Puppies and rainbows: How a bipartisan invitation to Israel’s leader threatens to divide Democrats

Puppies and rainbows: How a bipartisan invitation to Israel’s leader threatens to divide Democrats

All four Congress leaders invited the Israeli PM benjamin netanyahu To address a joint meeting of the Congress.

“I am deeply humbled by the opportunity to represent Israel in both houses of Congress and to present to the American people and to representatives from around the world the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us,” Netanyahu said in accepting the invitation.

But the decision to invite Netanyahu is anything but puppies and rainbows on Capitol Hill,

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One party stands with Netanyahu. And one doesn’t. In fact, Democrats who oppose bringing Netanyahu to Capitol Hill to give a speech have even accused the House of obstruction. Speaker Mike JohnsonR-La., of trying to divide Democrats by extending the invitation.

But the war in the Middle East has already divided Democrats. It’s a rift between progressives and supporters of Israel that could split the Democratic coalition — possibly costing President Biden the election if liberals stay home.

“This is possibly one of the most disturbing things I can think of Congress can do something “Our goal is to bring down Netanyahu,” said Democratic-Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress.

“It’s not fair at all. His crimes are going to be prosecuted by the ICC (International Criminal Court). The international community is talking about him starving the population of Gaza,” Omar said. “I don’t think any leader should allow that to happen.”

Representative Ilhan Omar

UNITED STATES – JUNE 15: Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., arrives at the U.S. Capitol for the final vote of the week on Thursday, June 15, 2023. ((Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc. via Getty Images))

Yet House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., signed on to the invitation.

Asked about the anxiety surrounding Netanyahu’s address, Jeffries said, “The divisions have been blown out of proportion. Republicans have repeatedly tried to make Israel a partisan, political issue and divide Democrats. And they have failed.”

The Brooklyn Democrat then explained how his caucus worked together to raise the debt ceiling, helping to avert what many thought was a government shutdown. and aid to Ukraine,

However, Jeffries did not cite the vote on a bill to aid Israel in April. The House approved that package by a margin of 366 to 58. But 37 Democrats voted against it.

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However, unlike the majority party, Democrats have not attempted to remove two different presidents in this Congress.

Politics is about contrasts and viewpoints. And perhaps that’s how Jeffries attempted to offer a different view of his party than the routine, internal scuffles that paralyze the majority.

“It’s been nothing but puppies and rainbows from the House Democratic caucus,” Jeffries said, prompting laughter from the Capitol press corps.

But when it comes to tensions among Democrats, it’s far from it. Middle East and a speech by Netanyahu to a joint meeting of Congress. The easy thing for Democrats who disagree with Netanyahu or consider him a threat is to hold a press conference or two, stay away from the speech and perhaps stage some kind of protest. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., says he wants Congress to “turn down the temperature.” But it’s hard to keep the thermometer in check if everything isn’t in place.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during the opening ceremony to mark Israel’s National Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, in Jerusalem on May 5, 2024. REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun (Reuters/Ronen Zvulun)

“Everyone who comes to the House should be respectful of those who are there, whether we’re voting or whether someone is talking to us. That’s the spirit that’s strong in the Democratic leadership,” Aguilar said.

Netanyahu last addressed Congress in the fall of 2015. And Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., says Netanyahu’s presence does little to lower the temperature.

“I think (his speech) is unconstructive and his presence is unconstructive to the US goal of establishing a ceasefire,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “I don’t think we should be rewarding individuals who are not as focused or as committed to that goal of a ceasefire as the US administration is.”

When asked about Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks, Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider (Illinois) said, “She’s wrong.”

So much for puppies and rainbows.

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Schneider is Jewish and one of Israel’s most ardent supporters in Congress.

“Israel is our most important ally in the Middle East. One of our best allies in the world. And that’s important to us All members of Congress – Democrats and Republicans – come to listen to the prime minister. There are many things I disagree with. The nuances of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s politics. His policies. And I’ve been outspoken about them. But there’s no difference in my commitment to supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship,” Schneider said.

In response to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments, Schneider said that “too many people in Congress turn their minds off on a lot of issues.”

Schneider cited the vote in April to send aid to Israel.

“They were wrong for that vote. I believe they voted according to their conscience. I respect that. And I keep trying to explain to them why I think that was a wrong decision,” Schneider said. “Hopefully the next time something like this happens, I can win the argument.”


(Tom Williams/Getty Images)

There will be another time for that. Perhaps in the fall of this year when Congress tries to fund the government. Or perhaps early next year when a new Congress is formed, President Biden enters his second term or former President Trump enters his second term.

But one thing is for sure: all is not well for Democrats in the Middle East. And the divide is so deep that this issue alone could prevent Democrats from taking control of the House and re-electing President Biden.

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Sure. Republicans are suffering from their own divisions, too. But after Republicans’ performance over the last two years, an even deeper division could emerge for Democrats if they fail to flip the House. To say nothing of a possible reelection of former President Trump. If Democrats falter in the polls this fall, they will tear each other limb from limb.

As we wrote earlier, everything in politics is about contrasts and perspectives. And if Republicans succeed this fall, this period for Democrats could be seen as “puppies and rainbows” compared to what lies ahead.


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