Colombia copied Biden’s ‘don’t do’ strategy when addressing anti-Israel protesters – then it tried Trump’s

Colombia copied Biden’s ‘don’t do’ strategy when addressing anti-Israel protesters – then it tried Trump’s

After nearly two weeks of unrest at Columbia University, administrators changed their approach and arrested hundreds of anti-Israel protesters on campus. These protesters occupied an academic building, removing the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag, among other demonstrations.

The mass arrests came as the New York school followed President Biden’s playbook by telling students not to pitch tents on campus, assemble peacefully, reach an agreement to vacate encampments and not pursue demonstrations.

The students disobeyed all those orders.

On Wednesday, the school switched gears and took action against people who were chanting anti-Semitic slogans when NYPD officers arrested 300 people. Former President Trump has repeatedly called on the university to invite law enforcement in and let officials do their job.

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Student protesters gather for a protest inside their camp on the Columbia University campus in New York on Monday, April 29, 2024. War protesters in Gaza, who are camping at Columbia University, have defied the disengagement deadline by chanting, clapping and drumming. (AP Photo/Stephen Jeremiah)

The shift to restore law and order on campus came after students repeatedly crossed the red lines drawn by university administrators.

Tell protesters ‘don’t’

On April 18, students pitched several tents in the middle of campus, creating a “Gaza solidarity camp” on the academic lawn. The university responded immediately.

“This morning, I had to make a decision that I hoped would never be necessary. I have always said that the safety of our community is my top priority and we need to preserve an environment where everyone is supportive. Can learn in context.” Columbia University President Minouche Shafiq said on April 18.

Anti-Israel protesters gather on the campus of Columbia University in New York City

Anti-Israel protesters gather on the campus of Columbia University in New York City on Monday, April 22, 2024. (Peter Gerber)

He added, “I took this extraordinary step because these are extraordinary circumstances. The individuals who set up the camp violated a long list of rules and policies.”

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Later the police arrested more than 100 agitators.

Anti-Israel protesters have set up camp on the campus of Columbia University

Police arrested more than 100 protesters at Columbia University on April 18, 2024. (Peter Gerber)

The university then backed down and agreed to negotiate with the protesters.

draw a red line

A few days later, the unrest continued and President Shafiq announced on Monday, April 22 that all classes would be moved to virtual in an effort to “reduce the rancor” on campus.

“I am deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus,” Shafiq said. “Let’s sit, talk, debate and find ways to compromise on solutions.”

“In the coming days, a working group of deans, university administrators and faculty members will attempt to resolve this crisis,” he added rtf56 n at the time. “This includes continued discussions with student protesters and identifying actions we can take as a community so we can peacefully finish term and return to respectful engagement with each other.”

A pro-Palestinian protestor holds a flag on the roof of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters occupied Hamilton Hall of Columbia University in New York, USA. (Yuki Iwamura/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

He also said, “I hope everyone can take a deep breath, show compassion and work together to rebuild the ties that bind us together.”

On 23 April, the university president informed the agitators of a midnight deadline to reach an agreement to leave the camp, pack up their tents and go home.

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“For several days, a small group of faculty, administrators, and university senators have been negotiating with student organizers to discuss the basis for disbanding, dispersing, and following university policies moving forward.” The deadline for those talks is coming to an end. midnight tonight To reach an agreement,” she said.

Palestinian supporters rally outside Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters hold a rally outside Columbia University on April 23, 2024 in New York City. (Gina Moon/Getty Images)

Shafiq said: “I am hopeful that these discussions will be successful. If they are not successful, we will have to consider alternative options to clear the West Lawn and restore peace on campus so that students can complete the session and Can graduate.”

The deadline came and went.

A few hours later, the university said it would give students an additional 48 hours to negotiate.

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That deadline came and went, but the university said On Friday, 26 April, it was said that “progress” had been made in the talks.

“We have our demands; they have theirs,” Colombia said in an update posted just after 11 p.m. Thursday.

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The university also assured the protesters that this will not happen. Calling the NYPD Back to campus.

“Negotiations have seen progress and are continuing as planned,” the university said. “A formal process is underway and will continue.”

Anti-Israel protesters gather on the campus of Columbia University in New York City

Anti-Israel protesters gather on the campus of Columbia University in New York City on Monday, April 22, 2024. The university announced that all classes will be held virtually today in response to the ongoing demonstrations on campus. (Peter Gerber)

He also extended the deadline to continue the talks.

“We once asked the NYPD to remove the encroachment, but based on discussions within our community and with outside experts, we all agree that it would be counterproductive to bring the NYPD back in at this time, allowing whatever happens on campus He will get even more enraged.” And will attract thousands of people to our doors who will threaten our community,” read a joint statement from senior officials.

The statement further said, “We support the ongoing dialogue with the camp’s student leaders, under the guidance of academic leaders.” “Our goal is to safely resolve this crisis. We hope to see concrete signs of progress tonight that will significantly improve the environment on our Morningside campus.”

The statement was signed by President Shafiq, Provost Angela Olinto, and Board of Trustees co-chairs David Greenwald and Claire Shipman.

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik leaving Low Memorial Library on the campus of Columbia University

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik continued negotiations with the anti-Israel group despite passing multiple deadlines. (Fox News Digital)

As of Monday, April 29, Colombia said that its negotiations had not reached the desired outcome.

President Shafiq said, “Regrettably, we could not reach any agreement.”

Also on April 29, former President Trump clearly stated that the protests must end.

“Stop protesting now!!!” he wrote in an all-caps message on Truth Social.

Biden and Trump

Former President Trump called for an end to the protests and said people should “respect law and order in this country.” (Biden photo by Celal Gans/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images and Trump photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Trump said the next day, “People have to respect law and order in this country.”

Using a Different Strategy

Officers responded to the campus at 9 p.m. Tuesday after Columbia leadership requested assistance.

New York City Police Department raided Inside Hamilton Hall, a Columbia University building that was taken over late Monday by anti-Israel protesters.

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It was cleared around 11 a.m. the next day after a nearly two-hour operation by NYPD officers, most of whom were in riot gear.

The authorities also cleared the premises of the agitators’ encroachment, with only their tents remaining when the raid ended.

Columbia said that due to “serious security concerns”, it had “no choice” but to seek help from the NYPD after the building was seized.

Fox News’ Elizabeth Pritchett contributed to this report.


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