The hidden dangers of your favourite tea and biscuit snack

The hidden dangers of your favourite tea and biscuit snack

This pair Tea and biscuits It has been one of the favourite daily habits of millions of people across the world. Be it morning or afternoon, dipping biscuits in tea is a pleasant habit for most people. The good thing about this pairing is that no one minds it, or at least it will be fun. But the sad part is that regular consumption can have unhealthy consequences. Tea and biscuits, especially with sugar and unhealthy fats, can be the root of many diseases in the long run. Here is everything you need to know about it.
Also read: Why you should stop eating biscuits now!
High sugar content in biscuits
Most biscuits, including most commercial ones, are loaded with refined sugar. When you eat these with tea, it causes a significant increase in sugar levels. blood sugar levelsIt also increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, contributes to weight gain and reduces energy levels in a person. A sharp rise in blood sugar is usually associated with a sharp drop afterwards, leaving you feeling tired and craving more sugar again shortly after.
empty calories
Biscuits are usually made from white flour and sugar and contain no nutritional value. These represent so-called ’empty calories’ that cause weight gain without any of the vitamins, minerals or fibres represented in the dietary chart. When served with tea and eaten habitually, these biscuits promote overeating due to the inability to fill your stomach or satiate hunger. Over time, this can mean undue weight gain and other associated health problems.

Trans Fats and bad oil
Most readymade biscuits contain trans fats and hydrogenated oils, which harm your heart health. Such fats increase the LDL levels of your blood while lowering the HDL levels; this can lead to several heart diseases and even stroke. Frequent consumption of biscuits containing these bad fats can lead to some serious heart problems, although consumed in small quantities.
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Acidity and digestive problems
Tea contains tannins, which increase stomach acidity. Drinking tea with carbohydrate-rich biscuits full of sugar and refined flour can make digestive problems such as acid reflux, bloating and indigestion even worse. Also, people who regularly eat such high-carbohydrate, sugary biscuits with their tea have an imbalance in their stomach acids, making digestion more difficult and causing aches and pains.
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Excessive consumption of tea can hinder the absorption of minerals such as iron and calcium. Tea contains tannins that can bind these minerals, and as a result, the body is not able to absorb them in sufficient quantities, leading to a deficiency over time. Drinking tea with sugar-laden biscuits can lead to unhealthy eating habits, including avoiding nutrient-rich foods.


Overeating without thinking
As with tea, eating biscuits automatically triggers a snacking response. Drinking tea is often associated with social events or relaxing, and on such occasions one tends to eat biscuits without paying attention to the number of biscuits. Since biscuits do not provide long-term satiation, it is easy to overeat biscuits with excess calories, sugar and unhealthy fats.
drop in blood sugar
Biscuits contain a lot of refined sugar and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body, causing blood sugar levels to spike. When this high wears off, it leads to a crash, leaving a person feeling tired, irritable and still craving more sugar. This pattern can manifest in cycles of unhealthy eating that make it challenging to stabilize your energy levels or maintain a balanced diet.
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Oral health problems
Biscuits are sticky and stick to the teeth, and when combined with the sugar present in the tea, it poses a risk of developing tooth decay and other dental problems. The sugar present in both tea and biscuits nourishes harmful bacteria lurking in the mouth, leading to plaque formation, cavities and gum diseases. Consumers of this module contribute to dental problems in the long run.
Healthier alternative to tea and biscuits
Though tea and biscuits is an age-old combination that reminds most people of the old days, here are some much healthier options to enjoy during your break time at office or other places…
Also read: Do you like to eat something with tea? So here are some foods that you should not eat with tea
nuts and seeds: To spice up your tea, there is no better option than adding some nuts and seeds, which are rich in healthy fats, fibre, and protein.
Fresh Fruit: Cut up fresh fruit like apples, bananas or berries to add natural sweetness along with nutrients but without the added sugar and unhealthy fats that come with biscuits.
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Whole grain crackers: Use whole-grain crackers in place of biscuits to supply fibre and sustained energy.
Homemade breakfast: If you love biscuits, make them at home. Make a healthier version at home, use whole grains, honey or ghee for natural sweetness, and use healthy fats from coconut oil.

While tea and biscuits are on the list of less harmful indulgences than all other delicacies, consuming them frequently will not do good for your health. They can cause fluctuations in blood sugar and problems with your digestive system when you consume them regularly. Instead, choose healthy snack options with your tea, such as fresh fruits or nuts, and enjoy your tea while maintaining better overall health.
(Image courtesy: Canva)


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