How yoga enhances cancer treatment and recovery

How yoga enhances cancer treatment and recovery

Every year, more than 18 million people are diagnosed with cancer worldwide. With so many types of cancer affecting people worldwide, it is widely believed that several issues can increase the risk of developing the disease. Modern lifestyle disorders, mental health problems, smoking, drinking alcohol and other factors are significantly contributing to the rise in cancer cases.What is worrying is that cancer affects people of all ages, demographics, ethnicities and economic backgrounds.
The ancient practice of yoga in India has long been valued for its ability to bring harmony between mind, body, and spirit. Recent research has shed light on its remarkable benefits. Yoga for cancer This suggests that it can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence or spread of the disease. Several studies have demonstrated the positive effects of yoga on managing symptoms and side effects in cancer patients.
Psychological and physical benefits of yoga
Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines three essential elements: physical postures (asanas) to increase flexibility and strength, breathing techniques to reduce stress and improve respiratory function, and meditation/mindfulness exercises to develop mental clarity and relaxation. This comprehensive approach benefits cancer patients both mentally and physically, providing valuable support alongside conventional treatments.

Yoga does not fight cancer directly, but it effectively reduces many of the side effects associated with the disease and its treatment. Research shows yoga’s effectiveness in reducing cancer-related fatigue, which is a prevalent and debilitating problem that affects patients before, during, and after treatment. Managing this fatigue is important as it can significantly reduce quality of life.
In addition to fighting fatigue, yoga improves sleep quality, aiding in overall recovery and relaxation. It also helps in recovery after surgery by promoting physical activity and flexibility, which is essential for healing. In addition, yoga has also been proven effective in reducing depression, anxiety, and distress—common psychological challenges for cancer patients. Improvements have been observed in negative emotions, distress, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and spiritual well-being. Practicing mindfulness and meditation creates a sense of calm and mental clarity, helping patients cope with emotional challenges and reduce stress.
Recognized theories
Numerous studies have demonstrated various positive effects of yoga on cancer patients. Some research has indicated improved sleep quality, while others have identified yoga’s anti-inflammatory properties, which are essential for both cancer prevention and treatment. One study suggests that yoga significantly reduces inflammation, potentially preventing tumor growth and metastasis. Several studies, particularly those involving women with breast cancer, have shown yoga’s effectiveness in reducing fatigue. A recent study also found that yoga may help restore brain health in long-term cancer survivors. Remarkably, yoga is a simple intervention that can be practiced by anyone, even while sitting in a chair, which promotes the body’s natural healing process.

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cancer treatment Stress and side effects often disrupt sleep patterns, leading to problems such as excessive daytime napping, difficulty falling asleep, and early awakening. A review of several studies suggests that yoga can effectively address these problems. Yoga programs that include gentle postures, breathing exercises, and meditation have been shown to be effective in reducing insomnia in cancer patients and survivors.
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a common side effect, causes tingling, pain and muscle weakness in the hands and feet. A study on the effects of yoga and meditation on CIPN showed that participants experienced improved flexibility, better balance and a decreased risk of falls after an eight-week program. They also reported a decrease in pain and improved relaxation.
Recommended yoga postures for cancer patients
While there is no universal yoga practice for cancer patients, certain postures offer notable benefits: Mountain Pose (Tadasana) improves posture and balance; Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana-Bitilasana) increases spinal flexibility and reduces stress; Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) aids relaxation and reduces swelling of the legs. Child’s Pose (Balasana) provides a gentle stretch and promotes mental relaxation.
In short, yoga offers a comprehensive approach to improve the quality of life of cancer patients by addressing both physical and mental health. Incorporating yoga into cancer care can significantly reduce fatigue and other side effects, helping patients throughout their treatment journey. Consistent yoga practice can significantly enhance the quality of life, reduce the risk of cancer recurrence, and reduce various treatment-related side effects.
(Author: Mrs. Jyotsna Govil, President, Indian Cancer Society, Delhi Branch)


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