Spinach vs. Kale: Which Is ‘Better’ for You? Nutritionists settle the big debate

Spinach vs. Kale: Which Is ‘Better’ for You?  Nutritionists settle the big debate

Spinach and kale are often pitted against each other in a field of friendly rivalry Nutritious food,

But is there a winner?

“Spinach and kale are both healthy and incredibly nutrient-dense dark leafy green vegetables,” says Stephanie McKercher, a registered dietitian and plant-based recipe developer in Denver, Colorado, at GratefulGrazer.com.

“While similar, there are some important differences in the nutrient composition of each,” McKercher said.

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Natalie Gillette, a New Jersey-based registered dietitian and owner of NatalieGilletNutrition.com, echoed that sentiment, noting that the two leafy greens have different healthy benefits, which “makes sense in giving both of these power foods a regular spot.” Deserve.” In your fridge.”

Expanding further on that, Romain Guerot, a registered dietitian, sports nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach Paris-based Foodvisor.io/en says kale is a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium.

“Spinach is a good source of iron, potassium, vitamins A, C and K, as well as folate and magnesium,” he said of its “competitor.”

Read on to learn the nutrition profiles of kale and spinach – and find out if one reigns supreme.

Nutritional Features of Kale

Kale is a fiber powerhouse. It is also rich in Vitamin C.

“Kale is higher in fiber and has more vitamin C than spinach,” McKercher said.

“Vitamin C works as an antioxidant. It helps immune system And helps with iron absorption.”

Kale vs Spinach Split

Which is healthier for you, spinach or kale? According to nutritionists, every green leaf has beneficial nutritional properties. (iStock)

In terms of other notable vitamins, kale and spinach are both rich sources of vitamin K, which is important, McKercher said. bone health and blood clotting.

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Gillett also chose kale for its vitamin A content, “which supports vision, the immune system and tissue health,” as well as the mineral potassium, involved in muscle contraction and helping maintain healthy blood pressure. .

bud cultivation

When you shop for kale or spinach at your local grocery store, stay away from brown or yellow leaves. According to experts, bright green leaves will indicate freshness. (iStock)

Gillett is also a fan of how rich in fiber kale is.

“One cup of cooked kale provides about five grams of fiber, which is about 20% of the daily recommended fiber,” she said.

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As for other factors that differentiate kale from spinach, Gillette points out that kale is a part of the cruciferous vegetable family.

“Cruciferous vegetables are notable for their high content of glucosinolates, which can Cancer prevention,” He said, pointing to research published on the website of the National Cancer Institute.

Kale in rustic basket

Cooked kale (raw kale is pictured here) contains about 1 mg of iron while cooked spinach contains about 3.6 mg of iron. (iStock)

Last but not least, kale is also a good source of antioxidants, “which can help protect the body from damage,” Guerot said.

Nutritional characteristics of spinach

Spinach is a much-appreciated vegetable for good reason.

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“Like kale, spinach contains impressive levels of vitamins K, C and calcium. While kale does contain folate, spinach has more than double the amount for the same serving size,” Gillett said.

He said folate supports cell division and helps prevent birth defects. during pregnancy.

“Compared to kale, spinach contains more iron, which is important for blood cells, energy and growth,” he said. He said that 100 grams of cooked spinach contains about 3.6 mg of iron, while the same amount of iron in it. Cooked kale contains about 1 mg of iron.

colander filled with spinach

Spinach can be eaten raw, cooked or mixed in smoothies. (iStock)

“Spinach provides a good amount of essential nutrients, including iron, vitamins A, K and folate,” Guerot said.

He said the iron found in spinach is “important in preventing anemia.”

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“Like kale, spinach is also high in fiber, which aids digestion and may help with weight management,” Gillett said.

So is kale or spinach the healthier choice?

Like other micronutrition debates, there is no clear winner in the battle between kale and spinach.

“Spinach and kale are both exceptionally healthy and provide unique benefits,” Gillette said. He said the choice between them largely depends on personal preferences Catering requirements.

Gardener harvesting in the organic allotment garden.

According to Guerot, kale is high in fiber, as well as vitamin K and vitamin C. (iStock)

Guerot stressed that both of these leafy vegetables contain a variety of nutrients that are essential for good health.

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“However, if you’re looking for a food that’s particularly high in fiber, vitamins K and C, kale is a better choice,” she said.

“If you’re looking for a food that’s particularly high in folate and a source of iron, vitamins A and E, spinach is a better choice.”

A bunch of bright green, raw spinach.

Products are distributed only in Eastern Canada and the US states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. (iStock)

Ultimately, according to Guerot, the best way to get the most nutrition from your diet is to eat one. different types of fruits And vegetables, including both spinach and kale.

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, the saying “eat the rainbow” is accurate.

“Eating a variety of vegetables gives your body the different nutrients it needs to thrive. Variety makes meals more interesting and keeps boredom away,” McKercher said.

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“Since spinach and kale are similar in nutrition, you can also choose the vegetable you enjoy more,” Guerot said.

Cooking with Kale and Spinach

In general, Gillette encouraged people to “experiment with both spinach and kale in their diets to enjoy their distinct flavors and health benefits.”

both spinach and kale can be eaten Raw, cooked, or juiced.

“They can be added to salads, soups, smoothies and stir-fries,” Guerot said.

Cutting Kale on a Cutting Board

Kale can be chopped and used as an add-on or base to salads. Kale can also be added to smoothies or made into juice with other fruits and vegetables for a nutritious breakfast. (iStock)

“When choosing spinach or kale, look for fresh, green leaves. Avoid yellow or brown leaves,” Guerot said.

He also said when buying fresh spinach or kale, know that the leafy vegetable can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

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That said, purchasing frozen spinach and kale is also a nutrient-dense and budget-friendly option.

You can keep frozen spinach or kale in the freezer for several months without worrying about it spoiling.

In terms of meal preparation, McKercher suggests cooking spinach or kale with a can of chickpeas and serving it with tahini sauce.

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Check out her recipes on her Instagram page: @gratefulgrazer.

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