Donald Trump slammed by Indian-American’s childcare question amid talks of cognitive decline

Donald Trump slammed by Indian-American’s childcare question amid talks of cognitive decline

WASHINGTON: Some see it as cognitive collapse. Others see it as utter stupidity and ignorance. He himself sees it as a masterful figment of reason, the work of a self-described “stable genius” whose magical “weaving” of disparate thoughts, random ideas and non-sequiturs is admired by fantasy nerds.
Donald Trumpa person’s vague answer to a direct question Indian-Americans The entrepreneur and mother of two, when asked what specific legislation she would introduce to make child care affordable, sparked a heated debate not just about this issue, but about the former president’s lack of ideas and incoherence when it came to any topic.
After the usual chatter, described as a “policy speech”, Economic Club of New YorkTrump gave a vague 360-word answer to Reshma Saujani’s question, which some commentators described as “nonsense” and many others as “stupid.”
Some analysts, partly in jest, put his answer (see box) through an AI program to decipher its meaning, with one asking ChatGPT if the man could be hired based on his answer. “Based on this answer, I would be concerned about hiring this person… This answer may indicate difficulties in effectively expressing and implementing ideas, which could be a red flag depending on the job requirements,” ChatGPT replied.
Saujani, founder of the organization Girls Who CodeThe organization, which aims to increase the number of women in computer science, issued a scathing statement, saying Trump’s response was “incomprehensible at best; and deeply offensive, at worst, to the millions of families drowning in costs.”
Adding to Trump’s defeat, his fellow candidate JD Vance said in a separate event that one way to ease the pressure of childcare costs on parents is to involve grandparents and uncles “who might want to help out a little more.” Already facing criticism for his “childless cat ladies” comment, Vance also faced criticism from many parents for his indifferent approach to a burning issue in the US even though he himself is a father of three children and is a supporter of family values ​​and having more children.
Child care in the U.S. costs between $11,000 and $25,000 per year depending on the county and state, and in some areas it’s even more than housing. Both parties have promised a tax credit for children if they come to power, with the Harris campaign promising an additional $6,000 tax credit for parents of newborns for the first year. Trump’s reference to his daughter Ivanka’s role in solving the crisis drew this scathing response from one parent on social media: “No one knows the struggle of child care more than a billionaire and his billionaire daughter.”
The incident also drew attention to the larger issue of Trump’s ignorance and misrepresentation on key issues from climate change to immigration. While he misleads his MAGA followers with inflammatory falsehoods, he’s caught out when faced with a more discerning audience, leading to hashtags like “Trumpistustupid” that trended frequently in the hours following the child care incident.
Text of Trump’s response on child care
Well, I’ll do that, and we’re sitting down, and I, somebody was, we had Senator Marco Rubio, and my daughter Ivanka was very influential on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the numbers that I’m talking about, because, look, child care is child care. Can’t, you know, there’s something, you have to have it – you have to have it in this country.
But when you compare those numbers to the numbers that I’m talking about, taxing foreign countries at levels that they’re not used to – but they’ll get used to very quickly – and it won’t stop them from doing business with us, but when they send products into our country, they’ll be taxed very heavily. Uh, those numbers are much higher than all the numbers that we’ve been talking about, including child care, which is something to take into account.
We — I, I expect to have no deficit in the fairly short term, plus, uh, the cuts that I told you about in terms of waste and fraud and all the other things that are going on in our country, because I want to stick with child care. I want to stick with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’ve been talking about, including growth, but even growth goes beyond the plan that I just told you about.
We will make trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is said to be expensive, it’s not that expensive, comparatively, compared to the kind of numbers we’ll make. We’re going to make this an incredible country that’s able to take care of its own people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people, but we’ll take care of our country first. This is about America first. This is about making America great again, we have to do this because right now we’re a failed nation, so we’ll take care of that. Thank you. Great question. Thank you.


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