Gen-Z slang words explained: 30 words you need to know |

Gen-Z slang words explained: 30 words you need to know |

Generation Z or Gen-Z refers to people born between the early 1990s and the early 2000s, and according to the Collins Dictionary, they are a generation that looks different. But what’s wrong with the name ‘Gen Z’? Well, the ‘Z’ stands for ‘zoomer’ – an indication that this is the first generation to really ‘zoom’ on the internet. Gen Z are the children of Generation X and have grown up in a world where Wi-Fi is as essential as oxygen.
What makes Gen-Z stand out is their creative, often incomprehensible slang. This generation has created a whole new language filled with words and phrases that can sound like code to outsiders. If you can’t keep up with it, you might be experiencing some serious FOMO (fear of missing out).
New slang language is emerging faster than you can blink, and keeping up can feel like a race against time. Whether you’re a parent trying to connect with your kids or just curious about the latest trends, this list of Gen-Z slang words and their meanings will help you understand their unique language and stay in the loop.

List of Generation-Z slang words you should know in 2024

Conditionconsent or confirmation.“Are you coming to the party? – Bet!”
CapLies or falsity.“He said he was rich, but it’s a hat.”
No LimitThe truth, without any exaggeration.“I ate the whole pizza by myself, no limits.”
BreakageTo succeed or perform exceptionally well.“She did a great job performing at the talent show!”
DurationThe last thing is to emphasize a point.“It’s the best movie of the year, that’s it.”
FeelingThe overall mood or atmosphere.“This place has a very peaceful atmosphere.”
Evil spiritTo suddenly stop talking to someone.“He forgot about me after our last date.”
Low-keySomething you want to express subtly.“I’m a little excited about the concert.”
HighkeySomething you want to express out loud.“I’m extremely impressed with this new album.”
SssSuspicious or suspicious.“This deal seems suspicious to me.”
flexDisplay.“He’s always showing off his new shoes.”
BopA good song or music track.“That new track is a total banger.”
StanA devoted fan of someone or something.“I really admire his work ethic.”
Wvictory or success.“Getting that job was a huge win for me.”
lLoss or failure.“It was a huge loss to miss that opportunity.”
simple manSomeone who does a lot of work for someone he likes.“He’s working hard for her with those gifts.”
DripStylish or fashionable clothes/accessories.“Look at his drip; he looks fresh.”
YeetTo throw something with force.“He threw the ball across the field.”
luminousSomething exciting or excellent.“The party last night was amazing!”
ReceiptsEvidence or proof of something.“I have the receipts to prove what happened.”
TeaGossip or juicy information.“Tell me what happened last night.”
BreakfastSomeone who is attractive.“She looks like a snack in that outfit.”
big surpriseThis is a very shameful thing.“That freak fall was huge.”
shookTo be shocked or surprised.“I am so shaken by this plot twist!”
boujeeLuxurious or high class.“She’s always acting like she’s ‘bougie’ with her designer bags.”
ExcessiveExtreme or excessive behavior.“Her birthday party decorations were awesome.”
FireSomething wonderful or good.“That new jacket is fire!”
GucciEverything is good or great.“I am very happy about this project.”
SaltyGetting angry or upset over small things.“He’s upset because he lost the game.”
EffectInfluence or fame, especially on social media.“People are always looking for influence on Instagram.”

Understanding Gen-Z’s essential slang words


Used to confirm plans or agree to something, similar to saying “okay” or “sure”. It is often used in informal conversation when someone agrees with something said or proposed.


This word means a lie or falsehood. If someone says “that’s a hat,” he is calling someone out for not telling the truth. It is usually used to accuse someone of exaggerating.

No Limit

The opposite of cap, meaning that something is true or honest. It is used to emphasize honesty or truth in a statement, such as “genuine” or “no lie.”


To do something exceptionally well, often used in the context of fashion, makeup, or a performance. It means to impress others by excelling at something or looking great.


This word is used to emphasize something and make it clear that there is nothing more to discuss. It usually gives finality and certainty to strong statements or opinions.


Refers to the overall mood or atmosphere of a person, event, or place. It can also describe a person’s energy or how they make others feel in social situations.

Evil spirit

Suddenly stopping communication with someone for no apparent reason, especially in a romantic or friendship relationship. This is considered a negative way to end relationships or avoid conflict.


A way of describing something discreetly or subtly. If someone feels “a little excited,” it means that they are not openly expressing excitement, but they are still feeling it internally.


The opposite of low-key, meaning that something is openly expressed or obvious. Used when someone feels strongly about something and doesn’t mind showing it or making it known.


Short form of suspect, it is commonly used to indicate suspicious behavior or intentions.


Showing off or bragging about something, often material possessions, accomplishments, or personal style. This can be both a positive or negative term, depending on the context.


A term for a catchy or great song, usually one that makes you want to dance or sing along. If a song is a “bop,” it’s fun and enjoyable to listen to.


A combination of “stalker” and “fan”, used to describe someone who is an extremely enthusiastic or obsessive fan of a celebrity, band, or something they love. It is both a noun and a verb.


An abbreviation of “win”, used to indicate success or a positive outcome. Getting the “W” means achieving something or having a successful moment. It is common in online gaming and social media.


Abbreviation of “LOS”, the opposite of “W”. Taking the “L” means experiencing failure or defeat.

simple man

A person, often male, who is overly attentive or courteous to someone in whom he has a romantic interest, usually to the point of being overbearing. It is used as a playful insult.


Refers to a person’s fashionable or trendy style, especially when their clothing or accessories are high-end. If someone has “drip”, they are believed to have a good fashion sense.


A term used to express excitement or to describe throwing something forcefully. It is often used in a humorous or exaggerated way, and has become popular in internet memes.


Describes something that is fun, exciting, or surprising. It is often used to describe events or experiences that are energetic and lively. If something is “shiny,” it is a good time.


Refers to evidence or proof, usually in the form of screenshots, text messages, or photos, used to support an argument or claim. People ask for “receipts” to confirm the truth.


Gossip or interesting information, often about someone’s private life. To “spilling the tea” means to share gossip, while to “sip tea” means to quietly listen to someone else’s drama.


Used to describe someone who is physically attractive or looks good, as if they are “a snack”. This is a funny way of complimenting someone’s appearance, implying that they look delicious.

big surprise

An exaggerated form of “yikes”, used when something extremely embarrassing, awkward, or shameful happens. It is a strong reaction to a situation that is uncomfortable or shocking.


Describes the feeling of being shocked, surprised, or emotionally affected by something. If a person is “shaken,” he or she is deeply affected by a surprising event or situation.


A short form of “bourgeois”, it describes someone who is fancy, extravagant or pretentious, often with upper-class tastes. It is used to mock or describe someone who is trying to live a lavish lifestyle.


It refers to someone who is over the top in their behavior or appearance, often in an unnecessary or dramatic way. If someone is being “extra”, they are doing more than is necessary.


Used to describe something that is amazing, spectacular, or impressive. If something is “fire,” it is considered really good or of high quality, like a song, costume, or performance.


Another word for “cool” or “good,” meaning that everything is going well. If someone says that everything is “gucci,” it’s a positive way of saying that things are fine or on track.


Feeling bitter or upset, usually over something small or trivial. If someone is “salty,” he or she is reacting negatively to something minor, often in a trivial or exaggerated way.


Influence refers to fame or social status, often gained through social media. People pursue “influence” by doing things to attract attention and increase their visibility or popularity online.


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