Can you live a happy life without sex?

Can you live a happy life without sex?

One of the most challenging and confusing topics in today’s life, especially for the youth, is sex, sexuality and eroticism. Single lifeWe are becoming increasingly aware of our lifestyle choices and the decision to engage in or abstain from sexual activity has become very important. We are becoming more and more aware that this particular decision has a great impact on the nature and quality of our lives, and hence it is essential to fully educate ourselves on the matter.
As far as sex and sexual relations are concerned Happiness As far as sex is concerned, there are many viewpoints about it. In the context of worldly life, sex is often seen as a pleasurable activity, which can temporarily relieve stress and give a sense of satisfaction. Spiritual perspective However, celibacy is highly valued as the path to eternal, unshakable bliss. Even within the various spiritual disciplines, some place great emphasis on the practice of celibacy as an essential component of life, while others, such as Akram Vignan, encourage individuals to choose the path of celibacy (celibacy) with the right understanding, so that the individual makes this choice voluntarily, not out of compulsion. Did you know that Akram Vignan can open the door to eternal bliss? Reading
To understand why celibacy is so respected, we must first understand the meaning of happiness. Now, happiness can also be of two kinds – worldly happiness and eternal, permanent happiness. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan explains that worldly happiness arises from the fulfillment of our worldly goals. For example, if we study hard for an exam and score good marks, or if we finally go on that vacation we saved for, we feel happy. But is this kind of happiness permanent? What if we fail the next exam or are robbed of a vacation? This very happiness turns into unhappiness. This is the nature of worldly happiness and sexual satisfaction falls into this category.
Eternal happiness, on the other hand, is permanent and unchanging. It does not depend on external circumstances, and therefore remains untouched by the waves of change. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan explains that such happiness, eternal bliss, can only be attained through self-realization, the knowledge that we are nothing but pure souls. And celibacy is a necessary condition for this realization. As long as one indulges in sexual activity, one cannot hope to realize one’s true nature. This is because the veil of ignorance that comes from enjoying sex covers the light of the Atman (pure soul). This veil pushes us further away from the bliss that comes from self-knowledge.
This means that the pleasure or happiness a person experiences after a sexual act is actually both momentary (it does not last long) and illusory (the feeling of pleasure is almost always followed by some kind of pain). Thus, not only can a person live happily without sex, but freedom from the sexual impulse is also necessary to experience true, eternal happiness.
But it is very difficult to get rid of the sexual impulse, especially in today’s world. Anyway, no one can hope to achieve this state alone. Only someone who has experienced perfect celibacy can show the right direction and light the lamp of enlightenment that will burn away the interfering sexual impulses. This is where Akram Vignan comes into play:
In this Kaliyuga, which is the present age of the time cycle, in which there is a progressive decrease in spiritual knowledge and moral degradation, it is very difficult to follow celibacy. Our knowledge is an ocean of bliss and therefore it is possible to follow celibacy. What is the reason for non-celibacy and sexual indulgence? It is due to the fire of inner restlessness and discontent. Working all day long creates a constant inner burning. To extinguish this fire of restlessness and discontent, one indulges in the momentary pleasures of sexual pleasure. Because of this knowledge you have no problem in salvation but if it is accompanied by celibacy, the resulting bliss is boundless and eternal. This is the kind of infinite bliss that the world has never experienced before.
However, striving towards celibacy, though difficult, is not impossible. Pujya Dada Bhagwan explains that one must understand and analyse sexuality. If one sees how it is unpleasant and dirty, one will automatically turn away from sexual thoughts. By carefully observing one’s mind, speech and deeds, one can identify all instances of sexual indulgence and then by doing pratikraman (asking for forgiveness) from the heart, one can wash away all forms of sexual desires and also ensure that he does not sow the seeds of abrahmacharya (non-celibacy) in the future.
The flame of self-knowledge kindled during the Gyan Vidhi makes this observation possible, and the constant guidance of the Gyanani thereafter ensures that the person does not deviate from the path of celibacy. Thus, with the help of knowledge and under the guidance of the Gyanani, one can live a very happy life in the pure, lasting bliss of the soul, free from the sufferings of sensuality.
Read more about celibacy here
by Dada Bhagwan

Overcoming obstacles: Why plans fail; Krishna explains in Bhagavad Gita verse 3.28


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