Mastering English in a globalised world: why is it still essential for international students in the UK and Australia?

Mastering English in a globalised world: why is it still essential for international students in the UK and Australia?

More than 7 lakhs every year International Students Make your way AustraliaThe top ranked universities have over 1 lakh Indian students, second only to China. UK More than 6 lakh international students come here every year, of which more than 1 lakh come from India. Due to such a large number of students, both countries have become top study destinations for students wishing to pursue higher education abroad.
The UK and Australia have prestigious universities offering world-class courses where students are required to demonstrate proficiency in both higher education and higher studies. English proficiency Strong academic performance is required to gain admission. However, recent studies show that students with limited native language skills are also graduating from these top institutions. While candidates have to pass exams like TOEFL and IELTS with a score above 5.0 to gain admission, many still struggle with basic English comprehension even after being enrolled.

English proficiency among international students in the UK: what is the real picture?

The blog, written by two anonymous professors from Russell Group institutions and published by the Higher Education Policy Institute, states that many international students at British universities fail to meet crucial English language proficiency requirements for their degrees, yet continue to obtain their qualifications. According to the professors, the issue is most prominent in masters programmes and poses a significant long-term threat to the global reputation of UK higher education.
Many students rely on translation apps for real-time interpretation of spoken content, which forces professors to adjust the content, teaching style, and pace of their classes. Academics found that “often, open-ended questions asked in class are answered with silence.” This situation is negatively affecting the well-being of staff, as they are forced to conduct classes that fall short of academic standards.

English language skills of international students in Australia: A reality check

According to a report published by The Guardian Australia, the Australian website of the British global online and print newspaper The Guardian, the financial dependence of institutions based in the country on international students has long led to a decline in their academic standards and threatens the global reputation of the sector. According to the report, most students lack basic English proficiency skills but are awarded degrees. Many students who were part of the survey expressed concern that the rise of artificial intelligence is exacerbating the issue, suggesting that mere failure to submit any work will lead to failure in a course unless universities develop an integrated and effective response.

English dominates as a global language in the academic environment

In a globalised world where boundaries have blurred due to technology, international trade and migration, the dominance of English as the language of communication and commerce is undeniable. Though the era of colonialism has long ended, the importance of English is still unparalleled, especially for those who wish to pursue education in English-speaking countries like the UK, Australia or even the US. Lack of proficiency in the native language becomes a challenging issue in accessing educational resources. On the other hand, social exclusion further aggravates the issue. Here’s why students need it Master English Even in a globalized world.
English is compulsory in UK and Australian universities
Educational institutions run by the UK and Australia have high academic standards, with a focus on developing language proficiency in students. Many institutions require students to pass IELTS and TOEFL exams before admitting them, making English proficiency a must for students.
Without a strong grasp of the language, students struggle to understand lectures, textbooks, and educational resources, leaving them lagging behind other native students. Complex subjects can be even more challenging when language barriers impede understanding, resulting in poor academic performance.
Subjects are assessed in the English language
Writing essays, reports, and taking exams requires not only knowledge of the subject matter but also the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively in English. Students who have not mastered the language often have difficulty structuring their thoughts, using proper academic language, and meeting the standards expected by professors.
Moreover, discussing ideas and doubts in classes is an integral part of academic education. Limited language proficiency can prevent students from sharing their ideas and participating in discussions, presentations, and group discussions. This can significantly impact their understanding of the subject as well as their grades.
Resources are mostly prepared in English
There are a plethora of resources available on online sites, such as scholarly journals, textbooks, and articles. But English has dominated these areas as well. Most of the content is available in the English language, making it difficult for students to understand challenging topics due to their limited English language proficiency.
English is the dominant language in workplaces
Many international students aim to gain work experience through part-time jobs or internships. However, a lack of English proficiency can limit opportunities in competitive job markets, where communication skills are often a top priority for employers. This can hinder a student’s ability to build their resume or gain practical experience in their field. In industries such as finance, healthcare, engineering, and IT, English is often used to bridge communication gaps between colleagues from different linguistic backgrounds.
English is essential for cultural and intellectual exchange
Globalization has made intercultural communication more important than ever. English serves as a bridge, enabling students from different cultures to engage in intellectual exchange. Those who lack proficiency in English may find themselves missing out on important discussions and collaborations.
Additionally, language is deeply tied to culture, and students who struggle with English may have difficulty fully immersing themselves in the culture of their host country. Strong language skills are often required to understand cultural nuances, humor, and social cues, and without them, students may miss out on valuable cultural experiences.
English is essential for access to business opportunities
English is a mandatory language to avail job opportunities in business, diplomacy and technology. Candidates wishing to pursue a career in multinational companies, work in research or attend graduate programs must have a strong command over the English language to make a place for themselves. Employers in the UK, Australia and other English-speaking countries prefer candidates with strong English proficiency as it is essential for communication, collaboration and leadership.
Social integration and networking make English important
The need to have proficiency in English language skills goes beyond the confines of the classroom. It is essential to succeed in a foreign country. From grocery shopping to managing banking and healthcare, students who do not speak the local language can often face misunderstandings and frustrations, adding stress to their already demanding academic lives.


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