Hollywood fundraising is key to Biden campaign, along with Obama and Clooney

Hollywood fundraising is key to Biden campaign, along with Obama and Clooney

In what is likely one of President Biden’s last major Hollywood fundraisers before the November election, the Democrat will hit the city Saturday for a multimillion-dollar, star-studded event in downtown Los Angeles.

States, cities and the entertainment industry have long been the financial backbone for Democratic candidates across the country. But Saturday’s gathering, which will also feature former President Obama and actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts, comes at a difficult time for the incumbent president.

The war between Israel and Hamas is the most talked about issue in a city that is home to the country’s second-largest Jewish community, although there is no uniformity about Israel’s ongoing response to Hamas. The conflict was prompted by the terrorist group’s brutal attack on Israel on October 7, which led to the death of thousands of Palestinians.

While unemployment, inflation and job creation figures show that the country’s economy is steadily improving, voters are still feeling the pinch at grocery stores and petrol pumps.

So a glitzy event, with top-ticket packages costing $500,000, would be a double-edged sword for Biden, said Jessica Levinson, an election law professor at Loyola Law School.

“The concern is that he seems unaware of the situation of Americans in terms of how much you can pay to attend a high-dollar dinner when many are struggling to eat and during an international crisis, where he arguably does not align with many Democrats,” she said. “On the other hand, that’s what politicians do. We’ve created a system where you need to raise big money to stay competitive, and he would be crazy to unilaterally disarm. Even though he has name recognition and he’s been introduced to the American public, it would be political suicide to give up raising big money.”

Despite California’s sapphire leanings, the state’s donors are a major source of election cash for both parties.

Presumptive candidates from the two major parties have raised more money in California than any other state in the country this election cycle, with Biden raising $24 million through April 30 and former President Trump raising $11.7 million, according to the Federal Election Commission. These numbers do not include Trump’s fundraising campaign None of the issues raised across the state last weekend include what Biden is expected to raise Saturday at the Peacock Theater.

In 2020, donors across the country connected to television, film or music contributed $40.1 million to efforts supporting Biden and $24.3 million to groups working to re-elect Trump, according to an analysis of campaign fundraising by Open Secrets, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that tracks election finance.

The entertainment industry’s Democratic leanings are well known. However, this election is a far cry from the halcyon days when industry leaders courted Bill Clinton in 1992 or Barack Obama in 2008.

“Both Clinton and Obama were about generational change,” said Donna Bojarski, a longtime Democratic political consultant, Hollywood fundraiser and co-founder of a nonprofit dedicated to building civic engagement in L.A. “This is not a happy election. This is an election of great significance, great conflict and great polarization.”

Biden doesn’t have the same deep relationships with business leaders that previous Democratic presidents have had.

National and key state polls show Biden and Trump are in an incredibly tight race, with the Republican facing off against Trump over his conviction on 34 counts of misrepresenting business records regarding a $130,000 payment for an alleged sexual relationship with adult film actor Stormy Daniels and the Democrat’s son convicted on three felony gun counts.

“This is not the most optimistic time. Social norms, economic norms, civic norms, everything has been turned upside down,” Bojarski said.

However, he said donors have also come to his side, notably media tycoon and Democratic kingmaker Jeffrey Katzenberg, who organized Saturday’s fundraising drive.

“This Saturday we are going to see an unprecedented and record-setting turnout from the media and entertainment world,” Katzenberg said. “The enthusiasm and commitment for Biden-Harris could not be stronger. We all understand this is the most important election of our lifetimes.”

Biden was prevented from holding high-dollar fund-raising events in Hollywood in 2023 because of industry strikes. The contracts were resolved, Presidential titles Here are the major fundraisers, This includes a show in December where tickets reached a maximum price of $1 million.

Presented by directors Steven Spielberg and Rob Reiner, With producer Shonda Rhimes and other major names in attendance, the event took place at her home in Holmby Hills. James Costos, US ambassador to Spain under Obama and designer Michael Smith, White House Interior Decorator Musician Lenny Kravitz performed at an event held during the Obama administration.

In February, media mogul Haim Saban hosts Biden Tickets for a fundraiser at the Beverly Park estate cost up to $250,000, and included actress Jane Fonda.

