Are you sad about your favorite TV show going away? You’re not alone, study suggests

Are you sad about your favorite TV show going away? You’re not alone, study suggests

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Breaking up is hard, especially when it comes to a loved one. TV ShowsThis has come to light in a study.

When the long-running Australian soap opera series “Neighbours” was cancelled after 37 years, there was outrage among its loyal fans.

Viewers surveyed said they feelings of sadness As if he had lost a good friend.

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Dr Adam Gerace, Senior Psychology Lecturer Central Queensland University in Australia, The study was initiated to better understand the factors that trigger fan emotions.

“When our favorite television series ends we often feel a sense of loss because we form relationships with our favorite characters,” Gerace told Fox News Digital.

sad woman watching tv

A psychologist launched a study to better understand how fans’ emotions are affected when a favorite TV show ends. (iStock)

“When a series ends or a (favorite) character dies, people often feel sadness and disbelief, as if an important relationship in their lives is ending.”

This research was published in the journal PLOS One on June 12.

Understanding ‘parasocial relationships’

Psychologists refer to this phenomenon — in which the audience develops a one-sided relationship with characters — as His favorite show – As a “parasocial relationship”.

In previous studies, researchers found that the intensity of parasocial relationships was the strongest predictor of breakup grief.

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Study author Gerace asked “Neighbors” fans living in Australia and Britain how they felt about the series coming to an end.

“I asked the fans about their feelings Loss and grief“They gave their reasons for watching the series, how they felt about their (favorite) characters and to what extent they felt they were able to recall the ending of the series,” he told Fox News Digital.

Neighbours Cast

The cast of “Neighbours” is shown attending the finale on June 29, 2022 in Melbourne, Australia. (Getty Images)

Of the 1,289 respondents who took part in the survey, 76% were women, with an average age of 45 years.

90 percent of them watched an average of five episodes per week. Most watched the show alone.

“The fans who experienced the most sadness, disbelief, and disappointment were those who were committed to the series,” Gervase said.

“When our favourite television series come to an end we often feel a sense of loss, as we form relationships with our favourite characters.”

Despite being shocked by the series ending, viewers said they felt grateful to have the series in their lives.

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“They watched it for entertainment and excitement, which is logical, since it is a drama serial or soap opera, but also to think about and become aware of social issues.” Lifestyle and circumstances “They may not see something like this in their everyday life,” he said.

Those who developed stronger relationships with their favorite characters experienced greater grief and a greater sense of loss.

A ‘virtual friend group’

“This study reflects the effects I would expect for regular viewers of a long-running series,” said Dr. Pamela Rutledge, director of the Media Psychology Research Center. Newport Beach, Californiatold Fox Digital News.

Rutledge was not involved in the study.

Streaming TV

One expert said people can now rewatch shows that have ended via streaming, which could provide them with the comfort of meeting “old friends”, especially during tough times. (iStock)

He said shows like “Neighbors” create a “virtual friend group” – similar to the cast members of shows like “Friends”, “The Office” and “Cheers”, and how fans felt when those shows ended.

“For some people the show … gives them more satisfaction than an unsatisfying job or unreliable friendships.”

Gerace echoed this sentiment, and said the sense of grief and loss felt by viewers is likely to be similar for other series, including TV shows. Movies and books,

“So, if you feel sad and depressed at the end of ‘Lost’ or ‘Game of Thrones’ Or are you afraid of the end of ‘Yellowstone’,“That’s completely understandable,” he said.

Positive effects of parasocial relationships

“Most studies support its positive effects Parasocial relationships “It’s an important factor in terms of positive emotions, affiliation, mindset, and social skills,” Routledge explained in an email.

He added that streaming now allows people to re-watch ended shows, which can provide them with a sense of comfort like seeing “old friends”, especially during difficult times.

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“During social isolation of the pandemic“‘The Office’ and ‘Friends’ topped the most-streamed list because they provided a sense of belonging and connection, which reduced loneliness,” Routledge said.

Many shows are not only entertaining but also help people move forward in their lives.

woman sad laptop

A psychologist said that many shows are not only entertaining but also help people improve their lives. (iStock)

“Viewers can find meaning from the stories and relationships and gain insights that they apply to their own lives, such as a better understanding of their own emotions or how to handle certain challenges and life choices,” Routledge said.

“Some people get more satisfaction from the show… unsatisfactory work Or an incredible friendship.”

Viewers’ reactions to a show’s cancellation often depend on their individual circumstances.

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“Some parasocial relationships are directly tied to characters, where someone identifies strongly with a character and experiences the show through them, while others are immersed in the show without losing themselves,” Routledge said.

Gerace acknowledged the study has several limitations.

Eugene Polley

“Thinking about what the show meant to you and appreciating how it positively contributed to your life may help give you some perspective and acceptance,” one psychologist advised. (iStock)

Many of the people who completed the survey described themselves as “big fans” of the show, and the research did not assess how their feelings of sadness changed over time.

Gerace said, “My sample included viewers who were quite involved in the series. More casual viewers may have had less negative reactions to the end of the series.”

Seek out the ‘new psychological thrillers’

People shouldn’t feel embarrassed if they have feelings of loss or discomfort Experts agreed on what to do after their favorite show ends.

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“Thinking about what the show meant to you and appreciating how it positively contributed to your life can provide some perspective and acceptance,” Rutledge said.

crying woman tv show

The researchers reported that the study included viewers who were “highly involved” in the series and were more likely to experience negative emotions. (iStock)

One way to cope with this loss is to connect with other fans on social media to share our grief and exchange our favorite moments or characters.

Routledge said, “Nothing will be as beneficial as old shows in terms of comfort, familiarity and emotional connection – however, it’s not healthy to yearn for the past for too long.”

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“Appreciating lost shows and thinking about the things you used to value can help a fan seek out new characters and stories that create new psychological thrills.”


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