Newsom criticizes Republican abortion policies in Alabama ad

Newsom criticizes Republican abortion policies in Alabama ad

Gov. Gavin Newsom new political advertisement, Two worried young women in an SUV driving to the Alabama state line.

The passenger says he thinks they’re going to make it, before sirens go off and the flashing lights of a police car appear in the rearview mirror.

“Miss,” a police officer who approaches the window says to the panicked driver, “I need you to exit the vehicle and take a pregnancy test.”

fantasy video latest In a series of visceral commercials California’s governor calls for a conservative campaign to roll back reproductive rights in other states US Supreme Court overturns nationwide abortion rights Two years ago.

Newsom’s “Campaign for Democracy” will air ads on broadcast networks and digital channels in Montgomery, Ala., for two weeks starting Monday, according to Lindsey Cobia, a senior adviser to Newsom. The governor is seeking to draw attention to efforts by Republican leaders to make it more difficult for residents states with abortion bans Traveling to other states for fertility care.

Newsom told the Sacramento Planned Parenthood Clinic in an interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki, “Not enough attention has been paid to the fact that not only are we criminalizing women’s access to reproductive care in some states, but now we Even their travel is being criminalized.” which aired Sunday, describing growing Republican-backed anti-abortion policies as “sickening.”

The governor is also working with state lawmakers on a bill that would temporarily allow Arizona providers to provide abortion care to Arizona patients in California.

Newsom called abortion rights a “moral issue” of our time and called former President Donald Trump a “liar” — warning that if Republicans are elected in November, he would approve a national abortion ban, despite recently saying . leave it to the states As he finds out how this issue could affect him in the elections.

“They’re not just talking about erosion of rights in the states, they’re talking about nationalization of erosion of rights…Everyone watching knows that if Donald Trump is again president of the United States If elected, he will sign a national abortion ban, period, full stop,” Newsom said on MSNBC. “He’s the guy who is responsible for the conditions that exist today.”

Newsom’s office is coordinating the legislation with Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs and Atty. General Chris Mayes, Democrat Condemned it Recently the Arizona Supreme Court gave this decision Upheld the 1864 abortion ban. The ban, which has not yet taken effect, allows only abortions that are medically necessary to save the life of the pregnant patient.

“Arizona Atty. Gen. Chris Mayes identified the need to expedite the ability for Arizona abortion providers to provide continuing care to Arizonans as a way to support his state’s patients seeking abortion care in California,” Newsom spokesman Brandon Richards. “We are responding to this call and will have more details to share in the coming days,” it said in a statement.

California voters approve amendment to the state constitution in 2022 Protects access to abortion Until the doctor believes the fetus can survive on its own. Doctors are allowed to perform an abortion at any stage if the pregnancy poses a threat to the pregnant person’s health.

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, Newsom and state lawmakers have increased funding for people seeking abortions from out of state, and have kept the state as one. Safe haven for abortion services. Proposed legislation to make it easier for Arizona doctors to see patients in California is in response to an anticipated influx of patients from that state In light of abortion bans.

Democrats are pushing the abortion issue, which could lead to a proposal A political advantage in a crucial election year.

President Biden is campaign for re-election Partly on restoring protections in Roe v. Wade, and blaming Trump for the wave of anti-abortion policies.

trump Has taken credit for nominating conservative judges who helped lead to a 2022 overturn on abortion rights.

Democrats used Alabama as a lightning rod nationally for the threats of Trump’s presidency earlier this spring. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled in a lawsuit that a fetus can be considered a child – a move that is temporary In vitro fertilization services stopped In the state. Republican leaders quickly changed their stance and passed a bill to protect IVF, a procedure that typically involves destroying some embryos.

Alabama bans abortion at all stages of pregnancy, with no exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape. State Atty. Gen. Steve Marshall said last year that he might criminally prosecute people in Alabama who help women get abortions elsewhere – A claim the US Justice Department has denied.

“They want to deny access not only to reproductive care, but to women and girls’ futures — their lives, their self-determination,” Newsom said. “How can women support Donald Trump for election this November?”.


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