Reddit users say widowed dad shouldn’t take girlfriend on annual father-daughter trip

Reddit users say widowed dad shouldn’t take girlfriend on annual father-daughter trip

A Reddit user whose girlfriend objected to being excluded from his annual father-daughter trip is completely right to exclude him, other Reddit users and experts spoke to Fox News Digital.

“AITA didn’t book tickets for my (girlfriend) to come on holidays with me and my daughter?” Reddit user “Acrobatic-Agent-6532” asked in a post on Reddit’s “Am I the A—hole” (AITA) subreddit on Monday, April 29.

The person revealed this in the post his girlfriend He was extremely upset with her for planning his annual vacation with his 16-year-old daughter – something he does every year since her birth.

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“Since his mother’s death we have continued this tradition to remember her (we visit the same place during those two weeks),” he wrote.

Last year, acrobatic-agent-6532 said his girlfriend was “totally fine” about the trip. “She said she was okay with it being me and my daughter and that it would be fine again in the future.”

A Reddit user (not pictured) and his teenage daughter go on a father-daughter trip every year in honor of their late mother, the man shared with others on social media. (iStock)

However, this year things were different.

When he told the girlfriend he had booked the trip, “she got completely nervous and started saying I was entitled and selfish for not taking her along too.”

The man explained, “I tried to explain to her that this is a very private incident me and my daughter, But she doesn’t listen and keeps asking me to book her tickets too.

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He added, “I’ve talked to my daughter about it and she said she’d prefer it to be just the two of us.”

“I’ve talked to my daughter about it, and she said she would like it to be just the two of us.”

Acrobatic-Agent-6532 said he regularly goes on holidays with both of them – and he doesn’t use all his time on his daughter.

“Was I wrong that I did not book a ticket for my (girlfriend)?” He asked. “Should I book tickets for that too?”

In an email to Fox News Digital, the Reddit poster said he would not book tickets for his girlfriend to travel.

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A psychiatrist and social worker tells Fox News Digital that it’s completely appropriate for acrobatic-Agent-6532 to continue an important tradition with his daughter — and the trouble he’s going through right now reflects deeper issues with him. Could be a sign of a relationship.

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A psychiatrist and a social worker told Fox News Digital that it’s perfectly reasonable for a man on Reddit to continue an important annual tradition with his daughter — and that the distress he’s going through right now is not the result of a deeper issue. It could be a sign of his relationship. (iStock)

“The father has clearly explained to his current girlfriend the purpose of this trip with his daughter, in which it seems more appropriate not to include her. To respect the role of his mother, who has passed away, is very personal and treatment For both of them,” Lisa Pion-Berlin, ACSW of California, told Fox News Digital.

Pion-Berlin is the CEO of Parents Anonymous, a self-help organization that aims to prevent child abuse.

These trips do not diminish or diminish the relationship between acrobatic-Agent-6532 and his girlfriend, Pion-Berlin said.

The girlfriend’s “negative reaction this year should be explored earlier so that the situation can be cleared up and everyone can understand each other’s feelings.”

“Honoring the role of their mother, who has passed away, is very personal and therapeutic for both of them.”

“As a parent, (Acrobatic-Agent-6532) has defined what they need to support their daughter and that priority is separate from their personal relationship and if it is important to each of them So it won’t interfere with developing a relationship with the daughter,” she also said.

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California-based psychiatrist Dr. Carol Lieberman told Fox News Digital that acrobatic-agent-6532 stopping their annual tradition would be wrong — and could cost him his relationship with his girlfriend.

“You may not realize it now, but it father daughter time This is very important for her mental health and is what will keep your daughter away from ‘bad boys’ in the future,” said Lieberman, author of “Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them and How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets.”

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The Reddit user (not pictured) told Fox News Digital that his girlfriend won’t be joining him on his annual trip with his daughter. (iStock)

By taking his daughter on these trips, the father “wants to create a loving relationship by keeping her mother ‘alive’ during this time.”

And while Acrobatic-Agent-6532 is troubled by his girlfriend’s insistence on joining him on the trip, Lieberman said it should be viewed positively.

“It opens your eyes to your girlfriend’s true character,” Lieberman said.

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Reddit users largely agreed that it was perfectly fine for Acrobatic-Agent-6532 to take the annual trip with his daughter.

On the AITA subreddit, people can reply to posts and indicate that the poster is “NTA” (“Not the A–hole”), “YTA” (“You’re the A–hole”), “NAH” (“There are no A–holes here”) or “ESH” (“Everyone sucks here”).

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Reddit users overwhelmingly said the father was not wrong to want to spend time with his daughter on their annual trip. (iStock)

Users can “upvote” responses they consider useful and “downvote” those that are not.

“Your (girlfriend) is off her rocker,” Reddit user “keephopealive4you” said in the top-upvoted comment, directly addressing the father.

“She’s the only entitled and selfish person here! She’s already got the holidays off of you. This is a special time for you and your daughter… You (the girlfriend) need to step back.”

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“You are her only parent left and I’m sure she needs that as much or more than you,” said a user named “Friendlyly.”

The person further said that these visits will likely change in the future as the daughter grows up and moves out of the house.

couple having heated argument

One Reddit user said of the drama, “Girlfriendship at its finest.” (iStock)

The same commenter said, “You should take this as an alarm bell for you (the girlfriend) and have some serious conversations with her.”

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