Maher fires anti-Israel protesters blocking traffic: narcissistic people who want ‘to be seen as revolutionaries’

Maher fires anti-Israel protesters blocking traffic: narcissistic people who want ‘to be seen as revolutionaries’

“Real Time” host bill maher He concluded his show Friday night by taking aim at the “privileged” anti-Israel protesters who recently blocked traffic in cities across the country. He stressed that this happens when “activism merges with narcissism.”

Maher began his monologue, “Somebody needs to tell people who stop traffic in the name of a cause, nobody likes you. And you’re probably hurting their cause.”

“You’d be very foolish to think that the way to get people to come around to your point of view is to make them late to pick up their kids from daycare. And that’s what most normal people are thinking. ‘I have a kid. I have a job. And yes, I’m sure there’s injustice on both sides, as there is injustice all over the world, but I’m going to be late for work,” Maher said. “Don’t worry.” To have the luxury of doing that, which seems to be a kind of privilege.”

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“Real Time” host Bill Maher told viewers that the anti-Israel movement in America happens when “activism merges with narcissism.” (Screenshot/HBO)

He then quipped, “You’re going to stick your hands on the road because your hands have no work to do today.” “I’m not saying there isn’t serious passion about Gaza, especially among people in the region, but the social justice warriors—for a lot of them, it seems like it’s more about the warriors rather than any cause.” If you really care so much about apartheid, which Israel doesn’t actually enforce – Arabs vote there, they serve in parliament, they sit in the judiciary – wouldn’t you start with that?”

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He then showed a picture of a woman wearing a burqa next to a man in uniform.

“With millions and millions of women in the world living under true apartheid, this is the most brutal form of gender apartheid?” Maher continued. “Are you actually speaking truth to power or do you just think you look good in a keffiyeh, which is really just the new Che Guevara t-shirt, another historical figure you’ve never researched about?” And so think of a hero who was actually a sadistic racist monster fighting for communism, the worst form of government ever, but these are small matters.”

Maher added, “The little things are when activism merges into narcissism. Less about the cause and more about ‘me, look at me, look at me. And if you like the way I fight injustice, like and subscribe. Remember to do.'”

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters demonstrate outside NYU's Stern School of Business in Manhattan

Maher linked protesters wearing keffiyehs with “Che Guevara T-shirts” as an attempt to “look cool”. (Julia Bonavita/Fox News Digital)

The HBO host pointed to the man who set myself on fire In February he demonstrated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC to protest the war in Gaza, as well as another “saddened and confused man” who died after similarly setting himself on fire outside the courthouse, where Trump’s trial is going on.

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“I don’t want to minimize how tragic it is that someone would take their own life for any reason. But perhaps from now on before someone commits an act of civil disobedience, they should ask themselves some questions such as whether it is the most The important thing in my life is something I didn’t even know what I’m talking about? Is that why I’m really here for a reason? To bring you here?” Maher told his audience.

The comedian lectured, “And it makes you feel good acting as revolutionaries, throwing yourself out, burning yourself. Just don’t drag Gaza into this. Also, throwing stuff at pictures is just stupid. Any Monet doesn’t look at the mashed potatoes and thinks, ‘He’s got a point, I should recycle my cans.’

Golden Gate Bridge protest

Maher accused anti-Israel protesters blocking traffic of giving “privileges” to prevent people from going to work or picking up their children from daycare. (KTVU)

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Maher also made fun of Google employees who were fired After taking part in an anti-Israel sit-in protest against a company that does business with the Jewish state.

“Perhaps the question that today’s protesters need to ask themselves more than any other is why do I care so much about this particular cause? North Korea starves its own people. China keeps them in concentration camps Myanmar tortures Rohingya Boko Haram has kidnapped entire villages Burundi’s president says gays should be stoned to death because he says they ‘deserve it’ ‘ Nothing? Ukraine?” Maher said.

“Maybe if these Google employees had the slightest idea what kind of radical repressive groups they were supporting—Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, they would take it a little easier on the world’s largest monster massacre.” Genocide is what happens when you want to wipe out an entire people! ‘From the river to the sea’ Hamas can’t do that to them. Could have, but doesn’t.”


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