Newsom attacks ‘toxic populism of the right wing’ in speech

Newsom attacks ‘toxic populism of the right wing’ in speech

Governor Gavin Newsom took aim at “confused California critics” and delivered an unconventional State of the State speech, praising the state’s economic prowess and inclusive values, which he shared. in a video This incident happened on social media on Tuesday.

Echoing a familiar tone from past political speeches, Newsom presented the state as a force of light against dark conservative forces and touted California’s work to protect civil rights, the rights of women and the LGBTQ+ community.

“Our values ​​and our way of life are the antithesis of the toxic populism of the right wing and the fear and anxiety that pervades so many people today,” Newsom said. “People around the world look to California and see what’s possible, and how to live together and grow and prosper together despite every possible difference.”

With this pre-recorded address, this marks the fourth consecutive year that Newsom has broken with California tradition in which the governor delivers an annual address to lawmakers at the state Capitol.

His Republican opponents said the decision to reject the traditional setting again exemplifies Newsom’s lack of commitment to the job even as he expands his national image.

“The governor has no respect for this institution,” said Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-Yuba City). “This governor acts like he’s too busy to do the things he should be doing. He’s obviously too busy to do it all personally.”

Newsom’s allies defended the governor, saying the California Constitution requires him to submit only a written letter to the Legislature. Newsom invited lawmakers to a private reception at the governor’s residence in Sacramento on Monday evening.

Previous governors have used this speech, historically delivered in January, to outline their policy agenda for the year before lawmakers from both houses and political parties in the Assembly chamber. This common address also provides an opportunity to show respect to lawmakers by appearing in person in the House and garnering their support for the work ahead.

But critics of the address Call it a tedious ritual In the era of one-party rule, he said the value of the speech has been taken away by the budget.

Newsom, who doesn’t like to read from a teleprompter because of his dyslexia, hasn’t delivered a State of the State address at the Capitol since 2020. Newsom’s address Streamed from an empty Dodger Stadium the following yearA mass COVID-19 vaccination site, where the number of seats was a symbolic representation of the number of California lives lost to the pandemic at the time.

The Governor spoke from the headquarters of the California Natural Resources Agency in 2022 in Sacramento, a 21-story environmentally friendly glass tower blocks from the Capitol, and promised gas rebates to taxpayers. Newsom declined to give a speech last year and instead opted for a statewide press tour, where He made policy announcements from Sacramento to San Diego,

The governor’s office said Newsom wanted to deliver the speech to the House this year, and had difficulty finding a suitable date with the Legislature.

The speech was originally scheduled to be delivered on March 13. It was rescheduled after Newsom’s bond measure, Proposition 1, to provide funding for mental health services failed to pass. The March 5 primary election will be followed by a very close contest for two weeksHis speech was rewritten and planned to be delivered on March 18, but was then delayed.

Debate looms over solving California’s $46.8 billion budget deficit The next month the temperature increased And that continued until last week. Now lawmakers and the governor are looking at the looming deadline to qualify measures on the November ballot and are negotiating with interest groups to thwart initiatives they oppose.

Democratic Sen. Steve Glazer of Orinda was unimpressed with Newsom’s unconventional approach to the speech, saying only that “we are in changing times” and that he respected the governor’s decision to deliver the message.

To one member of an older generation of lawmakers, however, Newsom’s video message was an insult.

“I hope this is the last time this happens,” said Rusty Arias, a Democratic Assemblyman in the 1980s and ’90s.

“It’s one of those things that members always look forward to. I understand the governor is very busy. I understand there are national and international issues that are probably more important, but it’s a tradition that I think is worth maintaining.”

In his address, Newsom praised his administration’s work to reduce homelessness and crime, the two policy areas in which he is most politically vulnerable.

“When it comes to America’s homeless problem, California’s critics have done nothing but offer rhetoric, lamentation and blame,” Newsom said. “No state has done as much as California to address the deadly problem of homelessness, which too many politicians have ignored for too long.”

He rejected the narrative that California was “defunding the police”, saying the state was hiring 1,000 California Highway Patrol officers and Retail theft reform this year.

Newsom’s speech referenced the November presidential election, which he described as “another extraordinary moment in history for California, the nation and the world.” He compared the moment to the “worrisome” time in 1939, when then-California Gov. Culbert Olson warned in his inaugural address about the “destruction of democracy” due to the spread of fascism in Europe.

“We face a choice between a society that embraces our values ​​and a world darkened by division and discrimination,” Newsom said. “The economic prosperity, health, safety and freedom we enjoy are under attack. Forces are threatening the foundations of California’s success — our pluralism, our innovative spirit and our diversity.”

Newsom is expected to travel to Atlanta this week to attend Thursday’s presidential debate as a surrogate for President Biden. The governor, who has built his reputation as a Democrat unafraid to take on Republicans, was invited by the Biden campaign to participate in media interviews before and after the debate to support the president and the party.

In his speech, the governor attacked conservatives nationally over reproductive rights, an issue Democrats have sought to capitalize on in the election campaign. He described them as “telling a woman she is not the boss of her own body.”

“When it comes to reproductive rights, their lies are designed to control,” Newsom said. “Their draconian policies are forcing women to flee across state borders as fugitives from laws written by men over a hundred years ago. Some go so far as to force assault victims to bear their rapists’ children.”

Sacramento Bureau Chief Laurel Rosenhall and staff writer Anabel Sosa contributed to this report.


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