Azm-e-Istehkam: Pakistan’s new military operation to tackle TTP and other terror groups

Azm-e-Istehkam: Pakistan’s new military operation to tackle TTP and other terror groups

Since 2001, the Pakistan Army has carried out several high-profile operations against local militants in the border areas, such as “Zarb-e-Azb”, “Rah-e-Nijat”, “Rah-e-Raast” and many others. It seems that now the time has come for another operation. Military operations The campaign against terrorists continues in Pakistan. But the Pakistani army has repeatedly failed to uproot these terrorist groups.
However, under pressure from China, the Pakistan government has again approved a new military operation called Azm-e-Istehkam, which means “Resolve for Stability.” The initiative, announced by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif after a review of the country’s counterterrorism efforts, aims to tackle domestic security threats and the activities of armed fighters coming from Afghanistan.The operation comes amid growing tensions between Islamabad and the Taliban rulers in Kabul.
What are they saying?

  • “A soft state can never win the confidence of investors,” Prime Minister Shahbaz said. “The responsibility of fighting terrorism is the collective duty and primary responsibility of all state institutions. It is not about you and me, it is about us, we have to crush it together.”
  • “The campaign will be complemented by socio-economic measures aimed at addressing the genuine concerns of the people and creating an environment that discourages extremist tendencies,” a statement from Sharif’s office said.
  • “Pakistan considers the use of active military force to be the most effective way to counter armed violence,” said security analyst Ihsanullah Tipu.
  • Some analysts suggest the timing of the operation may also be influenced by domestic political and economic considerations. “With elections over and a government in place and the economic situation stabilised, the Pakistani leadership is probably confident of mounting a vigorous campaign,” said Asfandyar Mir of the US Institute of Peace.

What is its main objective? Operation Azm-e-Istehkam,

  • The main objective of Operation Azam-e-Istehkam is to stop the increasing violence and armed attacks within Pakistan. This includes addressing domestic security threats and dealing with armed fighters coming from Afghanistan. The operation also aims to implement socio-economic measures to create an environment that discourages extremist tendencies.

Why now?

  • The timing of the operation coincides with a dramatic increase in violent incidents over the past 18 months. Most of these attacks have been claimed by terrorists TTPWhich ended the ceasefire in November 2022.
  • Additionally, recent attacks targeting Chinese interests in Pakistan have further underscored the need for a strong military response.
  • Nearly 700 incidents of violence in Pakistan in 2023 have resulted in nearly 1,000 casualties. Attacks targeting Chinese installations and personnel have increased, highlighting the threat to Pakistan’s key ally China, which has invested $62 billion in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.CPEC,
  • Senior Chinese officials have also stressed the need for better protection for Chinese citizens and investments in Pakistan.

How will this campaign be different from previous military campaigns?

  • Unlike previous large-scale military operations that required mass displacement of the local population, Azam-e-Istehkam is not intended to be a kinetic large-scale military operation. Its focus will be on augmenting the efforts of the armed forces with intelligence-based operations and legal measures to address terrorism-related matters. The operation has been described as a “multi-domain, multi-agency, whole-system national approach” for lasting stability.

What are the potential challenges to the success of this operation?

  • Security analysts highlight several challenges, including the transient nature of TTP bases in Pakistan and the risk of escalating tensions with Afghanistan if cross-border operations are conducted. Additionally, a lack of public support for security forces in provinces most affected by violence could hamper the effectiveness of the operation. There is also the issue of differing approaches between Pakistan and China regarding the Taliban in Afghanistan, says an Al Jazeera report.

What has been the reaction of the opposition parties to this operation?

  • Opposition parties, including the PTI, JUI-F and ANP, have strongly criticised the operation, arguing that it could worsen the volatile situation in the border areas and questioning the government’s decision-making process, claiming it lacked adequate consultation with parliament and local stakeholders.

How has China responded to the recent attacks targeting its citizens and investments in Pakistan?

  • China has expressed deep concern over the safety of its citizens and investments in Pakistan and urged the Pakistani government to take effective measures to protect them. Following the attacks on Chinese engineers and installations, Chinese officials have reiterated the importance of security and the need to protect Chinese interests in the country.

Will this operation affect Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan?

  • The operation could further deteriorate already strained relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, especially if military action is taken across the border. The Taliban government in Kabul has consistently denied harboring TTP militants, and any increase in military activity could further complicate diplomatic relations.

(with inputs from agencies)


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