How to stop codependency in a relationship?

How to stop codependency in a relationship?

keeping emotions normal
Our emotions should remain normal, neither above normal, nor below normal!
Normality means that our behavior is the same as the actors or actresses in dramas or movies. For example, an actor acts like a good husband in a drama and treats his wife well. He says positive things to her which makes her feel happy. When he comes back home from a business trip, he tells his wife, “I missed you and I didn’t like being away from you.”
‘Such a positive and loving behaviour wins over the wife’ – this is the message the husband-wife have conveyed so well through their acting that it creates happiness and confidence in the minds of everyone who watches them (their audience)!
You can also behave in a similar way in your personal life. Play your role in life with conviction just like actors and actresses do. This will keep everyone in your family happy. And most importantly, it frees you from the bondage of emotional dependency towards your codependent person.
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says that intelligence makes a person emotional. Imagine what will happen if this train becomes emotional? It will cause accidents and many people will die. Similarly, when humans become emotional, innumerable living entities in our body die. So, remain ‘dynamic’.
Just think, what will happen if the train driver gets emotional? This will lead to a train collision and many people will die, right?! And we will be responsible for this. So understand your responsibility and stay normal!
Adopt pure love, not emotional love!
When people say they love each other, they are generally referring to feelings that are a result of attraction and attachment to each other. Feelings, by their inherent nature, grow and fade over time; whereas pure love is a constant phenomenon; it neither increases nor decreases.
Where there is pure love, a person does not hurt anyone’s feelings by his actions. Even his speech does not hurt anyone; there is no mistake in it. The words spoken by him do not hurt anyone, because he has true love for everyone! How does pure love arise? Reading
can get rid of and heal emotional dependence Codependent relationships in just two hours
Let’s understand how…
In 1958, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan attained Self-realization! He had a wife and was a contractor by business. He took great care of his wife throughout his life. Later on, his wife lost the sight in one eye. But this did not affect him, because after Self-realization he became the embodiment of pure love. Now his emotions were replaced by pure love!
He lived an ideal life and taught the common people the art of living by which even a common man can maintain happy, peaceful and cordial relations with everyone. One can do this by making minimum changes in his external behavior and still get maximum benefits in terms of healthy relationships. How??
By attaining self-realization and adopting the right understanding in life.
What is self-actualization? And how does it solve the problem of emotional dependency?
Did you know that we are all actually ‘pure soul’? And the soul itself is ‘pure love’!
Due to ignorance of ‘Who am I?’ we think of ourselves as the body or the name given to this physical body. As a result, we develop attachments towards all those people towards whom we feel more than normal emotions and we become emotionally dependent; and also develop hatred towards those people towards whom we have negative emotions like anger, jealousy, envy, sadness, etc.
The very nature of emotions is such that it inevitably leads to more and more suffering in life. But if we can somehow overcome ignorance and know that in reality ‘I am a pure soul’, we can find a way out of all suffering. Want to know more about the self-realization process? Reading
To our best luck…
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan also received special divine powers after Self-realization, with the help of which he was able to give Self-realization to people on a large scale. Before his demise, he also gave those divine powers to Pujya Deepakbhai. As a result, today we can easily attain Self-realization by the direct grace of this enlightened one!!!
With immense compassion in their hearts, the Gyani removes the darkness of ignorance within us and grants us self-realization. Their sole purpose or we can say their heartfelt desire is to acquaint us with our true self, i.e. the Atman, which is the abode of eternal bliss, and thus remove all our sufferings in life. So there is no cost involved; the self-realization we receive is free of cost!
After Self-realisation, by being in His company and following His teachings, as you learn to live more and more in the awareness of ‘I am a pure Soul’, you will see for yourself that your emotional dependency slowly vanishes and your co-dependent relationship heals beautifully.
Outwardly, you continue to live your normal life, but the true love emanating from within you now slowly begins to make everything all right. You start to see in your partner a pure soul just like you! This makes it easier for you to adjust with your codependent partner in your daily life and maintain a cordial relationship. You are now conscious of not hurting him/her in the slightest, which in turn arouses similar intentions in your partner as well.
Prayers from a pure soul do magic
And if we still find ourselves emotionally dependent, we shouldn’t worry!
Rather, pray to His Holy Spirit for 10-15 minutes every day. Then we will surely get the solution to get out of our ’emotion’ problems. Praying to the Holy Spirit of the partner is a very effective method. It has helped a lot of people to solve their problems with their family and now there is no burden of emotions on their shoulders!
I pray and hope we all will also find the solution soon in this easy and pure way!
By: Dada Bhagwan


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