a link to god

a link to god

Respected Gurudevshree Rakeshji

enlightened guru Say that the Guru is the one who awakens among the sleeping people, he is the one who has sight among the blind. Guru is one who has known his true nature. After disintegrating the personality, only divinity remains and that is the Guru. The pure self appears to be very far from the confused state you are in and will be so because it is realized when consciousness is awakened.
God, the Supreme Soul, seems far away from you because from time immemorial He is unknown and unknown; But it is not far. This distance appears to be due to your confusion. For God’s sake, you’re not far off! At sunrise the rays spread all around you, yet if you are in deep sleep, the sun seems far away from you. You experience extreme darkness. You don’t even know whether the sun is there or not.
In moments when God seems far away Sadhguru Link gets created because he sounds like you. He is somewhat like you – a human being with a body made of bones and flesh. And unlike you – he has known what is unknown to you. He is the gateway to your possibilities.
take refuge in a guru
Guru is a door, not a wall. He makes the sky visible through Him. Through
That, you have to reach the formless within you. When an ignorant person catches hold of the door, that is, gets trapped in its illusion, then Sadhguru cautions him. The Guru will first take away your world and then the outer Guru will also take away so that you can enter the inner sky and meet the pure soul. He frees you from yourself, and from yourself too!
To bow at the lotus feet of the Guru means to surrender the ego. The day you learn the art of subduing your ego, understand that you have learned everything. Understand the art of merging into it. Through the Guru you can know this, you will learn how to love, you will have the key to purification.
Although this task of introducing oneself to the pure soul is possible without a Guru, it is true that till now this has not been possible on one’s own. The reason for this is that your habits are such that you need a push.
A chick emerges from the egg. Because it likes the safe and warm world of the nest it fears the vast, cold and unsafe sky. Seeing his mother flying in the sky, at first he appreciates it, but does not want to try. It is not confident in its ability to fly. It does not consider itself powerful enough to reach great heights. But the child wants to fly after seeing the mother flying again and again. The mother encourages her, “Come. You can also fly like me.” With confidence in him, the child starts experimenting. At first there is panic when the mother bird pushes it out of the nest. It flies around the nest for a bit and returns back. Gradually, he gains confidence, knowing that he can fly with his own wings. The fear of the sky disappears. The interest in flying increases. Familiarity with the sky increases. Now, it aspires to become the master of the sky. Experiments are continuing. First around the nest, then farther away – the circle becomes larger. Ultimately, it takes over the sky!
The master pushes you out of your nest. Nothing more than that. You could have done this yourself, but haven’t been able to do it till date. If you could, why didn’t you do it earlier? There are wings, there is potential, there is the sky. But there is a lack of courage, faith and determination. That is why a Guru is needed. It creates desire, determination, courage and faith in you. The Guru gives the first push.
Guru frees you from dependence
When he was asked who did this feat of identifying the pure soul, the Guru used to say that I have not done anything; You allowed this to happen. If you believe that the Guru did it, a new bond of dependence will begin. Then, you’ll wait for him to do something. That’s why wise people say, don’t get trapped in such traps. Guru is only a catalyst. Socrates has said that the work of a teacher is like that of a midwife. His job is only to facilitate delivery.
The Guru does nothing for the disciple. An event happens because you allow it to happen. No one else can do anything inside you. You allowed change to occur in the presence of the Guru. Gradually this becomes possible even without their external presence. Again, this can happen even in challenging circumstances. You become the boss!
True devotion towards the Guru is when you can maintain that state even without the physical presence of your Guru. Don’t depend on your attachment to Him, depend on His commands. Taking support of a stick when your legs are weak is a different thing, but increasing the strength of your legs with the help of that stick is devotion. Only when this happens, consider yourself under the protection of the Guru.
actual profit
Don’t forget that everything that happens to you happens only because of you. That is the true knowledge. The presence of a guru is a powerful tool in helping you become an introvert. You should benefit from their presence, but be careful that it does not become a disease, habit, or dependency. Your spiritual journey begins with the satsang of your Guru. Then whatever happens becomes satsang, wherever you go there is satsang – such a state must be attained, and only then one can be said to be awakened.
The need for the external presence of the Guru should diminish, while the connection with the pure Self should continue. Guru’s orders are also similar. If you are in the initial stages you need close association with the Guru, help with spiritual practice etc., but as you progress you will need much less external support. You will soon naturally begin to experience peace and calm and the witnessing feeling will arise. This flow will become smooth and continuous.
To become internal and fully aware of your inner spiritual wealth, seek the help of the presence of a Guru. But remember that the Guru is another person. So, as an individual he will remain outside. No matter how skilled a doctor is and no matter how strong your faith in him, you cannot drink him or become one with him. However, you can take the medicine prescribed by them and recover. Similarly, even though the Guru is benevolent and your faith in Him is firm, yet you cannot internalize Him as a person. But if you internalize His commandments then He can remain within you continuously. His main commandment is to turn within.
Inner development can be done easily in the presence of a Guru. Overcome your age-old habit of staying away from the Guru’s guidance. In the aura of a Sadhguru, master the art of inwardness and realize your pure self.
Author: Respected Gurudevshree Rakeshji

fear shouldn’t paralyze you


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