A few months later, Democratic mega-donor Saban said, Criticized the Biden administration A shipment of weapons destined for Israel was stopped because they could have been used in an offensive against the densely populated city in southern Gaza.

The gulf of division among key voting blocs of the Democratic coalition could be on display Saturday. Protesters have disrupted events for the president and Vice President Kamala Harris and have gathered outside fundraisers and the White House. At least one rally is planned outside Saturday’s fundraiser.

There have been protests on college campuses across the country over the conflict, including pro-Palestinian demonstrations. UCLA This Week As a result, about two dozen people were arrested after the initially peaceful gathering turned violent.

That dynamic is likely to play out at Biden’s fundraiser given the expected absence of Clooney’s wife, Amal Clooney, an international human-rights lawyer. She worked on the International Criminal Court case that led court prosecutors to seek arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and others.

George Clooney called Biden’s top adviser According to the Washington Post, the president’s objection to the application of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders has been described as “outrageous.”

Biden, who is attending the G-7 summit in Italy, is expected to arrive in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Later that day, thousands of people A large group of the president’s supporters will gather at the Peacock Theatre. The lowest-priced ticket costs $250 for the seat farthest from the stage. The most expensive option, priced at $500,000, includes four seats in the first three rows in front of the stage, a reception and photos with Biden and Obama, and an after-party, according to an invitation.

Republicans seized on the gathering as evidence that Democrats don’t understand the plight of many Americans.

“President Trump will be campaigning in Detroit, Michigan, and meeting with ordinary Americans who have been devastated by Joe Biden’s failed policies,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said. “Meanwhile … Biden will be in Hollywood for a glitzy fundraiser with his elite, untouched celebrity beneficiaries.”

The former president visited California earlier this month, where he held his first fundraiser since his conviction. The three big weddings cost upwards of $500,000 per couple. Actor Jon Voight also attended one wedding at a bayside home on gated Harbor Island in Newport Beach.

Jessica Milan Patterson, chair of the California Republican Party, said: “Spending a night with George Clooney, Julia Roberts and other Hollywood celebrities gives struggling Americans a chance to say, ‘I understand what you’re going through and I’m ready to help you.’ At President Biden’s lavish Los Angeles party, you’ll likely see this: anti-Israel protests dividing his party, issues like inflation and illegal immigration not being as bad as Californians know, and a crowd of Hollywood elites who fear that their flag-bearer isn’t up to the job.”

Democrats argue that such portrayals reflect Republicans’ jealousy of their party’s dominance among such donors, and they say these donors are working against their own economic interests because of their concerns for the country’s future.

“These folks aren’t fighting for tax breaks for themselves. They’re fighting for you for access to clean water, clean air, access to abortion and civil rights,” said Matthew Litman, a former speechwriter for Biden who helped form a private group of Hollywood actors, directors and producers who work largely behind the scenes to help the Democratic Party.

Those who have participated in informational Zooms, fundraisers, get-out-the-vote efforts and other actions aimed at helping Democrats since the group was formed in 2017 include actors Alyssa Milano, Helen Hunt and Barbara Hershey; Lawrence Bender, whose career has included producing several Quentin Tarantino films; David Mandel, whose credits include stints as an executive producer on “Veep,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “Seinfeld”; and Kevin Kwan, a writer for “Crazy Rich Asians.”

Kwan was a representative for Asian Americans during the 2020 Biden campaign.

“I wrote a lot of angry speeches,” he told the New Yorker In an article published in 2021.

According to the magazine, he said, “Going on Zoom and seeing a couple hundred AAPI volunteers, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh.’” “Maybe I’m stereotyping, but it takes a lot to get Asian volunteers out.”

Litman acknowledged that doubts about how motivated voters are to turn out in November are a key concern for some of the group’s members.

“There should be concern. It’s 50-50,” Litman said.

But he said Hollywood can be influential, as can social media, which now has more influence than most traditional media. He said even those who are unhappy with Biden or the Democratic Party know what’s at stake.

“Maybe you love Joe Biden. Maybe you don’t,” he said. “But maybe you like being able to get an abortion. Maybe you like being able to protest without being deported. Maybe you don’t want inflation to rise by 10% if Trump is elected. If you don’t want to talk about Joe Biden, then don’t talk about Joe Biden. Talk about the issues at stake.”


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