‘Squatter hunter’ warns the worst intruders are those who have ‘nothing to lose’

‘Squatter hunter’ warns the worst intruders are those who have ‘nothing to lose’

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Former California handyman Flash Shelton is known for starting a new and distinguished career after helping his mother “evict” squatters from their home.

In an on-camera interview, he told Fox News Digital his story, how he got to where he is today — and offered his advice for others who may find themselves in this difficult situation. (Watch the video at the top of this article.)

In 2019, after Shelton’s father died, he had to attempt to evict squatters from his mother’s home in Northern California after she received reports that unwanted intruders had broken into the home.

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Shelton said he contacted law enforcement officials, who said that since the individuals had placed furniture in the home, it appeared someone had been living there, and they concluded it was a civil matter that authorities could not help with.

Shelton took it upon herself to learn how squatters managed to take over her mother’s home, and researched various loopholes for removing them.

Flash Shelton started the Squatter Hunters business when he had to remove intruders from his mother’s home in California. (Flash Shelton)

“I learned everything I could about squatters in a matter of days … I thought if I could establish title (to the home) to them and switch places with them and become their squatter, it would work,” Shelton told Fox News Digital.

He saw three cars parked his mother’s He said that when he entered the house he saw seven people going in and out of the house.

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Shelton got a lease from his mother to sign. Then he went over there. Home, and retrieved the property successfully.

“Just switching places with them, becoming their unauthorized occupant, locking them out, putting up cameras and telling them if they break in again I’ll prosecute them — (it) was enough,” Shelton said.

Flash Shelton

Flash Shelton, founder of Squatter Hunters, has found legal loopholes to reverse “squats” in locations where squatters have been living. (Flash Shelton)

After sharing his experience on social media, he said, went viral – Attracting the attention of other homeowners who may come forward to help deal with their illegal occupancy situation.

Shelton then dubbed himself the “Squatter Hunter.”

Shelton’s services are available nationwide via video conference and can be performed live if the situation requires it. trip to Houses where people live illegally.

“My DNA has always been about fighting bullies, and that’s what I’ve done all my life.”

He travels two to three weeks a month to contact squatters through his Squatters Hunters business.

He said his family is very supportive, although they are concerned about his personal safety.

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“They understand that that’s who I am. You know, my DNA has always been to fight badasses, and that’s what I’ve always done my whole life,” Shelton said. “And I had to live up to the name Flash.”

“They understand that I prepare. They understand that my work ethic makes sure that I’m safe and they’re safe … They support me and I’ll tell you what, I couldn’t have done this without their support,” he said. friends and family.”

Flash Shelton Poacher from California

Flash Shelton, 57, provides squatting hunting services across the country for those in need. (Flash Shelton)

He said he spends a lot of time preparing for each case and feels a tremendous amount of excitement when he’s on the scene.

He said he didn’t “take it personally. I go out there with a goal in mind and I will achieve it.” Return of property,

One of the cases she worked on involved a woman presenting herself as a caregiver for an elderly woman. Culver City, California They said he was climbing in and out of the window to stay inside the home.

Advice from the pros to protect your home from squatters

,That was the weirdest situation. Because she didn’t care. She didn’t care that I had barricaded her in, that she only had access to her bedroom,” he said.

“It had no bathroom. It had no electricity. no waterBut she didn’t care, because in her deranged, narcissistic mind, she was going to own the house when the 88-year-old woman died.”

Flash Shelton Poacher from California

Shelton said he notifies law enforcement before taking any action to catch illegal occupants. (Flash Shelton)

Shelton works with homeowners to get them to sign month-to-month leases, depending on the situation. He notifies law enforcement before trying to evict illegal occupants.

The laws relating to adverse possession, also known as squatters’ rights, vary from state to state.

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“The states that are pro-squatters – those squatters are just claiming tenants’ rights. So what we need to do is segregate it. And if someone enters a house illegally, no matter how long he has been living there, he should be segregated. a crime,

“I think the worst stories about squatting are when you have someone who has nothing to lose,” he added.

In New YorkBefore claiming ownership of a property, it is necessary to reside there unauthorisedly and openly for 10 years.

However, New York City has its own rules, according to the New York Consolidated Statutes, which allow people to claim the right to unauthorised occupancy even 30 days after the lease has expired.

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illegal occupants in california pay taxes A person who occupies a property for five years can obtain ownership of that property.

Shelton advises homeowners to be prepared in case they have concerns about potential squatters.

Flash Shelton Poacher from California

Shelton says laws should be enacted in all 50 states to make illegal possession a crime. (Flash Shelton)

“The best thing you can do is to be yourself The cameras that You can check from your phone anywhere in the world. Another thing would be a locking mailbox to make sure squatters can’t send mail to your house.”

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He said if you suspect an intruder has broken into your home you should call immediately. Law enforcement,

,The most important thing is that it’s property. Don’t risk your life trying to fight for property.”


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