Greg Gutfeld: An ideological stamp has been put on us by our media

Greg Gutfeld: An ideological stamp has been put on us by our media

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So on Friday, a big story broke about how our government allowed thousands of rapists and murderers to come into our country. The source wasn’t a right-wing think tank, someone locked in on social media or, worse, some crazy guy on morning TV. It was ICE, our own Immigration and Customs EnforcementAmong non-detained illegals, more than 400,000 are convicted criminals, including thousands convicted of sexual assault and murder.

You know, you’d think that a report from the people in charge of the border telling us that thousands of thugs have entered and are remaining would be kind of news. But the media was equally silent as Joe Biden saw the danger and tried to play along. They ignored it like Hillary ignores getting her hooves trimmed. Instead, it was Reported on X and FoxThe reason is simple: Heritage News decided the story needed to be included, and so they hawked it at the home of old people like Andrew Cuomo. Thousands of rapists and murderers killed and tortured Americans and you weren’t even told about it.

Remember that the next time you’re tempted to trust the media. Trust them as much as you can throw at them. And if you’re trying to get someone off “The View,” get the number of a good chiropractor.

So, how does a big story break and it only appears here and there? It’s like a sewer pipe after Taco Tuesday that’s been maxed out, ready to burst. But instead of calling a plumber, the media puts a stamp against it to keep it under control. Thus These days the news isWith the exception of a few outlets, there is an ideological seal imposed by our media against the natural flow of information to American voters, and it is meant to prevent anything other than accepted election results. Of course, approved by them, not by you.

Harris heads to southern border looking to hit back at immigration criticisms

And when the pressure becomes too high, the sewer pipe bursts and you have to deal with all the trouble. If America knew what happened at the border under Biden-Harris, thousands of murderers and rapists were released into our country, they would never in their right mind vote for Harris or any Democrat, no matter how many photos Get stretched. she takes it to a limit He helped destroy. Harris coming to our southern border is a bit like Sherman coming back to Atlanta or Alec Baldwin shooting the Young Guns remake.

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (L) visits the US-Mexico border with US Border Patrol Tucson Sector Chief John Modlin (R) in Douglas, Arizona, on September 27, 2024. (Photo by Rebecca Noble/AFP via Getty Images)

So of course, the news should be suppressed. They are not even fact-checking the data because they do not have the data. And it doesn’t make anyone feel any better to hear, oh, you know, it’s actually just 10,000 violent invaders who are after oh and please call them foreign exchange students. Worse, so-called sanctuary policies limit local law enforcement cooperation with federal authorities, so ICE can’t even arrest illegals convicted of crimes. Some communities ignore ICE’s requests to detain criminals long enough for the agency to detain them. outcome? More gruesome, more violent crimes around your neighborhood, your family, your children.

The news may surprise you, but it is not your fault. You’re not allowed to know about what’s really going on. And sadly, these days in America, what you don’t know can hurt you a lot. Now, this is an issue where we should be able to achieve political sanity, bipartisan consensusBecause there is no doubt that most, if not all, Americans are against rape and murder and therefore against the influx of thousands of rapists and murderers into our country.

Trump blames Harris amid data showing thousands of criminal immigrants in US: ‘deliberately erased’ border

After all, who could be there for him? In addition to manufacturers of ski masks and bleach. So we are left to ask why is this happening? Maybe they’re committing crimes that Americans don’t want to commit. But why doesn’t the legacy media care? Is it because they are safe from violent consequences? or they do Afraid of political consequences? It is both. Because other than trying to game this election, you can bet there are very few immigrant rapists hanging out in the New York Times newsroom or at George Clooney’s Lake Como estate.

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But you, like the workers with the desks near Brian Stelter’s bathroom, are merely collateral damage. So, at the same time, the progressive left hides the real consequences of their destructive policies from you. They are making sure that they keep themselves away from those consequences. It’s much easier to be a progressive than from DNC headquarters.


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