping the body well nourished. ” he says.
Furthermore, he cites stress as a major factor affecting heart diseases. “Chronic stress triggers the secretion of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure. Over time, this stress on the cardiovascular system can contribute to conditions such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease. Anxiety and depression People suffering from diabetes are also at risk for unhealthy behaviors, including poor diet, physical inactivity, and substance abuse, which increase the risk of heart disease. Additionally, mental health conditions reduce motivation for self-care and regular medical checkups. Can do.”
He says, five types of common heart diseases are seen in patients in India. Coronary artery disease, the leading cause of heart attacks; high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular complications; heart failure, which occurs when the heart can’t pump blood effectively, causing fluid to build up; Arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats can disrupt normal heart function; Valvular heart disease or malfunctioning heart valves can hinder blood flow, affecting overall heart health.
Given the rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the country and millions of cardiovascular events and deaths reported every year in India, Dr. Panda recommends early check-up of the heart and its risk factors. “Early detection through screening can identify risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, allowing timely intervention and lifestyle changes. The genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors prevalent in India, such as “Looking at unhealthy diets and sedentary habits, active monitoring can reduce it to a great extent.” Risk of serious cardiovascular events. Screening also promotes awareness about heart health, encouraging healthy choices,” he suggests.
Do genetics play a role in heart disease risk? Yes, he says, and adds that people who have a family history of heart disease will have a higher risk of heart disease. Some hereditary conditions, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, can predispose individuals to cardiovascular problems.
Dr. Panda, a doctor with decades of experience in cardiology, says that the treatment of heart diseases has progressed to a great extent and will continue to progress further. “The trend will change from episodic health care management to preventive health care management. Wearable devices will alert patients about potential complications and also alert the hospital that keeps your records. Separate for in-patient and off-premise care in hospitals. -There will be different staffing. This will fundamentally change the staffing mix, diseases affecting quality of life, such as dizziness, obesity, sleep apnea will gain prominence as the focus shifts from treatment to prevention,” he says .


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