NYPD releases video showing professional ‘protest advisor’ at Columbia University

NYPD releases video showing professional ‘protest advisor’ at Columbia University

New York City The police department released a video that shows a professional “protest advisor” who was seen in other social media videos giving instructions to a crowd of anti-Israel protesters as they occupied Hamilton Hall at Columbia University on Monday night. Had taken.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams spoke about the outside agitators during a news conference Tuesday evening.

“What should have been a peaceful protest has basically been co-opted by professional outside agitators. We were extremely cautious about releasing our intelligence because our goal is to ensure the safety of students, teachers and prevent damage to property. Had to make sure,” Adams said. “We have warned many times before about outside actors attempting to hijack this private protest.”

Adams and members of his administration shared information about outside actors who were creating “serious public safety issues” at the protests.

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NYPD officials said outside elements are introducing new protest tactics into the anti-Israel protests. (NYPD)

“These outside artists are clearly not students, and their presence on campus is a violation of Columbia’s clearly stated policy,” Adams said. “This group… is an outside agitator with a history of trying to escalate the situation and create chaos. We believe they are now actively aiding what should have been a peaceful gathering. This is their They are there to serve their agenda. They are not there to promote peace or unity or allow peaceful demonstration of one’s voice.”

The mayor urged anyone involved to leave “right now.”

During the press conference Mohd. the police said something The NYPD has known about outside agitators for years, saying they have seen an increase in the tactics, which police believe is a result of guidance from outside agitators.

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The NYPD shared video of anti-Israel protesters breaking into a Columbia University building through windows overnight Monday. (NYPD)

For example, police are observing that barricades are being made from furniture, cameras are being destroyed, arrest strategies are being devised, property is being destroyed, and signs are being used to create fortifications and shields. going.

Police said that even though the tactic really unraveled at Columbia University last night, they expect it to continue in New York City and universities across the country.

In a video shown during the press event, Lisa Fithian, 63, watches a group of protesters chanting anti-Israel slogans.

“We’re trying to document them being holes,” Lisa Fithian told the camera person. “You’re right. They’re – -holes.”

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Fithian is a professional”conflict advisor“Who has been arrested over 80 times,” Laura Ingraham of “The Ingraham Angle” said on her show Tuesday night.

Fithian has reportedly participated in protests on climate change, Occupy Wall Street and now, the Free Palestine movement.

Just after midnight Tuesday, Fithian was seen on video giving instructions to a crowd of anti-Israel protesters as they occupied an academic building at Columbia University.

In a video clip, protesters are seen carrying a table, while in the background Fithian can be heard saying, “I can’t help it. You guys can help it.”

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Anti-Israel Protester-Columbia-NYPD-Provided

NYPD officials said outside actors are introducing new protest tactics to anti-Israel protests. (NYPD)

In another clip, the crowd is seen attaching a piece of furniture to the door of a building while Fithian tells people with cameras to step back.

During “The Ingraham Angle” on Tuesday evening, Ingraham spoke with theeditors.com founder and editor Ira Stoll about Fithian and what he gets from helping train a new generation of activists.

“Some of the people involved in this are being paid money,” said Stoll, who recently wrote an article for The Wall Street Journal detailing how these groups force their peers to stay on campus for weeks at a time for up to three months. They are advertising to pay $3,000 for eight hours of work. “Some of the people who have been prominent in these protests across the United States have been paid millions of dollars from Soros’s Open Society Foundations and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

“So, there’s big money behind these protests,” Stoll said.

He also revealed how many people were involved in the anti-Israel protests taking place on campus. Columbia University These are the same people who attend Black Lives Matter protests as well as anti-Trump demonstrations.

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“These are the same people who are protesting. I’ve seen them,” Stoll said. “They just love to protest.”
He compared it to people who go out on the weekend to play sports or go to religious services.

He said, “This is an activity for these people, and they are not going to stop until the revolution is complete, otherwise they will be in jail.”


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