Summer season is coming. A new interactive tool can help you

Summer season is coming.  A new interactive tool can help you

despite Cold temperatures throughout Southern CaliforniaSummer is just a few months away and a new interactive tool is available that will help you assess how impending high temperatures could affect your health and suggest steps to take to avoid heat-related illnesses.

due to this Climate change, Hot weather is lasting longer and happening more frequently, said Dr. Aaron Bernstein, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Centers for Environmental Health and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Talking about summer heat with “anyone who has been alive for more than a few decades” will typically elicit the response, “It’s hotter than I remember,” Bernstein said.

Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Union 2023 was said to be Earth’s hottest year on record, Temperatures remained above average for seven consecutive months.

High temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses, and if left untreated, can even lead to death. A Recent CDC report found that daily emergency department visits due to heat-related illness peaked in 2023 in many areas.

To help you prepare for future high temperatures, CDC and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service have collaborated to create an interactive online tool that will help you understand how hot your weather will be in your area. How can it affect your health and what can you do to protect yourself? Availability of the tool has been expanded to 48 US states

Understanding Heat and Health

heat threat There is an online dashboard that enables users to check the seven-day forecast according to their zip code. Instead of temperature degrees, the forecast uses a five-level color scale to indicate the health risk posed by heat, taking into account the role of heat exposure and moisture in the air.

The five colors are green (no risk), yellow (slight risk), orange (moderate risk), red (great risk) and magenta (extreme risk).

What separates the Heatrisk forecast from other heat-related indicators such as the National Weather Service thermistor prototype And heat index The point is that it combines all the temperature, air quality and humidity information from previous devices to provide users with actionable guidance to combat the health risks of rising temperatures.

This tool will help you answer the following questions:

  • Is it too hot to participate in an outdoor activity? An outdoor activity may include hiking, sporting events or running.
  • If I have a chronic medical condition, may I be more sensitive to heat?

According to the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, hot temperatures can lead to heatstroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, sunburn or heat rash.

People who are most at risk for heat-related illness include infants and children up to 4 years of age, people 65 and older, people who are overweight, and people who are sick or taking certain medications. CDC,

“For example heart disease, we know that many of the medications used to treat high blood pressure can also make people more sensitive to heat.” Bernstein said.

red indicator or higher

When the HeatRisk tool displays a particular risk for the rest of the day and week, it also shares actions users can take to protect their health.

As of Wednesday, the tool says there is no risk in Los Angeles, but a slight increase in temperatures on Saturday raises the risk to a “slight” level. Suggested actions are to stay hydrated and cool.

The goal of the tool is that users will either take precautions during hot days and, if necessary, work with their doctor to prepare for higher temperature days, Bernstein said, especially for people with medical conditions.

For example, someone with a chronic medical condition should take extra precautions during a heat wave such as staying in a room with air conditioning. If the person doesn’t have air conditioning, they should plan to stay in a cool indoor area, he said.

This tool is not just for vulnerable populations. Everyone should keep their heat risk in mind, especially when the indicator shows the risk is great (red) or extreme (magenta), said Kimberly McMahon, program manager for the National Weather Service’s public weather services.

This information can be used by city officials and community organizations to begin preparing to “hand out water bottles or potentially open up a cooling shelter,” McMahon said.

heat safety reminder

Most people plan for hazards and natural disaster events during the winter. McMahon advises people to plan for the heat as well.

That plan should include having adequate drinking water available and a cool place in the house or apartment building.

If a cool space at home isn’t possible, or the home doesn’t have air conditioning, McMahon and Bernstein suggest finding cool places that are open to the public, such as libraries, malls, and cooling centers.

During these hot days, make a plan for who to check in with and have someone check in on you. There are community members – family, friends or neighbors – who may be immobile or do not have access to transportation and need assistance.

In addition to staying cool and hydrated, people should also be aware of the early signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, Bernstein said, such as muscle cramps, heavy sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, weakness. And nausea.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has one Comprehensive list of heat related illnessesTheir specific symptoms and what to do if someone has symptoms.

Some? Other Tips To stay calm are:

  • Eat foods with high water content like watermelon and cucumbers, but limit or avoid sugar, alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
  • Wear loose, light-colored clothing and a hat for protection.
  • Keep your pets indoors if possible. If you have to keep them outside, make sure they have ample shade and water.
  • Taking a cold bath.
  • If possible, avoid using your stove, oven or other appliances that generate heat.

National agencies are gathering feedback on the new tool. Users can share their experience by filling this online survey,


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