How can I become a better version of myself?

How can I become a better version of myself?

Do you want to be the ‘better’ or ‘best’ version of yourself? Of course, everyone wants to be the best!
You might be surprised to know that you are actually already the best you. Really! Let me tell you how…
If you were asked, ‘Who are you?’ you would say, “I’m John (reader can insert his name here)”, right?
Now, John is just a name given to you to identify you. But who are you? Your body, mind, intellect, your speech, your actions etc. are all temporary phenomena, which will perish at the end of life. However, your existence continues life after life, through countless births, and will continue forever. So then this gives rise to a question, ‘Who am I?’
Who am I?
What we consider as our true nature is actually the worldly nature, or we call it ‘God’.arrogance‘, who through body, speech and mind interacts in various relationships with different beings in the world.
And in reality, we are a pure soulOne with infinite knowledge and infinite vision!!! This is indeed the real ‘I’, but we are not aware of it, as we are currently in the darkness of ignorance of the Self. These veils of ignorance are not easy to remove. They can only be broken by a knowledgeable, enlightened person.(Self-Realized Person) has the divine power to enlighten our soul, helping us to realize ourselves!!!
How can I be better for myself and for others?
After receiving Self-realizationWith the awakening of the pure soul, we begin to see our mistakes, i.e. the mistakes of our worldly self, with greater clarity and accuracy.
These mistakes make us see faults in others and lead to fights and quarrels with people. Because until we get Self-realization, we consider ourselves as the worldly self (ego). And so, we keep protecting our mistakes, and on the contrary, insist and impose on others that ‘I am right’. In this process, we dirty the worldly ‘I’ to such an extent that it harms us as well as others; and this causes a lot of pain to us as well as others☹!
But when the Gyani (i.e. Self-realized person) exposes the nature of the ego from various angles, and teaches us to see past this ego (our worldly self) into the awareness of the pure Self (our real Self), we begin to realize our mistakes, which is called Self-realization. And then the Gyani shows us the right ways to get out of these mistakes☺.
We always try to make ourselves better by sitting in ego. But the wise tell us that ego is a quality that makes one blind. And so it is important that we first separate ourselves from the ego, sit in the seat of our real ‘I’ and then recognize our mistakes from different stages. When we are able to see our mistake clearly, and realize how much it is harming us and others, only then it becomes possible to repent from the heart and make a firm resolve not to repeat the mistake. Once this happens, it ensures a complete and sure end to our mistakes one by one. What is ego and arrogance? Reading
Thus, the task of achieving a better version of the worldly self becomes much easier when we keep company with an enlightened person (self-realized person) and follow his words, make spiritual efforts correctly, sincerely and consistently. By doing so, the ego diminishes day by day, and we keep moving towards higher and higher states of self-awareness.
Self-realization acts like a mirror. It reflects our true self, exposing the mistakes of our worldly identity with clarity. This increased awareness is an important step towards self-realization personal development And this requires spiritual growth,
It is very rare to meet a Gnani, Atmagyani (Self-realized person), because enlightened persons are very rare. But when one exists, at such a time, we must seize the opportunity and get Self-realization from him. Today, we are fortunate that Akram Marg, which is the stepless path to Self-realization, is available to all; and the living Gnani, Pujya Deepakbhai, is present among us to give us Self-realization!!! We get separation between our real ‘I’ and worldly ‘I’ from the Gnani in just one hour’s time. Isn’t that great? If this interests you, you can see more details here https://www.dadabhagwan.orgThe priceless experience of Self-realization does not cost anything; there is no charge for it!
Once we gain the knowledge of the real ‘I’, everything is achieved because that is the essence of our being. The real ‘I’ is the best version of our soul that has never been contaminated even amidst the layers of veils of ignorance; and by living in the awareness of such a real pure ‘I’, our worldly ‘I’ named by John also becomes better and better!
Author: Dada Bhagwan

The Paradox of God: An Interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, Verse 6


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