From ban to black market: India’s tobacco challenge

From ban to black market: India’s tobacco challenge

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Educate and regulate, don’t just ban: Steps needed to tackle addiction and eliminate black marketing
On the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, it is important to check the alarming growth of the illicit tobacco market in India. Check this out: Legally produced cigarettes account for only 8% of total tobacco consumption in India,Not only are counterfeit products a threat, but banned products like e-cigarettes and vapes have also risen to prominence in the grey market. According to the survey conducted for the report ‘Human-centred approach to tobacco control’, 8.1% of respondents used e-cigarettes. Despite the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes Act (PECA) 2019, which bans the manufacture, sale, distribution, and possession of e-cigarettes, a thriving black market remains, posing significant health risks, and draining the country’s coffers through lost tax revenue.
Did the ban fail?
Human behaviour is often attracted to what is forbidden, driven by curiosity and inquisitiveness. The aim of PECA 2019 in India was to protect public health, prevent tobacco initiation, and support tobacco control efforts, but the reality is quite different. Prohibited products such as e-cigarettes and vapes are easily available from various sources, including tobacco vendors, general stores, and online providers. These products are often seen being used in smoking areas of corporate buildings, lounge bars, clubs, and restaurants. This situation raises the question: How do we deal with this situation? How do we curb black marketing?
Learning from global experiences
Japan, Renowned for its careful public health policies, it integrates traditional medicine with modern innovations to ensure effective disease prevention and healthcare delivery. Its progressive regulations for less harmful alternatives and health education initiatives have been successfully implemented Cigarette sales decreased by 52%, Addressing the leading cause of disease in many countries.
Thailand, On the contrary, the government has imposed tight restrictions and is battling a thriving black market for e-cigarettes. The $46 million e-cigarette business, which implies consumption of approximately 1 million e-cigarettes in country.
of Sweden Progressive public health policies have supported alternatives such as snus and nicotine pouches (NP), resulting in 60% reduction in smoking rates— the largest reduction of any EU country between 2006 and 2020. This approach has led to Sweden having the lowest incidence of cancer in the EU region, Only 5% of the population Smokers over the age of 15.
Addiction, health risks and economic burden: The triple threat of banned tobacco products in India
Obtaining these products is particularly worrisome. There is no control over who is purchasing these devices or whether they are of legal age. The easy availability of such products creates an environment where peer pressure and tempting tastes overwhelm awareness of the risks of addiction among young adults. The allure of these products, combined with their easy access, further increases the challenge of preventing dependence.
The availability of illicit and banned substandard tobacco products in India poses serious health risks. Without a standardised composition or clear source, there is no monitoring of the potentially harmful additives used. This lack of control raises significant concerns about health effects, especially as consumer awareness and scrutiny of product ingredients continues to grow globally.
According to the report, tobacco use in India imposes a huge economic burden, accounting for nearly 1% of GDP. ‘Human-centred approach to tobacco control’ This includes the costs associated with tobacco-related diseases and premature deaths. Furthermore, the existence of an illicit market places further strain on resources, with funds that would otherwise be promoting economic development diverted to law enforcement efforts aimed at combating the illicit trade.
Regulation and education: The key to curbing black marketing and promoting healthier alternatives
While the government’s efforts to protect public health and combat e-cigarette addiction are commendable, a balanced approach, including better regulation and education, is needed to reduce the unprecedented growth in black markets. Highlighting the current scenario (PECA 2019), integrating regulation with education can curb illicit markets, ensure the availability of less harmful alternatives that meet health standards, and educate consumers about the dangers of counterfeit products.This strategy not only reduces health risks but also secures tax revenue. Strengthening the regulatory framework and launching extensive public awareness campaigns will empower individuals to make healthier choices. As India tackles these challenges, effective regulation and consumer education will play a vital role in shaping a future where addiction is minimised, black markets are eliminated and a healthy society is ensured for generations to come.

Disclaimer: Content Produced by ET Edge


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