73% of Employees Say Building Relationships with Coworkers is Important for Success on the Job: 7 Ways Company Culture Increases Productivity

73% of Employees Say Building Relationships with Coworkers is Important for Success on the Job: 7 Ways Company Culture Increases Productivity

Picture this: You’ve recently joined a company in a high-paying role that perfectly matches your skills, but the work environment feels suffocating. Micro management is the norm. Moreover, instead of healthy competition, your coworkers engage in office politics and gossip. Would you stay in a workplace like this? maybe no. according to corn ferryGlobal Insights Report: Workforce 202473% of employees say their relationships with coworkers directly impact job satisfaction. From the coworker who helps you with a presentation to the lunch buddy who listens to your daily struggles, these relationships are vital to growth. Although work friendships are important, they are only one piece of the puzzle. Managers, HR policies and overall company culture play a vital role in shaping productivity and ensuring job satisfaction.

Key Insights from Korn Ferry’s Global Workforce 2024 Survey

The Korn Ferry survey, covering 10,000 professionals across six key markets including the US, UK, Brazil, Middle East, Australia and India, highlights the shift in workforce priorities. The findings emphasize that flexibility in job preferences now outweighs salary, with 38% of respondents citing flexible working hours as the top factor when choosing a new role. Salary, which used to dominate job decisions, is now in second place, highlighting the growing desire for work-life balance. This preference extends to all age groups, with younger workers prioritizing flexibility over compensation.

  • Company culture and its impact: A strong company culture is considered important for motivation, with 73% of employees valuing their relationships with coworkers. However, toxic cultures remain a significant factor driving employees away. Companies in markets such as the UK and Australia are facing low motivation levels, linked to a lack of trust in senior leadership and inadequate investment in L&D, underscoring the importance of cultural and communication strategies to drive engagement.
  • Top priorities for job seekers: The survey shows that competitive compensation (37%), and job security (30%) remain the top considerations, along with flexible working hours (38%). Learning and development (L&D) opportunities and a focus on diversity and inclusion are also gaining ground as factors influencing job choices.
  • Employee Retention Insights: Retention strategies closely align with recruiting priorities. Employees cite flexibility (38%), compensation (37%) and job security (28%) as their top reasons for staying at a company. Additionally, a positive workplace culture, including supportive coworkers and leadership, significantly increases retention rates.
  • why employees leave: Low compensation (42%), limited career advancement opportunities (28%), and job insecurity (27%) are the top reasons why employees choose to leave a job. Dissatisfaction arises when pay fails to reflect the value employees bring to the organization or when avenues of professional development seem blocked.

How does company culture affect productivity?

Company culture is often seen as the invisible force that defines how an organization operates. It shapes values, behaviors, and the overall work environment, and it plays a significant role in determining employee productivity. A strong, positive company culture does more than boost morale – it has a direct impact on how efficiently employees perform their tasks. This way:
promotes employee motivation
A healthy company culture provides a clear sense of purpose. When employees feel connected to their organization’s mission and values, they are more motivated to work toward shared goals. This motivation translates into a greater sense of ownership and initiative, where individuals not only perform but also put in extra effort to deliver high quality work.
improves communication
In a company with an open and transparent culture, communication flows freely at all levels. Employees understand what is expected of them, and they feel comfortable asking questions or seeking feedback. This clarity reduces confusion, reduces time spent on corrections, and allows employees to focus on productive work instead of resolving misunderstandings.
increases cooperation
A culture that values ​​teamwork, fostering collaboration across departments and teams. When employees trust each other and know that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to share ideas and problem solve together. Collaboration often leads to more innovative solutions and faster completion of projects, improving overall productivity.
Job satisfaction increases
Employees who feel valued and supported in their company culture are generally more satisfied with their jobs. When employees enjoy their work environment, they are more focused, engaged, and productive. Higher levels of job satisfaction reduce fatigue and increase an employee’s desire to perform well, which contributes to long-term productivity.
encourages accountability
A culture that promotes accountability ensures that employees take responsibility for their work. When expectations are clear and employees know they will be held accountable, they are more likely to stay organized, meet deadlines, and maintain high standards. This sense of ownership leads to a more disciplined and productive workforce.
reduces employee turnover
A strong company culture helps retain top talent by creating a supportive and engaging work environment. High turnover can disrupt workflow, lower morale, and lead to inefficiencies. By fostering a culture that employees want to be a part of, organizations can maintain a stable, experienced team that is more productive and cohesive.
encourages innovation
An open culture that values ​​creativity and risk-taking encourages employees to propose new ideas and improve existing processes. When employees feel that their ideas are heard and valued, they are more likely to think outside the box and find ways to increase efficiency. This culture of innovation leads to continuous improvements in productivity over time.


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