The Democrats and the Media Have Been Exposed

The Democrats and the Media Have Been Exposed

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Consider yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. In dissent, Sotomayor expresses ridiculous concern about how far Trump will take this. She writes, “He will now be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders Navy SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political opponent? Immunity. Organizes a military coup to hold on to power? Immunity. Takes bribes in exchange for a pardon? Immunity. Immunity. Immunity.” But this is all nonsense and it’s scary. from a judge of the supreme courtSome intelligent Latina. She makes AOC look like FDR. Whatever she suggests, the president will face impeachment and then trial for it. But surprisingly, the media went along with it.

Joy Reid: Presumably, if he uses Seal Team Six to assassinate one of his political opponents, as long as he does it under the auspices of the presidency, let’s say, using the NSA to say, let me investigate Biden being a threat to national security, and then we’ll go ahead and assassinate him when he goes on a trip abroad. We’ll just go ahead and use drones to assassinate him, let’s say in a foreign country, and we’ll use Seal Team Six to capture him like they captured Bin Laden. As long as you use it, do it through the official machinery of the presidency, he can do that.

Rachel Maddow: As you rightly said, the hypotheticals during these arguments included things like, can the president assassinate his opponent? I think we should see the Supreme Court answer in the affirmative on this one. Yes, you can, with as much seriousness as it deserves. I mean, this is a death squad decision.

AOC threatens impeachment to Supreme Court over immunity ruling

I like that guy. Chris Hayes. Chris Hayes. Fortunately, she only works on Mondays and has six days to cool off. But liberals are once again relying on extreme fantasy. The president can Will Seal Team Six be used to take out critics? Well, if he uses it on The View, they’ll be called Meal Team Six. How will Trump beat Biden? Make him climb stairs? Will he poison Pelosi’s Botox? Replace Jerry Nadler’s Depends with suicide diapers? In a perfect act of karma, he could tie Mitt Romney to the roof of the presidential limo. Or, perhaps Trump could sue his political enemies on charges no one can explain. That would be novel, right? But this decision can easily be explained.

On the one hand, if The President has no immunity For official actions, we get a leader who is considering whether he will have to defend them in court someday. He would be more timid than Alec Baldwin’s assistant. But do we want a president who is immune from all indictments? That’s all it was – a guide on the limits of presidential power. But how can you expect a man with one foot in his mouth and the other in the grave to understand that.

Joe Biden: Today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. This is a fundamentally new doctrine, and it is a dangerous precedent, because the power of the office will no longer be limited by law, even by the United States Supreme Court.

Shut up. Nobody’s listening. You know, we’re just waiting to see that you don’t budge. Now, what this ruling really meant was that Trump can do whatever he wants when it applies to a sitting president. And I say sit down because standing is asking too much from Joe these days. Chewing is asking too much from him these days. It’s not like Biden or whoever is running the show won’t use these new powers. It’s the White House that brought in four trump criminal case, Also there is an unelected defense attorney who pursues Trump the way Ana Navarro pursues hot dog vendors on Sixth Avenue.

If Biden’s handlers thought they could bomb the RNC with drones, Biden’s teleprompter would say Ready, Aim, Fire, and Biden would say Ready, Aim, Fire, end of quote. But why does this happen every time? Supreme Court’s decision Or does every word Trump utters cause a public uproar, the kind you usually see in Jesse’s dressing room when he runs out of Aqua Net? Well, that’s what happens when you see everything through the lens of one man, when one human being becomes the embodiment of all the shortcomings and fears in your life. I swear I haven’t seen a man cause such a frenzy since I did my last book tour shirtless.

Democrat donors question Biden’s health and campaign stamina in private calls: report

So is this the end of the world? Well, if you are one of the media or supporters covering up for the country’s most iconic dementia patient, the answer is yes, it is. You have been exposed. Just like me, when I forget to wear pants under my chaps. So, once again, the left tries to distract us with that other story. The story about us not having a president. See here. Ignore that vegetableBut there’s a contradiction in this. First of all, if Trump is so bad, why do you have to make up these crimes? And if defeating Trump is so important to saving the world, why are you clowns running a glazed donut against him?

But you see, if they don’t make this story about Trump’s doom, we’ll be back to an incompetent Biden. So they return to the same absurd place– Trump’s insanity driven by hysteria, which highlights two problems. For Democrats, this hysteria is a drug to escape reality. Life sucks right now, but if I take more of this imaginary pill, it temporarily goes away.

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But instead, it gets worse because this apocalyptic filter doesn’t give any accurate predictions. And with time, people realize that your bullshit is just a hoax. That’s how you end up with one of the worst people The biggest political scandals in history Exposed. So what you’re seeing is the end of an era. An era where deception was the basis for power. Maybe now we can get back to normal, where governance is based on competence and not on some imaginary thing like Joe’s pulse.


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