Astronauts experimenting with games in microgravity

Astronauts experimenting with games in microgravity

Some of the earliest experiments in space were related to gravity and weightlessness. They were somewhat simple studies to test the new environment. Alan Shepard was the first man to hit a golf ball On the moon He hit two balls, and claimed the second ball traveled “miles and miles”.

But that wasn’t actually the case. Due to the limitations of his space suit, he was unable to tee up a ball or make a full swing. However, his time on the moon has inspired the testing of golf clubs and other sports equipment in space.

The Cobra Puma Golf company has developed a driver that was tested in the space,

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“They wanted to do a metal electric plating project in space,” said Nanoracks co-founder Jeffrey Manber. “They were hoping you’d get better golf clubs.”

Nanoracks is now part of Voyager Space. The company has helped test equipment in a variety of sports. It has also conducted experiments on other household items. Some of these include testing how whiskey ages in space with Ardbeg, testing shoe soles with Adidas, and possible future experiments with an ice cream maker.

“This is just the beginning of harnessing the unique environment of space for all kinds of everyday uses,” Manber said.

Bill Nelson on the treadmill

Thirty-eight years ago, astronaut Bill Nelson, now NASA’s administrator, used the first treadmill sent into space. (NASA/Getty Images)

For the Cobra Puma experiment, they looked at how microgravity affects certain metals, with the hope of improving stronger, lighter alloys for use on Earth.

,Developed by NASA “Those screws basically don’t come loose when you shake them. They’ve put a weight on the bottom of the golf club driver,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Those screws don’t come loose, and you can bring the center of gravity of the golf driver down even further.”

Nelson says anything developed for space has a use on Earth as well. That includes the workout equipment on the International Space Station. Astronauts need to maintain muscle and bone strength while in space for long periods of time. They work out for at least two hours a day at least six days a week. They must use specially designed equipment to move against microgravity.

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“We’ve learned a lot since John Glenn first flew into orbit. There was a time before we could take astronauts up there. We didn’t even know if eyeballs would stay in the sockets,” Nelson said. “We put our astronauts through a rigorous exercise program in zero-G. Because if you don’t have the force of gravity that those muscles have to strain against gravity, and you’re just floating around with those muscles, those bones will atrophy.”

The treadmill that astronauts use keeps them engaged so they can maintain muscle strength. on the earth Has helped people recovering from injuries.

“We take that same pressure, flip it, and use it to lift people off the treadmill, so we can take the weight off the injury as you’re learning to walk or run again,” said Daniel Lockney, NASA’s technology transfer program executive.

Jeffrey Manber, co-founder of Nanoracks

“This is the beginning of harnessing the unique environment of space for all kinds of everyday uses,” said Jeffrey Manber, co-founder of Nanoracks. (AP Images)

Nelson used the first treadmill sent into space 38 years ago.

“I ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes, so I traveled halfway around the world,” Nelson said.

The shoes tested by Nanoracks and Adidas helped create more wearable footwear.

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“They actually developed a new process using the microgravity environment. So you get more comfortable shoes,” Manber said.

Nanoracks also worked with Adidas to measure the spin speed of footballs.

“They wanted to understand the behavior in microgravity, and learn more about aerodynamic performance,” Manber said.

michael phelps

NASA helped design swimsuits for the Beijing Olympics. (AP Images)

NASA also helped design a swimsuit for the Beijing Olympics using wind tunnel testing.

Lockney said, “Every gold medalist wore this suit. People were breaking their contracts to be in this thing.”

Those wearing the LZR Racer had so much success that the International Swimming Federation banned it.

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“They called it non-pharmaceutical doping,” Lockney said. “It wasn’t illegal at the time. But now you’re not allowed to wear a NASA suit during a race. At the Olympics Because it’s so fast.”


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