The biggest losers in the Trump-Harris debate

The biggest losers in the Trump-Harris debate

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The biggest losers in the first (and possibly only) presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump ABC News hosted the face-off. Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis embarrassed themselves and their network by, among other things, fact-checking Trump in real time on more than one occasion — sometimes incorrectly — while allowing Harris to continue spreading falsehoods and distortions.

There was considerable controversy on social media early in the debate, with right-wing commentators in particular calling Tuesday night’s debate the worst and most one-sided in history.

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Some of the lies Harris could (and should) have fact-checked:

1. Talking about Project 2025 as if it were Trump’s manifesto, and saying he would pass a nationwide abortion ban

2. Resurfacing Trump’s Charlottesville comment — that there were “very fine people on both sides” — which has been debunked

3. Saying Trump has seen the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, caused by the pandemic

4. Donald Trump opposes IVF

5. Denying that Kamala Harris ever called for gun confiscation (there are videos of her doing so)

6. Saying that Trump’s tax cuts only helped the rich

7. And my particular complaint is that he and Biden “created” 800,000 manufacturing jobs, which is simply not true.

There were many others. Harris lied about her and Trump’s records and was not challenged on anything.

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Perhaps it was inevitable; Liberal media Now there is total panic, as Harris’s honeymoon appears to be over and Trump has caught up, and in some polls is ahead again.

Harris’s pathetic attempt to avoid committing to any policy during the campaign has failed; her refusal to do interviews and press conferences alone has left American voters in the dark. As a result, The debate was importantPeople want to know where she stands on the issues. Unfortunately, because she dodged most questions and did not elaborate on her proposed policies, people still know very little about her views.

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That should have been the moderator’s job, but they refused to do so. Instead, they allowed him to spout Biden-like nonsense. Once again, a staunchly partisan candidate is promising to unite the country. Do you remember that?

Moderator Harris asked at the outset. Were people better off under a Biden-Harris administration than under Trump, and rather than citing areas of progress (probably because there is no progress), he began describing his “opportunity economy.” This refers to his “plan,” which he has promoted often and which is apparently based on giving people money to buy homes, giving people money to start businesses, and giving people money to help raise children.

There was no word on how taxpayers would pay for all these “opportunities.” This is certainly very Biden-like — promising money to key voting groups like young people who have turned away from Democrats and small business owners, who have historically rallied behind Trump.

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Trump, on the other hand, failed to make his case. While Harris looked over-prepared and practiced, her demeanor and mannerisms were spot-on, Trump was clearly under-prepared. This is frustrating for his supporters, because they have the facts on their side. He did indeed build a strong economy, but it looked like Affected by CovidHe actually made the world more peaceful and negotiated important new alliances among Middle Eastern countries. He actually reduced Iran’s ability to wage proxy wars through sanctions and disrupted Russia’s energy dominance by canceling the NordStream 2 pipeline. And, he alerted the world to China’s nefarious intentions and rule-breaking; none of his predecessors had tried to rein in Beijing.

But instead of bragging about his successes, he kept sulking. And, he forgot to smile.

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Rather than patiently and methodically challenge Harris with evidence that his administration has helped the middle class more than hers, Trump reverted to his old rhetoric and once again claimed he actually won the 2020 election.

It was a mistake, and the liberal press undoubtedly jumped for joy. His comments will breathe new life into Biden and Harris’ warnings about Trump’s threat to democracy, an issue that has all but disappeared from political discourse in recent months.

He repeatedly accused Harris of failing to curb corruption. Illegal immigrationBut it failed to articulate the harm caused by the influx of migrants into our cities, the huge numbers of people dying from fentanyl because of our open border, or the 320,000 children lost to the White House. It was an easy target, and a missed opportunity.

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He took advantage of this temptation more than once. When Harris criticized his rallies, saying people got bored and left, he couldn’t resist arguing about crowd size…again.

Trump was able to say some good things, for example, that despite criticism over his tariff policy, the Biden-Harris White House has kept his fees in place. Import from ChinaBecause they were effective. He also harped on the jobs allegedly “created” by the current White House, calling them “bounce-back” jobs. He’s right.

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His most powerful moment of the evening was when he asked in his closing statement why he had not pursued his “opportunity economy” and his other plans over the past three and a half years? Why hadn’t he fixed the border or created more jobs?

This is the question the moderators should have asked.

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