Do you know these fun facts about Mars?

Do you know these fun facts about Mars?

Mars is a fascinating planet In our solar system.

Over the past few years, space organizations have done a lot of work to further explore Mars, including projects to land crews on the Red Planet.

Mars and Earth share many similarities with each other, including the length of a day on each planet, as well as each planet’s small number of moons.

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Here are 10 fun facts about Mars.

  1. there are seasons on mars
  2. Mars is home to the Olympus Mons volcano
  3. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun
  4. Mars is smaller than Earth
  5. mars has two moons
  6. Mars has cold temperatures and thin atmosphere
  7. Rovers, landers and helicopters have been used to explore the planet
  8. Mars is also known as the “Red Planet”
  9. The duration of a year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth
  10. Mangal has been the lead character in many films

Mars is one of the unique planets in our solar system. (iStock)

1. There are seasons on Mars

like the earth, Mars also experiences seasons.

According to, the seasons on Mars are slightly different from those on Earth, as they are about twice as long.

Mars has four seasons, just like Earth; Winter, spring, summer and autumn.

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2. Mars is home to the Olympus Mons volcano

Olympus Mons is an absolutely massive volcano on Mars.

It is not only the largest volcano on the planet, but also the largest the entire solar system, According to

According to the source, it is 16 miles high and extends for 374 miles.

landscape on mars

Mars is home to many volcanoes, including the largest volcano in the solar system. (iStock)

3. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the four planets closest to the Sun.

According to, Mars is approximately 142 million miles from the Sun.

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According to the source, Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and is approximately 2.8 billion miles away from the Sun.

4. Mars is smaller than Earth

Mars is quite small compared to Earth.

Mars is about half the size of Earth. According to, it has a radius of 2,106 miles.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, and Venus are all larger than Mars, while Mercury is smaller.

view of earth and mars

Mars is smaller than Earth, with a radius of 2,106 miles. (iStock)

5. Mars has two moons

Phobos and Deimos are two moons of Mars. According to, Phobos is the larger of the two.

The low number of moons is another similarity between Earth and Mars.

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There are many other planets in the Solar System except Venus – which has no moon.

6. Mars has cold temperatures and thin atmosphere

Mars experiences very cold temperatures and its atmosphere is very thin.

According to, it is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, argon and nitrogen.

The temperature of Mars is another factor that makes it uninhabitable.

The surface of Mars with Earth in the distance

Mars is very cold, with an average temperature of 85 degrees below zero. (iStock)

The average temperature on the planet hovers around minus 85 degrees Fahrenheit, reports.

7. Rovers, landers and helicopters have been used to explore the planet

Countries around the world have made great efforts to explore Mars.

NASA has Two rovers, Curiosity and Perseverance, Which are currently being used to explore the planet.

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Over the years, there have been Sojourner, Spirit and Opportunity, among others.

Spirit and Opportunity were twin rovers that landed just weeks apart from each other in 2004, according to

According to, NASA also had a lander called InSight that was used to explore the planet until December 2022, and a helicopter called Ingenuity. Ingenuity’s mission ends in January 2024.

Exploration has shown that Mars Billions of years ago there was a warmer, wetter, denser atmosphere here.

Perseverance Rover on Mars

Perseverance is one of the rovers currently exploring Mars. (Xinhua/NASA/JPL-Caltech via Getty Images)

More research continues to be done to further that idea and look toward the planet’s possible future.

Elon Musk’s company SpaceX There is also work being done on spacecraft and rockets that could bring crews and equipment to Mars.

8. Mars is also called the Red Planet

Mars is often called the Red Planet.

Mars’s nickname comes from its visible color.

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According to, Mars’ soil is full of iron minerals, which oxidize or rust, making the soil surface appear red.

9. The duration of a year on Mars is longer than a year on Earth

Mars experiences a longer year than Earth.

According to, a year on Mars is 669.6 sols, which is equivalent to 687 days on Earth. Each day on Mars is just a little longer than a day on Earth.

The average day on Mars is 24.6 hours, which is the same as on Earth.

A view of Earth from space

A year on Mars is almost twice as long as a year on Earth. (iStock)

10. Mangal has been the lead character in many films

While humans haven’t walked on Mars in real life, they have in pop culture. Many popular films have been made based on life on Mars.

the most Popular is “The Martian” 2015 film based on the book by Andy Weir. Matt Damon plays astronaut Mark Watney in the film, who gets stranded on the planet.

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Some other movies based on Mars are “Total Recall,” “Mission to Mars,” “Life,” “The Space Between Us” and “Ad Astra.”


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