CNN data reporter reveals dramatic shift from voters at the border: ‘Really hurting Biden’s re-election chances’

CNN data reporter reveals dramatic shift from voters at the border: ‘Really hurting Biden’s re-election chances’

CNN Data Reporter Harry Enten A recent immigration poll came as a surprise, giving former President Trump a huge lead over President Biden when it comes to his handling of the border crisis.

“When you’re dealing with something that is now one of the top problems in the country according to the American public, and an issue that the former president is very much geared toward, you can certainly see why the current president, Joe Biden, felt like he needed to take action,” Enten reported Tuesday on CNN News Central, following Biden’s speech. signed an executive order To crack down on intruders on the southern border.

The reporter commented, “Because at this particular point, the issue of border security and immigration is really hurting Joe Biden’s reelection chances.”

Enten analyzed multiple polls that showed voters see immigration as a much more important concern than they were four years ago, and trust Trump more than Biden to handle the issue.

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CNN data analyst Harry Enten said polling shows voters now give Trump a 27-point lead over Biden on the issue of border security, whereas in 2020, Biden had a 1-point lead over Trump on the issue. (CNN/Screenshot)

As of May 2024, voters give Trump a 27-point lead over Biden on handling border security vote From Marquette University Law School and CNBC.

That’s a dramatic jump from June 2020, when Enten said polling put Biden one point ahead of Trump on the immigration issue.

He said the border has become “very important” to voters. In a May 2024 Gallup poll, voters ranked immigration as the second biggest issue facing the U.S. However, voters in Gallup’s May 2020 poll ranked immigration as the 15th most important issue, Enten said.

He said Trump also has a 3-point lead over Biden among immigrant voters, according to the average of two recent CNN polls. He suggested that Democratic messages attacking Republicans do not seem to be effective with this group.

He candidly remarked, “I think there are a lot of Democrats who were hoping that his harsh rhetoric against immigrant communities might cause a negative reaction, that maybe immigrant voters might turn to the Democratic Party. But that did not happen. In fact, this is one of the most bizarre kinds of poll numbers I’ve seen.”

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Latino voters told CBS News correspondent Weijia Jiang that they don’t believe former President Trump is a “threat to democracy.”

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According to two CNN polls cited by Enten, 47% of immigrant voters prefer Trump, while 44% support Biden for president.

“Look at this, you’d think this is a Democratic-leaning group. No,” he said.

“This just shows you how Immigration issue He added, “This is moving completely against the current president and in favor of the former president, no matter which way you look at it.”

Enten shared a clip on X, calling the border “a terrible issue for Biden.”

He wrote, “Four years ago, immigration wasn’t even in the top 10 of issues important to Americans. Today, it’s in second place. And the slight lead Joe Biden had in 2020 on immigration/border security has turned into a nearly 30-point lead for Trump on this issue today. A terrible issue for Biden.”

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Voters give Biden a roughly 30-point lead over Trump in his ability to handle the border, CNN reported, citing a poll. (Getty Images)

Biden on Tuesday signed an executive order temporarily halting entry to the southern border for migrants seeking asylum, despite an average of 2,500 people crossing the border per day over a seven-day period.

The limit will remain in effect for 14 days until the border has a 7-day average of fewer than 1,500 encounters. Officials said this will make it easier for immigration officers to quickly remove individuals who have no legal basis to be in the United States.

The Biden campaign pointed to the executive action when contacted for comment Fox News Digital,

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Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement announcing the executive order, “The American people have been demanding solutions to fix our broken immigration system, but at every step, Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans have made it clear they only want chaos and partisan politics as usual. Every American should know that Trump proudly killed the strongest bipartisan border bill in a generation — favoring fentanyl smugglers over Border Patrol and our safety.”

He added, “President Biden knows that being president isn’t about drama — it’s about taking action on the issues that matter most to our communities. Despite the inaction from Trump and his loyalists, President Biden is taking action today.”

Fox News’ Adam Shaw contributed to this report.


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