Reddit users tell a man to divorce his wife because ‘psychic’ interferes with his marriage

Reddit users tell a man to divorce his wife because ‘psychic’ interferes with his marriage

A Reddit user is divorcing his wife because his “psychic” friend falsely informed him that he was cheating.

“AITH for refusing to consider stopping our divorce after my ex-husband admitted he was ‘psychotic’ friend lied About an affair I had?” Reddit user “Successful-Top3827” asked in a post on Reddit’s “AITAH” subreddit on Friday, May 3.

“AITAH” means “Am I an a-hole here.”

It’s similar to the “Am I an A–hole” subreddit.

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successful-top3827 He said in the post met his wifeRona, in college, and she “obviously made the terrible assumption that the fact that she was in post-secondary education meant she had a modicum of common sense.”

The couple lived together for two years before getting married – and at their wedding, successful-top3827 met Anna, a friend of Rona’s, she wrote in her post.

division of wedding rings over the word "Divorce" and reddit logo

A Reddit user asked others to evaluate his behavior after he decided to divorce his wife and move on. The woman, he said, confided in a “psychic” friend who claimed her husband was having an affair – when that was not the case. Still she did not believe him. (iStock/Getty)

“But our wedding I met an old friend of hers, Anna. She offered to read my palms because she was partly Gypsy,” he said — which he found “weird,” he said.

“I work in construction and I know some people from that group and they call themselves Roma,” he said.

Successful-top3827 said, Ana is a tailor in New York City and doesn’t come often. He and his wife saw him only “maybe four times” during the past two years, most recently during Labor Day in 2023.

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He said, “And then it got weird. Suddenly the crying started behaving weird.”

“She starts checking up on me at work. Comes over when I’m working late. Asks to use my phone because hers is almost dead. That kind of thing.” ”

After all, Rona accused successful-top3827 having an affair – which he thought was a joke.

“It burns him like a Roman candle.”

“I laugh and say I’m not,” he said. “It sets him off like a Roman candle. Because Anna told him I’d laugh it off when crying brought out the truth.”

He revealed that successful-top3827 laughed because the concept of their affair was “ridiculous” due to his work schedule and the fact that he is with his wife most of the time when he is not at work, he said .

palm reader

A man on Reddit claimed his marriage fell apart after a “psychic” friend of his wife told him she was having an affair. (iStock)

He added, “And most importantly, I love my wife. I would never do anything to harm her.”

“And yet that mental seamstress gives more importance to Anna’s words than mine.”

Rona then asked successful-top3827 out, and she refused — because she had nowhere else to go, she wrote. Instead, the crying went in with her parents,

“My dad told me to shake my head, he only does that when I’m extremely stupid.”

He wrote to others, “They think he’s crazy too.”

successful-top3827 then “spent the next few months” trying to convince his wife that he was not having an affair.

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Rona’s family remained silent about the situation Until Christmas, That’s when they “intervened,” he explained in his post.

“They said my wife was sick break from reality And she was not coming out of it. My father made me shake my head, which he only does when I’m extremely stupid,” he said.

In January, successful-top3827 began divorce proceedings, he said. Three months later, in April, he wrote, “Rona called me to talk.”

man taking photo in car

The Reddit user’s wife only realized her “psychic” friend was wrong when a private investigator (not pictured) found no evidence of an affair. (iStock)

He said, “Turns out (she) and her parents had hired a private detective to figure out my affair. Six months and a huge bill later, no evidence of an affair.”

“Finally she trusts me and wants to come home.”

Having none of that, successful-top3827 told the woman his lease was up in July – and he was moving to Denver to be closer to his family.

He said, “She said she would come with me. I respectfully declined. I told her we weren’t right for each other.”

“The truth is, I don’t want my child to share DNA with this dingbat.”

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However, Rhona’s family is apparently upset that successful-top3827 is moving forward with the divorce.

“Her family has contacted me several times. Last time her father offered us 25% advance payment for the house if I agreed to marriage counseling instead of leaving,” he said.

“I politely declined. I cannot be bought.”

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In the nearly 2,400 comments so far on the Reddit post, almost everyone speaking out on the relationship drama agreed that the man was an “NTA” — and that she should move forward with a divorce. (iStock)

Meanwhile, “Rona is sad now, but I don’t see any way to trust her again,” the person wrote.

Successful-top3827 said, “She is so young that she can marry again and ruin another guy’s life.”

So – he asked the others – “Aitah?”

“I don’t want my child sharing DNA with this dingbat.”

Fox News Digital reached out to successful-top3827 and a relationship expert for comment.

On the AITAH subreddit, people can reply to posts and indicate that the poster is “NTA” (“Not the A–hole”), “YTA” (“You’re the A–hole”), “NAH” (“There are no A–holes here”) or “ESH” (“Everyone sucks here”).

Users can “upvote” comments they find useful, and “downvote” those they do not find useful.

In the nearly 2,400 comments on the post so far, almost everyone agreed that successful-top3827 was an “NTA” — and that she should move forward with the divorce.

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“Sure NTA. At least you found out before you had kids! I can only imagine what that relationship would have been like going forward. Every new magazine quiz or daytime talk show Will lead to a new charge,” Reddit user “rwj212” said in the top-upvoted comment.

Another top commenter said that successful-top3827’s marriage ended when Rona took the words of a mental patient to her own husband.

User “Fit_Reason7319” said in another top comment, “The fact that she then convinced her parents to hire a (private investigator) to get information about your infidelity is the biggest… The thing is.”

people are applying for divorce

The Reddit user filed for divorce in January. In April, his father-in-law offered to pay 25% of the down payment on a house if he would go to marriage counseling with his daughter and repair the relationship. He refused to do so. (iStock)

Fit_Reason7319 continued, “Who else will she blindly believe when her psychic friend has another vision? Run, don’t walk.”

Another user wrote, “Her friend’s accusation like this is insanely evil. If she wanted to show off her ‘psychic’ abilities, she could have made up many more things that could potentially ruin a person’s life.” Don’t waste it.” Said Reddit user “embarrassed-Source3551.”

But, the same commenter said, “That mental patient helped successful-top3827 dodge a big bullet by making him realize early in his marriage that his wife was potentially unstable”.

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The same person said, “Imagine if she had children with you and her friend got the mental impression that you were abusing children,” – also adding that successful-top3827 would have to go to jail. Could have done.

“Although your situation really sucks, at least now you’re free from someone who is so easily influenced,” said embarrassed-source3551.

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