Gutfeld: The next time leftists worry about facts, they should be called ‘truth-phobic’

Gutfeld: The next time leftists worry about facts, they should be called ‘truth-phobic’

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Tonight, I want to talk about scaremongering. This is my third favorite kind of scaremongering, after fish and scary stories, but you’ve seen the horror story.

Illegal alien arrested in New York 13 year old girl raped At knifepoint. First of all, let’s thank the New Yorkers who grabbed that scoundrel and held him until the police arrived. They pressed his face into the pavement, but still, I am amazed at their restraint in not murdering that scoundrel on the spot. But, if this crime angers you enough to speak out about it, the media says you are just spreading fear.

MSNBC, Tuesday: here are Three cable networks reported it, so our banner said: Biden will soon announce legal protections for undocumented spouses of US citizens. CNN’s banner said: Biden announces new protections for some undocumented spouses. Here was Fox’s banner: Migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old NYC girl. And so I think part of the problem is that you have a lot of fear.

Migrant arrested for broad daylight rape of 13-year-old girl in New York park

Of course you’re laughing ********. So, Joey and Pramila, how would you like us to report this heinous crime of a newcomer having a bad first date? I’m kidding, you’d rather we not report it at all. But if you can’t spread fear about rape and murder, what can you spread fear about? If there’s one thing violent criminals do, it’s put me in the mood to spread fear. Would Joey want us to spread fear about carbon footprints, cow dung or misgendered protestors? Why talk about knife-wielding rapists when you can fear gassed gay livestock? Idiots who don’t understand real threats can’t be trusted to tell us who we should fear. Their so-called fears are as fake as Maxine Waters’ hair and Joy Reid’s smile.

We get angry about murder and they get angry, not about murder, but about our anger. All of this is done to intimidate those who disagree with them so they will dismiss rational arguments. We get called transphobic if we want to defend women’s sports, let alone a guy who sprays Tinactin on his testicles in the girls’ locker room. We get called Islamophobic if we worry about murderous radicals. I guess when the guy with the knife yells Allahu Akbar, that’s the Arabic word for coexistence. Hey, leftists should be called truth-phobic.

The next time they get mad about facts, someone out there right now should put up a T-shirt with a picture of a Democrat on it. You will make $1 million a week. I do, but it would be a pay cut. No! Stop it! I wish, I wish. It’s funny that when we express sympathy for the victims they say we lack sympathy. We can’t take lessons about sympathy from those who fail at it. It’s not sympathy if you let people run wild. Real sympathy has structure, and people need structure, otherwise there’s chaos. Their fake sympathy causes the real problems our sympathy is meant to prevent.

13-year-old New York City girl sexually assaulted at knifepoint in broad daylight in park: police

Let’s listen to it DHS Secretary MayorkasWhen asked about the murder of Rachel Morin, a mother from Maryland, he said she was killed by an illegal terrorist.

Jim Acosta, CNN, Tuesday: What do you say to critics who blame the administration for allowing something like this to happen? Obviously, this is something you hear all the time in the right-wing media.

Secretary Mayorkas: Jim, first and foremost, of course, our hearts are broken for the children, families, loved ones, friends of the person who was murdered. The woman, the mother, Jim, is responsible for a blatant criminal act.

Yes, “that woman,” he couldn’t even name her or worse, he didn’t even know her name. So you can see how Mayorkas and the rest are disconnected from the consequences of their incentives. In his tiny mind, he believes there is no connection between a person who shouldn’t be in this country and that person not being here and not killing them.

They encourage open borders, and we deal with the consequences. But disagree with them and you get scared, you have your own opinions and you spread fear. But it’s all to distract from the problems they cause. I wish the right wing had figured out this trick already, that when you whistleblower on terrible things, the left wing media portrays the whistleblower as worse than the actual bad thing. They’ll complain about the fire alarm, not the house burning down. Well, unless you’re Jamaal Bowman.

Biden and Texas tussle over anti-illegal immigration law as migrants head to border: What to know

Trump removed the fire alarm in 2015 About open borders. You know, is it me or is Trump like your father who is getting smarter as you get older? Yes, but the news focused on his words, not what those words were and so people silenced themselves, afraid their opinions would be seen as worse than the crime. It’s the same trick Democrats used against the police, about homelessness, drugs, trans surgeries for kids, the list is as endless as their bullshit. And remember, demanding justice for October 7th makes you a supporter of genocide, which was intended to stop people from talking about October 7th. It’s the same thing with migrant crime. The left thinks if they call you xenophobic, you’ll shut up, but that’s not working as well among Hispanics.

Hispanic support for Trump’s mass deportation policy was 17% in 2016, now it’s 53%. I think they’re xenophobic too. The left is shocked.

“Inside Politics”/CNN, Tuesday: Hispanic numbers at 53 to 17, that’s remarkable. This, you see, is something that’s happened with the whole conversation about tariffs in China. The things that Donald Trump talked about in 2016 were out of bounds even within the Republican Party and now they’ve gone mainstream.

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Oh, well, you know what else has gone mainstream, man? You mainstream media bugs are real liars. Your ignorance, your ignorance and your deception are now as blatant as Jeffrey Toobin’s Weiner on a Zoom call. So CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, you keep doing what you’re doing, and we’ll keep doing what we’re doing, and we’ll talk again on November 6th. And when I hear you say we’re spreading fear, it only means that whatever we’re spreading is true.


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