Essential Social Skills for Teens

Essential Social Skills for Teens

As children reach adolescence, their intelligence begins to display. They not only begin to assess and evaluate people’s behavior, but also form their own judgments on how to react to these behaviors. At this young age, they desperately need a guiding light that will protect them and save them from facing adverse consequences in their life, helping them make the right choices among the myriad of influences that teenagers are surrounded by. .
If the teen is influenced by the “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” approach, it is important that we teach him to be patient and polite towards the people who misbehave, because he does not want to think about the miserable future he is creating for himself. Knows. , by doing this.
How to teach a teenager to be patient and polite towards people who misbehave?
Let’s see…
Be a good role model for your teen. You are one of the biggest influences for your teen. The teenager is constantly learning by watching you. Whatever you do, they will copy it and surpass you. Your own behavior can make or break an aggressive situation. So, be the change you want to see in your teen.
Change teen’s behavior with love and understanding: If your teen is already well aware of the ill effects of the ‘abuse in return for abuse’ approach; He is less likely to adopt such a habit. Therefore, make him understand that responding angrily is never a solution, rather it only hurts yourself in many ways.
If the teen is adamant about his behavior, maintain your calm presence with strictness in one eye and love in the other. The teen must receive a very direct message that his aggressive (violent) behavior toward the people who abused him is not the right way to respond for his well-being.
Incorporate the phrase ‘Adjust Everywhere’ into your life. When the teen understands that tit-for-tat is never fruitful and is actually a trap that one should not fall into, then it is time to teach him how to adjust to every situation. It doesn’t matter if your young teen fails to learn anything else in this worldly life; However, it is important to learn to adjust.
in these terrible times KalyugaIf one fails to make adjustments it will be ruined; And one who knows how to adjust even to those who fail to adjust to him will never suffer. Tell him that being patient and polite towards abusive people is one of life’s biggest adjustments and a huge accomplishment, when it is done with a clear mind and a pure heart.
Why did this happen to me? Tell your teen the real reason why he has to face abusive people in life. It is the result of our own wrong actions (karmas) in a previous life. The fights in our past life create more fights in this life. Friction produces friction, which results in more friction; The friction increases and along with the friction our pain also increases.
However, one can come out of this vicious circle with the help of right understanding that whatever happens in my life is justice – I met abusive people because of my old karma of abusing people, and now patience and humility. By living from Karma, I will be bound into new bonds, the result of which will be ‘I will meet good and gentle people.’
avoid conflict, Ask the teen to imbibe just one sentence in life i.e. “Avoid conflict.” His firm and honest resolve was, ‘I will not collide with anyone under any circumstances, no matter how stubborn the opponent is.’ The work will be completed!
Explain to her, “Whenever someone comes to you and starts using harsh and derogatory words, you will feel resentment within, which can upset you. You should understand that this person is influencing your mind and accordingly, you should stay out of his/her way. This conflict is in the form of vibration. Therefore avoid confrontation. Push aside and forget the words that bother you. Then you will not face problems in adopting polite and patient behavior towards people who abuse you.”
Teach your teen to be fearless. ‘When you have no fear of being insulted, no one will insult you.’ As long as we remain afraid, we will continue to meet abusive people and continue to receive their abuses. It doesn’t matter how big or small the misbehavior is, teach your teen to be courageous and patient. The more insults a person faces with humility and patience, the sooner he becomes fearless of those insults!
Prayers. Prayer is a direct appeal to God, asking for the strength to remain patient and humble. Pray: “Dear God! Give me immense inner strength not to speak, nor incite or encourage anyone to speak even the slightest harsh or hurtful language towards any living being.
If someone speaks in harsh and hurtful language, please give me the strength to speak gently and kindly in response.”
You should also pray with your teen, he will learn this good habit faster from you. What is the power of real prayer? read here
Teach when to be more aggressive:
While we teach our teen to be polite and patient, it is also important to teach him when and where he should be aggressive. Aggressive means ‘to behave in a prescribed manner no matter what’; And no yelling, attacking, making sharp comments or cornering people.
Teach him to achieve his goals aggressively. A teenager is standing at a crucial juncture in his life where he can either make the best of his life or ruin it. Give him the goal of life which he can achieve aggressively, and move forward on the path which will not only benefit his own welfare but also the welfare of mankind. These goals are:
– Pure intention in life. The first goal is to internalize in my life the sacred intention that no matter what the circumstances, I will never cause even the slightest harm to others; And I will accept with joy and perfect understanding the suffering that others impose on us. When this intention remains strong within him, it will take him to such heights that no one can even imagine.
When violent intentions arise in his mind, help him aggressively stick to his goal. Teach him to behave in such a way that he does not provoke others to use abusive language. And when he commits a mistake, ask him to sincerely repent for it and resolve to never make such a mistake again.
Even a single negative thought towards any living being is harmful. Will have to face losses from both sides. So help him achieve this goal and repent whenever he commits a mistake.
,Stay in the company of wise people. The ultimate goal of one’s life should be to get rid of the ego, which is actually responsible for all the suffering in our life. For this, keep him in the company of a person whose ego has completely vanished because staying in bad company will increase his ego and along with it, his sorrows will also increase a lot.
The ego of the wise, the knowledgeable has gone away, and hence they continuously experience eternal bliss. Therefore, keep it at the feet of the wise. As he grows up in the loving company of the wise, one day by his grace he will achieve something self realization And you will know who “I” really am.
With this knowledge he will gradually reach a state where even if someone scolds him or attacks him, he will never feel depressed. that is what is said Science (Spiritual Science) that will solve all the puzzles of your teen’s life. So, introduce him to this path at a very young age and watch him blossom in life!!
Want to know more about Akram Science, Reading
Author: grandpa god

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