Master the 90% Rule: The Best Way to Cook Vegetables for Maximum Nutrition

Master the 90% Rule: The Best Way to Cook Vegetables for Maximum Nutrition

Cooking vegetables is an important task that enhances their flavor, texture, and nutritional value. However, there is debate over how thoroughly we should cook our vegetables. Research suggests that cooking vegetables until they are about 90 percent done can maximize health benefits while retaining essential nutrients. Recently, Aniruddhacharya ji In one of his viral videos, he told that people do not know the right way to cook vegetables. According to his viral video, “Vegetables should be cooked only 90 percent and the remaining 10 percent should be completely raw.” And the reason behind this is that when vegetables are cooked completely, the nutrients present in them are destroyed. In this article, we have explained in detail why vegetables should not be cooked completely, which is also supported by science.
Nutritional intake of vegetables
Vegetables are rich in many essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber. They play a role in health protection and the prevention of chronic diseases, for example, heart disease, diabetes and many different types of cancer. However, the method of preparation greatly affects nutritional intake. While fresh vegetables are rich in nutrients, cooking sometimes denatures some of the nutrients without benefit. For example, cooking tomatoes and carrots allows carotenoids to be absorbed by the body. Heat can also break down the tough cell walls that surround nutrients in food, making it easier for nutrients to be absorbed and at a much more relaxed pace.
Excretion of heat and nutrients
The process of cooking vegetables breaks down their cellular structure, allowing for better absorption. Research studies have been conducted to determine if cooking increases the bioavailability of certain vitamins and minerals. For example, spinach contains oxalic acid, which interferes with calcium absorption. Therefore, lightly cooking spinach increases its calcium content for absorption.
The 90 Percent Rule
Partially cooking vegetables to about 90 per cent cooks them to a stage where they taste the best while most of the nutrients are preserved. The vegetables do not lose much of their texture and nutrients but it ensures that they are safe to eat. However, if one is forced to cook the vegetables further, it may break down the useful compounds.
Antioxidant Protection
Many vegetables are high in antioxidants that combat oxidative stress in the body. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry states that cooking can improve or decrease the antioxidant content depending on the type of vegetable. For example, if steamed or blanched to about 90 percent, a greater amount of antioxidants is retained compared to boiling or frying.
effect of overcooking
Overcooking vegetables can lead to a loss of valuable vitamins, especially water-soluble vitamins C and B. According to the journal Food Chemistry, one study found that overboiling significantly reduced these nutrients. The longer vegetables are cooked, the more nutrients leach into the cooking water and are therefore lost.
cooking methods Case
Apart from this, the method of cooking is also an important factor in retaining the nutrients in vegetables. Here are some proper cooking methods that will cook the vegetables 90 percent:
Steaming: This type of cooking uses a method that involves steaming vegetables to release nutrients in the shortest possible time. It retains vitamins and minerals better than boiling because it doesn’t use water, which would leach nutrients out if boiled. Lightly sauteed vegetables, well-dressed in a healthy fat such as olive oil, neither lose much nutrients nor inhibit their absorption. Meanwhile, fat can increase the bioavailability of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K by enhancing their absorption.
Other people are getting depressed too: This involves parboiling the vegetables; then burying them in ice. Apart from cooking them till they are about 90 per cent cooked, this also preserves their colour and texture, keeping the nutrients intact.
Microwaving: Cooking vegetables in the microwave also retains a good amount of their nutrients. They take less time to cook and less water is also used. In this case, the loss of nutrients is minimal.
Practical tips for cooking vegetables
To make sure you cook vegetables to the ideal ripening rate of 90 percent, consider the following:
Cut the portions evenly to ensure that they are all the same size, which will help the food cook evenly.
Use as little water as possible, Add enough water to boil. This ensures that the nutrients are not washed away in the process.
Keep your watch time alert: It is better if it is undercooked than overcooked.
Taste on the go: This will help you determine if they’re ripe, while also ensuring they haven’t lost their flavor.
Choose the color: Bright colors often indicate nutrient deficiencies; therefore, choose brightly colored vegetables.
Science has developed a way to cook vegetables till they are about 90 percent cooked, where the process actually develops flavor while preserving vital nutrients. Proper cooking technique with attention to the right timing will produce maximum nutrition in your vegetables. This is a practice that, once incorporated into your cooking regimen, will help you create delicious and nutritious meals for a great deal of health. So, remember the 90 percent rule of cooking vegetables the next time you are in the kitchen and enjoy their taste and great health benefits.


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