Army veteran running for Congress unveils plan to save America ‘hijacked by left-wing lunatics’

Army veteran running for Congress unveils plan to save America ‘hijacked by left-wing lunatics’

Phoenix, Arizona. — A U.S. Army veteran running for Congress is doubling down on saving America from “left-wing lunatics” he says have “hijacked” the country and are “bent on destroying it.”

Republican Abe Hamadeh, 33, a former Maricopa County prosecutor, is running for U.S. Senate. Arizona’s 8th congressional districtIn an interview with Fox News Digital, he said a “new generation” of leaders is needed to tackle the broad problems facing the nation, and that he is committed to becoming the “warrior” that Americans are looking for.

“When I took the oath of office as an Army intelligence officer in the reserves and served overseas, I took my oath to the Constitution very seriously,” Hamadeh said, adding that he would “never compromise” on the issues that made America great.

“I see our country being hijacked by left-wing lunatics who are hell-bent on destroying it. So I think it’s going to take a new generation of fighters who will never back down, who will never surrender, and who will never compromise on the issues that made our country great,” he said.

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Hamadeh Arizona

Republican Abe Hamadeh, a U.S. Army Reserve intelligence officer, is running to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. (Abe for Arizona)

“I think people are looking for courage right now. They all know the problems … they all see the border, and they all see that our elections are being compromised, but they want someone to go out there and fight and do something about it.”

Hamadeh, who has never held elected office, is the son of first-generation immigrants from Syria and Venezuela, and has served in the United States. US Army Reserve He has been in an intelligence role since 2016. He was stationed in Saudi Arabia from 2020-2021, where he served in a counterterrorism capacity following the 2019 terrorist attack in Pensacola, Florida, at the hands of a Saudi Arabian pilot.

He was the Republican nominee for Arizona Attorney General. 2022 midterm electionsBut he lost to his Democratic opponent by less than 300 votes. Arizona law automatically triggered a recount because the margin was so small, cutting the Democrat’s lead by nearly half.

Hamadeh challenged the result in court but was unsuccessful, and said thousands of provisional ballots were not counted.

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Abe Hamadeh

The Republican Arizona congressional candidate serves as an intelligence officer with the US Army Reserve. (Abe for Arizona)

Now he says the first issue he will work on as a member of Congress is Election integrity,

“We have a lot of people who distrust our elections because a lot of our election officials are incompetent and prone to corruption and people who refuse to admit that there are some major failures in the way our elections are being run,” Hamadeh said, referring to his 2022 race. “It’s a total mess… It was a lot of chaos. Without addressing it and without accountability, it’s only going to grow.”

His plan includes banning the use of certain outside money to run elections, and banning ranked-choice voting at the federal level.

The ongoing border crisis is another issue Hamadeh said would be his top priority if elected, an area he hopes to work closely on with former President Trump and Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake Should he even win the election in November?

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Abe Hamadeh

Former President Trump endorsed Republican Abe Hamadeh to represent Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. (Abe for Arizona)

He became close with both during his campaign, and won their endorsement despite being up against a more well-known candidate in the primary race. Blake Masterswho ran unsuccessfully for Senate in 2022.

“President Trump and Carrie Lake have endorsed me, and so many great people, because they have seen that it takes a certain kind of mental toughness to carry any political campaign through,” Hamadeh said. “They just want someone who knows they are unwavering and have their support to make our country great. And that’s exactly what I intend to do while I’m in Congress.”

“People want something new and different, and they expect you to go out there, meet people and learn what issues matter to them and fight for them, not just pay lip service to them. Voters in this district, particularly Arizona voters, are eager to see something done about our border. They want something done about our elections. They just want some resistance to the fact that our country is being taken away from them right in front of their eyes.”

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Hamade, the lake

Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake and Republican Arizona House candidate Abe Hamadeh (Abe for Arizona)

Hamadeh faces a crowd Republican primary fieldMany Republican Party leaders, including Masters, hope to replace retiring Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko, but he is confident the support he has received from Trump and Lake, as well as his experience serving the country, will get him over the finish line when it comes to voting.

The winner of the July 30 primary will be the favorite to win the November general election, as analysts rate the race as either “safe” or “solidly” Republican.

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