‘Deliberate coverup’: Democrats in key House race face ethics complaint that could derail campaign

‘Deliberate coverup’: Democrats in key House race face ethics complaint that could derail campaign

First on Fox: A Democratic House candidates She was the subject of an ethics complaint in one of the most watched races in the country alleging that she had failed to take action on allegations of sexual harassment and assault against a man who worked with her campaign.

Fox News Digital filed a complaint with the state Office of Legislative Equity against Janelle Bynum, who is running for Congress Oregon’s 5th congressional districtAllegations that Bynum failed to become a mandated reporter of allegations against a man working for the PAC that staffed her 2022 state representative campaign.

The complaint also alleges that when confronted about the alleged actions, Bynum denied and even threatened the man who approached him.

“During the 2024 primary election, a whistleblower contacted me with information about Representative Bynum and his deliberate concealment of sexual harassment of an underage volunteer who worked for him during the 2022 cycle,” the complaint reads.

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Janelle Bynum is running for Congress in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. (Fox News)

The complainant claims she “spoke in person” with two former staff members who alleged she received inappropriate sexual behavior from Bynum “directly” by a field organizer, along with two others associated with the campaign. Was reported, “Only without doing anything.”

“For me, the primary issue here is that all MLAs are mandated journalists,” the complaint said. “Bynum received credible information about one of his campaign staffers sexually harassing and assaulting young volunteers, and not only did he not report it, he threatened to report the whistleblower. ..”

In a statement to Fox News Digital, a spokesperson for the Bynum campaign said, “This effort to discredit Rep. Bynum is not based in reality. As a mother of two young women and a legislator, she has spent her career advocating for others. Rep. Bynum takes this matter personally – which is why she reported these allegations directly to the accuser’s employer, Future PAC, as soon as she learned of the 2022 election. Sent it to.”

“That’s why they have openly assisted the Office of Legislative Equity’s investigation into this matter. Representative Bynum expects Future PAC to deal fairly and expeditiously with these allegations and ensure the well-being and safety of its staff. If Future PAC did anything less, that is unacceptable.”

The Bynum campaign shared an email exchange between Bynum and the Office of Legislative Equity on September 20 in which the office told her she was “not being investigated” by the office.

However, two sources familiar with the situation told Fox News Digital that state police have conducted interviews in connection with the complaint that was sent to them as recently as the past few weeks. The nature and scope of that investigation is not known at this time.

Fox News Digital obtained text messages between a former Bynum campaign manager and Bynum, in which Bynum appeared to show little interest in drawing attention to alleged improprieties against her former employee.

“I told you not to send me anything, and I meant it,” Bynum said in a November 17 text, in response to a former campaign manager’s warning about a staffer harassing women associated with the campaign. “I really can’t have anything else on my plate.”

The former campaign manager continued to press the issue days later.

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US Capitol dome, Washington, DC

US Capitol dome, Washington, DC (AP)

The former campaign manager texted Bynum on November 21, 2022, “As unfortunate as it may be for you or (redacted) I will not sit by until someone like this comes to light treating young women this disrespectfully. Would have done.” “If he gets a job there it won’t be the last you hear about it, I promise.”

Bynum responded by asking, “Are you threatening me?”

The former campaign manager responded, “Wow, that’s easy.” “I’m promising you and anyone else that I don’t mind if someone treats young women this way.”

Bynum responded, “I would consider reporting your actions.” “Thanks for letting me know.”

In another text thread on November 14, 2022, a FuturePAC staffer says, “It’s best that we let Janelle know” and adds that we will “definitely flag” the concerns.

It’s unclear when Bynum flagged the concerns through the appropriate channels, but two sources familiar with the situation told Fox News Digital that the accused employee has been involved with FuturePAC over the past few years and held a position there. It has happened. Oregon State Legislature after the 2022 campaign. Futurepack did not respond to an inquiry regarding this allegation shared with Fox News Digital.

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Janelle Bynum is accused in a July 2024 complaint "Deliberately concealing the sexual harassment of a minor volunteer who worked for them during the 2022 cycle."

The July 2024 complaint accuses Janelle Bynum of “knowingly concealing the sexual harassment of an underage volunteer who worked for her during the 2022 cycle.” (Oregon Legislative Equity Office)

Janelle Bynum is accused in a July 2024 complaint "Deliberately concealing the sexual harassment of a minor volunteer who worked for them during the 2022 cycle."

