‘Disc-shaped craft’ hovered over Colorado concert venue, staff say: ‘He knew someone was watching him’

‘Disc-shaped craft’ hovered over Colorado concert venue, staff say: ‘He knew someone was watching him’

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A dozen workers reported seeing a “large, disc-shaped vehicle” hovering overhead. Colorado They disappear as soon as they reach the concert venue.

“What’s even more strange is that as soon as we all noticed this and stopped whatever we were doing to pay attention to it, the plane tilted at an angle and slowly began to move on its belly to the east,” one crew member reported. National UFO Reporting Center About the scene seen June 5 at Morrison’s Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

“Then it slowly started fading away and disappeared. It didn’t go away. It just disappeared into the sky. We all saw it disappear.”

“Quiet” hovering object According to the National UFO Reporting Center, the aircraft was elongated — about the size of a “three-story office building” — with three levels of windows and lights.

Alien video shows at least 2 ‘creatures’ using ‘cloaking’ device: ‘I’m opening it up for review’

A portion of the UFO Super Bowl ad features an alien keeping an eye on humans on Earth.

A portion of the UFO Super Bowl ad features an alien keeping an eye on humans on Earth. (Squarespace)

The anonymous reporting employee wrote, “One of our colleagues suddenly said to us, ‘Hey, what’s that over there? It looks like a spaceship.'”

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“We all looked in the direction he was pointing and discovered there was a UFO hovering about a half to a mile north of Red Rocks.”

According to the National UFO Reporting Center’s post, they all turned their attention to the strange object in the sky, and once she realized someone was keeping an eye on her, she suddenly “went berserk.”

UFO iStock

Employees at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre reported seeing a hovering craft. (iStock)

Only then did he “dissolve into the sky.”

“About a dozen of us saw it. We all kept asking each other, ‘Are you seeing this too?’ Everyone in the group said a resounding ‘yes,'” the activist wrote in the post.

Alien video shows at least 2 ‘creatures’ using ‘cloaking’ device: ‘I’m opening it up for review’

“It wasn’t a plane. It wasn’t a satellite, a drone or anything like that. There was no doubt what it was.”

The way it “just dissolved into the ether” is similar to a Possible aliens An encounter was reported in Las Vegas last April, when the “creatures” disappeared.

Scott Roeder, an experienced crime scene recreation expert, analyzed a short video using artificial intelligence and computer software, proving there were at least two activities there. "Creatures" In the Las Vegas alien video, which is up for debate.

Scott Roeder, an experienced crime scene recreation expert, analyzed a short video using artificial intelligence and computer software, proving that the Las Vegas alien video contains movement and at least two “creatures,” the identity of which has been debated. (Jim Quirk/Quirkzone on YouTube)

Scott Roeder, an experienced crime scene reconstruction analyst, analyzed the incident. Las Vegas They looked at eyewitness videos and showed two “smoky filters” that did not match the background.

He theorized that the “beings” used some sort of “concealment system” to “protect” themselves from the curious family and, later, responding police officers.

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WATCH: Crime scene recreation analyst breaks down reports of alien sightings

In one second of real time, there are 30 frames that show “a head … with smoke around it”, which Roeder described as “some sort of cloaking device”, appearing in the upper right corner of the video and peeking over the fence.

“I applied the same principles I would apply to any kind of work.” murder investigation,” said Roeder, who has testified in cases such as the Oscar Pistorius murder case.

“At this particular time, what we have seen is evidence of two things. These organizations…are realThey’re there. It’s not fake. It’s not a fraud.”

A crime scene recreation analyst analyzed a video of the alleged alien in Las Vegas and revealed where he said he was "There is no doubt about it" Two beings appear.

A crime scene reconstruction analyst analyzed a video of alleged alien sightings in Las Vegas and said there was “no doubt” two creatures appeared there.

There are believers, skeptics, and those unsure about life in space, but interest in UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena), as they are called today, is growing.

Roeder worked with Jim Quirk, a reporter and Supernatural Reality Podcast And who shared video and images with Fox New Digital to recreate the scene in a Las Vegas backyard on April 30, 2023.

Roeder wants to open it up for “peer review.”

“Bring it,” he said.

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“I want to open it up. Everything that we’ve done. I’m opening it up to peer review … I’m willing to listen to what professionals in my field have to say about it and open it up. And if I’m wrong, you know, I’ll admit it,” Roeder said, even though he’s sure he’s right.

,These two objects, these two creatures, are in a real-world environment with the Kenmore family. That’s a fact,” Rodger said. “Now the question is, who are they? Where are they from and what do they want? That’s where the conversation moves forward.”


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