Biden-Harris to restart fraud-ridden immigration program

Biden-Harris to restart fraud-ridden immigration program

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In late August, the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a reconnaissance campaign. Disordered Immigration Program It was stopped a month ago due to fears of fraud.

An internal DHS report in mid-July found that the CHNV (Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) parole program full of fraud,

The program allows 30,000 citizens of those four countries to enter the US each month, provided they are sponsored by a person or entity inside the country. But DHS found that thousands of sponsors of these migrants had listed fake Social Security numbers, home addresses or phone numbers.

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on stage at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner in Washington, DC, Saturday, September 14, 2024. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

according to the reportMore than 100,000 sponsor application forms were filled out by just 3,218 sponsors. The same credentials were used repeatedly – ​​in some cases hundreds of times. Twenty-four of the 1,000 most frequently used numbers on sponsor application forms belonged to deceased persons. Nearly 3,000 forms used non-existent sponsor zip codes.

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Despite the massive amount of fraud, DHS restarted the CHNV program just weeks after pausing it, claiming that additional screening procedures were now in place. But the fraud is only a symptom of a larger issue. Even if the agency has indeed tightened its application process, the program remains fundamentally flawed.

The Presidential Administration has the power to Allowing foreign nationals To enter our country temporarily, while they wait for formal admission into the United States, this process is known as parole. This right is to be used in select cases, such as for urgent humanitarian reasons.

But the Biden-Harris administration has abused this authority to make unilateral immigration decisions behind Congress’s back.

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The CHNV program is a prime example of parole abuse. Without congressional approval, it has allowed nearly half a million foreign nationals to enter our country, adding to an already skyrocketing number of migrants at the border.

And although parole is temporary, the Biden-Harris administration is determined to make sure that people released on parole stay in the country. People released on parole know that if they get in, they will be held accountable for years. CHNV ProgramsThey enter our country forever.

This program is a stain on our national security. If sponsor applications are full of fraud and the administration doesn’t bother to keep track of the foreign nationals recruited, you can be sure the initial parole screening process is far from clean.

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Continuous Biden–Harris AdministrationEncounters with people on the terrorist watch list at the border have steadily increased. We know that bad guys are taking advantage of this administration’s disastrous immigration policy, and this fraud-ridden parole program is unlikely to be an exception.

The CHNV program also raises humanitarian concerns. Instead of using case-by-case parole as Congress intended, the Biden-Harris parole system is flooded with requests from all people who want to enter our country. This means that people with urgent and extreme humanitarian needs cannot find their way out of the system.

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My office recently settled two cases involving children with leukemia who were unable to use parole for emergency medical situations consistent with the intended purpose of parole. They could not use parole because the system is flooded with foreign nationals who do not truly need it, and the Biden-Harris administration has failed to prioritize urgent cases.

Casually restarting the CHNV program It will harm everyone involved — it is not the idealistic pro-immigrant solution the administration is touting it as. I joined Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in recently sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling for an end to the program. We explained how the program violates congressional intent, invites fraud through its inadequate vetting system, and puts national security at risk.

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In response, the Biden-Harris administration must do more than repeal this flawed program. President Biden and “Border Czar” Harris must take action to fix the border and immigration crisis they have caused — including stopping their unlawful abuse of parole.

Until then, illegal border crossings, encounters with those on the terrorist watch list and Immigration Disasters It will continue to move upwards.

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