Surya Namaskar Morning vs Evening: Which is the best time to practice it?

Surya Namaskar Morning vs Evening: Which is the best time to practice it?

The world admires the rich ancient tradition of India. Among the many traditions passed down through generations, Surya Namaskar It is a special thing which is followed, practiced and respected all over the world.
Surya Namaskar (Surya Namaskar) is a sequence of asanas to be practiced sumWhich is built to salute the Sun God, one of the central deities worshiped by Hindus. Surya Namaskar harmonizes body movements with the breath, and builds physical and mental strength. Although it is traditionally performed at sunrise, many wonder whether it is necessary to observe this time.

Why is morning time ideal for Surya Namaskar?

For several reasons the early hours of the morning, especially at sunrise, are considered the most favorable time to practice Surya Namaskar.
Early in the morning, especially at sunrise, the sun’s rays are mild and rich in Vitamin D, which rejuvenates the body and stimulates mental clarity.

Practicing Surya Namaskar early in the morning aligns the body with natural circadian rhythms. This occurs when the mind is fresh, and practicing yoga with a calm mind enhances the meditative aspect of the sequence.
It is best to do Surya Namaskar on an empty stomach. After a night’s sleep, the body is in a fasted state, making the morning time best suited to perform asanas. Digesting food takes energy, and practicing yoga immediately after eating can make you feel sluggish.

Early in the morning there is clean, cool air that refreshes the lungs and helps control breathing during exercise. It sets the pace of the day, balances the body’s energy and improves the flow of prana (vital energy).

Practicing Surya Namaskar in the morning helps stimulate digestion, control weight, and awaken muscles that rest during the night.
While early morning is considered ideal, it is important to remember that the ultimate goal of yoga is inner harmony. Therefore, Surya Namaskar can be done at any time of the day, as long as you maintain correct posture, focus and breathing techniques. Whether you want to do it in the morning or later in the day, the following tips will help you get the most from your exercise.

How to get the most out of Surya Namaskar

Focus on breathing. It is not just a physical workout but coordination of breath and movement. Each asana (pose) in the sequence is associated with inhaling or exhaling, which is essential for the benefits of the practice. To fully experience its meditative quality, focus on maintaining a smooth and even breath throughout the sequence.
As you move your body upward, such as during Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose), inhale to fill your lungs and expand your chest. As you bend forward or lower yourself down, as in Uttanasana (Forward Bend), exhale and release tension from your body.

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Engage your abdominal muscles in every pose to support your lower back and spine. This is especially important in poses like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).
If you’re a beginner, don’t hesitate to use a yoga block or cushion to support your hands, making sure your posture remains correct. Maintaining good form will help you improve over time and make the exercises more effective and sustainable.

Mindfulness is an important part of Surya Namaskar

Yoga is about being present in the moment, and Surya Namaskar is no exception. As you move through the sequence, develop mindfulness by focusing on your body sensations and state of mind.
Before beginning your practice, take a moment to set an intention or resolution. This could be something as simple as dedicating your practice to developing patience or gratitude, or you could choose an intention that matches your current goals.
Instead of rushing through the sequence, move carefully from one pose to the next. Pay attention to how your muscles feel during the transition, and notice where tension or discomfort may arise.

don’t put pressure on yourself

Your energy levels, flexibility and strength vary from day to day. One of the beauties of Surya Namaskar is its adaptability. You can adapt it to the current needs of your body. If you are feeling stiff or tired, you can slow down the exercises or reduce the number of rounds. On more energetic days, increase the speed or number of repetitions to make it more intense. On some days, your body may need more stretching, while on other days you may want to focus on strength. Adapt the sequence accordingly by emphasizing postures that target specific areas of your body. For example, you can deepen your backbends in Bhujangasana or hold your plank longer to build core strength.
While Surya Namaskar can be an energizing practice, it is essential to end your sequence with relaxation to allow your body and mind to absorb the benefits. After completing your round of Surya Namaskar, spend a few moments doing light stretching. This will help relieve any remaining tension and prevent pain.
Lie in Shavasana for a few minutes, focusing on slow, deep breaths. This is a time to relax the body and let your mind reflect on your practice.


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