“Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross eyes multi-billion dollar deal: $7 billion power play” | NFL News

“Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross eyes multi-billion dollar deal:  billion power play” | NFL News

When it comes to NFLThe action isn’t just on the field – there’s a lot of money going on behind the scenes, too. And no one is making a bigger move than **Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross**, who is reportedly in talks to sell a **stake in the Dolphins** that’s worth more than **$7 billion**. That’s right, the Dolphins aren’t just about touchdowns and two-point conversions – they’re about billion-dollar valuations that rival global entertainment giants.
Let’s take a look at what’s really going on here, why this potential deal is shaking up the sports world, and what it could mean for the future of NFL team ownership.
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A new strategy: Private equity enters the NFL

In an industry known for its tight controls on team ownership, the NFL recently changed things up. A rule change now allows **private equity firms** to own up to **10%** of an NFL team. This was a significant change, especially for a league that has historically been exclusive in terms of ownership of a share of the NFL pie.
It’s Stephen Ross’ turn. The real estate tycoon, whose net worth is more than $10 billion, is exploring this new rule by talking to private equity firms like Arctos Partners about selling a stake in the Dolphins. For those who don’t know, Arctos Partners is a private equity firm. Ross is a veteran in sports investing, already owning parts of teams in the NBA, MLB and NHL. If Ross goes ahead with this sale, it would be the first deal of its kind under the NFL’s new ownership guidelines.

The Dolphins’ $7 billion power play

The Dolphins’ reported **$7 billion valuation** may leave some wondering – why is the team worth so much? To put things into perspective, the Dolphins were estimated by Forbes to be worth around $4.6 billion in 2023, meaning this potential sale is well above that figure. So why the jump?
The NFL is a gold mine. Teams are reaping huge profits from TV deals, stadium naming rights, merchandise, and streaming platforms. The Dolphins, in particular, have seen a surge in value thanks to a number of smart investments, including a renovation of **Hard Rock Stadium** and strong performance on the field. And let’s not forget Miami’s status as a global city, with an influx of fans from around the world, solidifying the Dolphins as a major asset.

The new NFL: The trend of financial flexibility

For Ross, selling a minority stake is a very smart move. He retains control of the team while freeing up billions of dollars in cash that he can use to fuel other business ventures. It’s a savvy financial move that reflects a broader trend of NFL owners seeking new ways to finance their operations without giving up control.
With private equity allowed in sports, owners can now sell portions of their team to experienced investors, diversify their portfolios, and profit from the NFL’s rapid growth. The **$7 billion** valuation is a testament not only to the Dolphins’ growth but also to the NFL’s overall financial strength.

What does this mean for the NFL?

Ross’ potential deal could mark the start of a new era for the league. While private equity firms have long been involved in the sports world, their recent entry into the NFL marks a shift that could reshape the way teams are financed and operated.
Gone are the days when owning an NFL team meant owning it for generations without any outside financial help. Now, the most financially savvy owners can partner with investment firms to extract even more value from their franchise. If Ross makes this deal, you can bet other owners will do the same, turning to private equity firms to raise capital while retaining control.

The bigger picture: Ross, the Dolphins and the future

Stephen Ross Ross is no ordinary NFL owner – he’s one of the most forward-thinking businessmen in the league. From bringing Formula 1 to Miami to investing in the Hudson Yards mega-development in New York, Ross has never been afraid to take a risk. His potential sale of a stake in the Dolphins could open the door to an entirely new financial structure in the NFL.
While this may seem like another business move, it’s a clear sign of the growing financial sophistication of NFL owners. And now that the Dolphins are valued at over **$7 billion**, it’s a reminder that football is no longer just about what happens on the field – it’s a global business force.
Ross’s move is not only a strategic one, but also a warning to the league. In a world where private equity is hungry for high-value sports properties, the NFL has opened the floodgates, and Stephen Ross is the first to jump in.
So, keep your eyes on this story — because the NFL ownership game is evolving faster than even Tyreek Hill running off the edge, and Stephen Ross is once again proving he’s one step ahead of the competition.
Also read – Footage shows Miami Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill being forcibly pulled out of his car by police during a traffic stop.


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