The July 2024 complaint accuses Janelle Bynum of “knowingly concealing the sexual harassment of a minor volunteer who worked for her during the 2022 cycle.” (Oregon Legislative Equity Office)

Fox News Digital reviewed text messages between Bynum and a FuturePAC staffer between November 22, four days after the text exchange with the former campaign manager, and November 30, where she asked him to call her on the phone about an unspecified matter. Had tried.

Two sources familiar with the situation told Fox News Digital that several staffers at FuturePAC, a campaign arm of Oregon House Democrats who staff local campaigns, were aware of the concerns and allegations against the individual during the campaign, but told staff that This will be taken into account after the campaign. Concluded. A spokesperson for FuturePAC denied these allegations.

“To our knowledge, no official complaint was made that initiated an investigation under the contract regarding staff assigned to Representative Bynum’s campaign during the 2022 cycle,” a FuturePAC spokesperson told Fox News Digital. “FuturePAC hires and manages campaign staffers who work on the campaigns we are supporting – as such, campaign staffers are FuturePAC employees, not employees of individual candidates. We do not monitor the conduct of staff during campaign work. We take all allegations regarding this matter seriously.”

“Our union contract agreement with the Campaign Workers Guild requires official complaints and investigations to be handled through FuturePAC – campaigns and candidates are not allowed to be responsible for any workplace conduct investigations. To our knowledge, Had no official complaint been made during the 2022 cycle this would have triggered an investigation under the contract.”

portland oregon

portland, oregon (iStock)

Rule 27 of the Oregon State Legislature states, “Members of the Legislature…are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is free from harassment and in the workplace and at professional meetings, seminars or any events Discourage harassment.” On which legislative work is conducted.”

various state laws Oregon’s books require state legislators to specifically report sexual assault allegations involving children and minors, and legislators are generally deemed to have mandatory reporter Of such allegations.

Bynum criticized In 2019, survivors of sexual assault voted against a bill that would have given victims more time to sue by extending the statute of limitations for rape.

“Defending the accused is not popular, but it’s our job,” Bynum said at the time.

A spokesperson for the Oregon State Police confirmed that they “have received a preliminary complaint” regarding the July complaint against Bynum, but did not “regard to the status or scope of the investigation” or where the complaint they received originated. Will not comment.

“Janelle is the only person in this race who has been a consistent champion for the disadvantaged and underrepresented, and she will do the best work for Oregonians in the halls of Congress,” DCCC spokesperson Dan Gottlieb told Fox News Digital. “Lori Chavez-DeRemer has no business lecturing anyone about standing up for victims and survivors.”

Chris Taylor, senior adviser to the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, told Fox News Digital that Bynum is not guilty of the complaint.

Janelle Bynum (left) and her unsuccessful Democratic primary opponent Jamie McLeod-Skinner (right)

Janelle Bynum (left) and her unsuccessful Democratic primary opponent Jamie McLeod-Skinner (right) (Janelle Bynum for Congress/Jamie McLeod-Skinner for Congress)

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Taylor said, “Incoming House PAC and Oregon Speaker Julie Fahey must take responsibility for the alleged HR failures in her organization – we will not tolerate politically convenient blame being placed on the only Black woman in the state House.” “As a mother, small business owner and dedicated public servant, Janelle has a track record of working for Oregon and we know she will do even more good for Oregonians when she comes to Congress. ”

A spokesperson for EMILY’s List told Fox News Digital that Bynum is “a mother and a state representative who has been a steadfast advocate for Oregonians throughout her career.”

“Throughout this election, Republicans have shamefully tried to tarnish Bynum’s record and this is their latest attempt to distract from the extremist agenda that Lori Chavez-DeRemer and her MAGA allies are pushing. “We are proud to stand together and we are confident she will continue to stand up for Oregonians against Republican extremism.”

A source familiar with the situation told Fox News Digital that Bynum “would have received annual training on her duties as a mandated reporter” making her certain of her “obligation to report it to law enforcement”, not That to FuturePac.

“His dereliction of duty is not on Fahey or anyone else.”

Bynum is running against Republican Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer in a race against Some experts believe The balance of power in the House may get disturbed.


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